

Aug 17, 2020
Random edit number 2 to say: i see soo many goodbye/CTB threads set for today... if youre reading this and still stuck here like me today with this grief and sorrow and loss and stress, i hope you're able to sleep well if youre close to sleep, and if youre starting the day i hope it's an okay day for you. Take care of yourself today if you're stuck here. It's officially Monday here in the us and goodness what a hard day, huh? What a hard weekend we've just gotten over, going into another likely hard week... i hope you can at least have something nice today, i hope to those kf us still living starting this week and having to go through it all again thjs week, thdt we can find some small peace for even one moment

First of all pardon if I have any typos my phone keyboard has been acting very strange and dismissing the keyboard whenever i try to backspace so its just such a hassle to try to type with that and its just easier to leabe stuff than try to fix it.

Anyway in the past 2 months there's only been a couple nights where i HAVEN'T planned to CTB thst night, meaning every single night i plan to end it. And every time im just a combination of too depressed and not having enough energy to do it, and too weak and afraid to do it. Im constantly anxious and still constantly think about it all day every day from the instant i become conscious... im constantly suffering and in pain and full of feelings of dread and doom and misery. But i just cant actually work up the energy and nerve to do anything about it. Despite how badly i want to.

Tomorrow i am supposed to start a job and i just dont know. I have a solid hunch im going to get overwhelmed and have panic attacks within the first few days becayse i can barely take basic care of myself let alone be a functioning human in a crappy food service job but im praying maybe some miracle happens and i actually feel good about it and having to do something throughout the day helps lift my depression some. I dont know. Most likely ill still want to CTB but that was kinda the deadline id been wanting to do it before and in failing tonight i feel like ive missed my chance and now i feel so miserable and weak. I just hate feeling like this and knowing it isnt goingg to get better and knowing i cant do anything about it and knowing i have to suffer eternally

I just dunno im just venting. Id give anything to have some magic button to push that just makes my brain work , id equally give anything to have a magic button to push that just makes me quietly fade out of existence without the difficulty of having to actually kill myself. It's all fucked.

Random edit to add more venting. I wish i could afford ketamine treatment. Fuck, i wish i could find a way to get psychadelics, honestly maybe having a fucked up mind bending trip would shift something. Also im such a stupif ass doomer that i dont see any hope for humanity at large anyway so its just shfhhfdh why dk i have to fight to stay alive only to live in a miserable painful doomed world anyway
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Ren Elsie Jewelria

Ren Elsie Jewelria

I sneezed!
Aug 30, 2020
I am a coward when it comes to slitting my throat or jumping in front of speeding train, but feeling pretty confident and calm when I think of using SN.
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Aug 17, 2020
I am a coward when it comes to slitting my throat or jumping in front of speeding train, but feeling pretty confident and calm when I think of using SN.
I have SN too but I think my main roadblock is that i live with others and cant bear to bring harm and trauma and inconvenience to others by tainting their idea of home and their comfort and peace of mind at home by doing it here... so the effort and anxiety of having to do it either in my car or at a hotel messes me up so much. If i lived alone I probably would have impulsively gone through with it, or at leadt made a real effort, weeks ago.

I hope relief can come to either of us soon, either thru some feeling of "getting better" or the mental fortitude required to actually make the solid decision to go through with it :mmm: it's pretty ironic that trying to CTB out of distress is so hard. It feels very much like it can only reallt be achieved thru careful planning and a rational solid decision and /or having very solidly made up your mind.
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Ren Elsie Jewelria

Ren Elsie Jewelria

I sneezed!
Aug 30, 2020
Hi @softfuzzyman , I know it's difficult. Wise words from you.


Mar 31, 2020
It feels very much like it can only reallt be achieved thru careful planning and a rational solid decision and /or having very solidly made up your mind.

This is what I believe as well. You're not a coward for not being able to do it- we're designed to avoid death and suffering. You'll know when/if the time is right for you <3
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Aug 17, 2020
Update: i just never showed up for that job. Then i made the mistake of telling a couple family members about being suicidal and now im just desperately regretting not just doing it sunday night
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Let's Go
Sep 1, 2020
Me too..
Kind of scare but determine to try.
Deadline for me is today.
I pondering for quite sometime and is impatient about me hanging around with this thoughts.
Kindof draining my mind up.
Executing it should be easier than thinking of it daily.
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Aug 23, 2020
Then i made the mistake of telling a couple family members about being suicidal and now im just desperately regretting not just doing it sunday night
I'm sorry. Why do you regret it? Did they react badly?

i just never showed up for that job.
I understand. I was incredibly tempted just not to show up to the first day of my job too, if my friend didn't drag me there I'd probably just be a no show. I don't know whether it's a bad thing for you though. Do you need a job/money really badly?
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Aug 30, 2020
I feel like a coward when it comes to certain methods, other methods don't bother me. Just unobtainable as I have no knowledge of dark webs. I feel like I've tried numerous things to CTB but since I'm still here to type they did not work as intended.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
Just unobtainable as I have no knowledge of dark webs.

People seem to have trouble with PGP encryption and I've never even used bitcoin. I've personally only used Tor on it's own out of curiousity just to browse around. Maybe when my motivation returns I'll actually follow the step-by-step thread and see how far I get.
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Jun 6, 2020
We are 100% driven by a survival instinct. You aren't losing any face by listening to it. Take everything one step at a time
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Aug 31, 2020
Id give anything to have some magic button to push that just makes my brain work , id equally give anything to have a magic button to push that just makes me quietly fade out of existence without the difficulty of having to actually kill myself. It's all fucked.

Ooof, if that isn't the best way to sum up how I've felt for the past decade, I don't know what is.

As others have said, you're not a coward, it's just so tough to override that most basic function of animal survival. I'm sending love and hoping you're hurting a little bit less today. If it's any consolation, my vast experience with psychedelics hasn't left me with any long term will to live. Probably not much of a consolation, sorry. It is indeed all fucked.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
i have a lot of free time during the day in which i could comfortably attempt suicide without getting caught, got the ropes as well, but for some reason i didn't do it... too tired... for the past months i have my heartbreak and hopelessness and anxiety to plan suicide but as soon as i got the rope i stopped feeling anything, and that means no drive to attempt. no energy (and resources) to get help either. i'm stuck as well.
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Aug 21, 2019
I fear finding this out when I'm already at the point where there is absolutely no turning back. Adrenaline may tip the scales in my favor then but it's an unknown that I won't know until the time comes.
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Aug 30, 2020
i have a lot of free time during the day in which i could comfortably attempt suicide without getting caught, got the ropes as well, but for some reason i didn't do it... too tired... for the past months i have my heartbreak and hopelessness and anxiety to plan suicide but as soon as i got the rope i stopped feeling anything, and that means no drive to attempt. no energy (and resources) to get help either. i'm stuck as well.
I am so sorry to know that it's so bleak for you. I really know where you're coming from. Sorry I'm struggling for words....I can relate.
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