
Jun 30, 2019
every day is up and down. one day i will be alright, i will be talking of the future and actively preparing (packing for college, researching my school, reaching out to my roommates). i will be talking to my boyfriend about all that we can do together now and later. i will love my parents and enjoy spending time with them.

then suddenly, in a matter of hours to days, i will be on here researching all methods. writing my letters to everyone, nearly 6 pages- counting - each for 5 people, and a memoir recounting my story since i was 12 as a big document of explanation, at 100 pages and counting.
all that my boyfriend and i talked about would feel fake - because there isn't very good feasibility. because of my parents - who control every aspect of my life and refuse that they do by telling me "its my choice" but giving me ultimatums and passive aggressive threats. making me promise them to leave my partner if they wish that i do. making me promise that i will do everything they say because they know it is the best for me. calling me crazy when i show emotion, invalidating my suicide attempts, looking at me in disgust when i am in pain, crying, begging them to listen to me, then laughing at me and taking pictures and videos to humiliate me.
my boyfriend sounding distant and sick of all my drama, which he tells me is exhausting and gets too much. telling me my parents get too much in the way of us and that he doesn't understand why it keeps happening. that our relationship is basically in my hands. and i dont know how to fix it and i am too afraid to but he tells me how but i am scared

then somehow, my boyfriend tells me he loves me and we talk of the immediate future once again, where we can hold hands and spend time together. and i feel alright. my parents don't yell at me for that day and i feel alright.
but there is still an underlying anxiety telling me, it may be ok now, but what about later? you will feel suicidal again. you will go back to writing that shit again because never was there a time you stayed in that moment of being alright for longer than a few days. what about when your parents get in your way again? humiliate you? invalidate you? control you? guilt you? when you upset your boyfriend again? how about in the long term, how are you going to escape?

it's a cycle i can't escape.

in the end suicide has become my coping method. if things get too hard, there's a way out. it's okay if things get unbearably hard. you can get out. forever.
thinking of that, comforts me. like i'll take whatever life throws at me because, no matter what happens i have that choice.
some amount of control i never had in my life. it's comforting to know that MY life is in MY own hands.
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May 21, 2019
Have you been diagnosed as bi-polar yet, as I think you sound bi-polar.
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Jun 22, 2019
Have you been diagnosed as bi-polar yet, as I think you sound bi-polar.
you really think this sounds bipolar? Because I literally feel the exact same way as @explsionsinthesky and no one has ever diagnosed me with bipolar but i swear they're wrong .. it makes sense to me. Everything @explsionsinthesky wrote just now explains everything about me as well. I definitely know where they're coming from.
every day is up and down. one day i will be alright, i will be talking of the future and actively preparing (packing for college, researching my school, reaching out to my roommates). i will be talking to my boyfriend about all that we can do together now and later. i will love my parents and enjoy spending time with them.

then suddenly, in a matter of hours to days, i will be on here researching all methods. writing my letters to everyone, nearly 6 pages- counting - each for 5 people, and a memoir recounting my story since i was 12 as a big document of explanation, at 100 pages and counting.
all that my boyfriend and i talked about would feel fake - because there isn't very good feasibility. because of my parents - who control every aspect of my life and refuse that they do by telling me "its my choice" but giving me ultimatums and passive aggressive threats. making me promise them to leave my partner if they wish that i do. making me promise that i will do everything they say because they know it is the best for me. calling me crazy when i show emotion, invalidating my suicide attempts, looking at me in disgust when i am in pain, crying, begging them to listen to me, then laughing at me and taking pictures and videos to humiliate me.
my boyfriend sounding distant and sick of all my drama, which he tells me is exhausting and gets too much. telling me my parents get too much in the way of us and that he doesn't understand why it keeps happening. that our relationship is basically in my hands. and i dont know how to fix it and i am too afraid to but he tells me how but i am scared

then somehow, my boyfriend tells me he loves me and we talk of the immediate future once again, where we can hold hands and spend time together. and i feel alright. my parents don't yell at me for that day and i feel alright.
but there is still an underlying anxiety telling me, it may be ok now, but what about later? you will feel suicidal again. you will go back to writing that shit again because never was there a time you stayed in that moment of being alright for longer than a few days. what about when your parents get in your way again? humiliate you? invalidate you? control you? guilt you? when you upset your boyfriend again? how about in the long term, how are you going to escape?

it's a cycle i can't escape.

in the end suicide has become my coping method. if things get too hard, there's a way out. it's okay if things get unbearably hard. you can get out. forever.
thinking of that, comforts me. like i'll take whatever life throws at me because, no matter what happens i have that choice.
some amount of control i never had in my life. it's comforting to know that MY life is in MY own hands.
I relate so much to this and I know how bad it sucks. You get so much hope for your future and you live a couple of days feeling hopeful and happy .... then one day it's all ruined and you can't go a minute without thinking about suicide. So then you question everything and wonder what the hell you were thinking about the future, when deep down you knew all along there will never be a damn future because you feel like everything and everyone will be better off if you're just dead.
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May 21, 2019
I think it does sound bi-polar when you have waves of emotions of extreme highs to lows., with little to no middle ground. I have been diagnosed as bi-polar, my mood swings go from being on top of the world, interested in my work, over-reacting and being positive about everything to myself and others, to feeling at the very bottom, useless, not talking to people, and all those ideas and things I did when top are horrid, useless, and life is not worth thinking about now. With exercise I am starting to find the middle ground now which is nice, if it continues.
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Apr 30, 2019
you really think this sounds bipolar?

Doctors use the term bipolar to mean so many different things. Some people think of it as needing to have a mania phase (lack of sleep, racing thoughts, etc.). There is also another type which doesn't need that as strongly and is just about the ups and downs.


Mar 29, 2019
I feel similar. One day I am writing testament another day I am preparing for my new job. I hate these suicidal mood swings.


Jun 1, 2019
I am no expert on matters of mental health, but this sounds very much like its mostly due to environment. You are surrounded by negativity, your mood takes a dive. Things look up and become more positive, your mood lifts. You mood swings are down to the environment and the people in it. You are able to change your environment and the people in it. Its a cycle you can escape. I dumped both parents about 15 years ago, and my life changed for the better. I moved 35 yrs ago because I was on a one way ticket, my life changed for the better. So positive actions can have positive effects.

I am not saying your feelings are not valid or anything like that, its just a outsiders viewpoint looking in on what you write and hopefully giving you a slightly different take on it all. Just my opinion, thats all.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Yeah it's the same with me. Some days i am able to gather some motivation and i can look for the future with some excitment, and then on the following day i find myself desperatly wanting to end it once and for all.
A simple negative thought is enough to spark a suddon mood change.
I will never be able to overcome this mental instability.


Apr 22, 2019
every day is up and down. one day i will be alright, i will be talking of the future and actively preparing (packing for college, researching my school, reaching out to my roommates). i will be talking to my boyfriend about all that we can do together now and later. i will love my parents and enjoy spending time with them.

then suddenly, in a matter of hours to days, i will be on here researching all methods. writing my letters to everyone, nearly 6 pages- counting - each for 5 people, and a memoir recounting my story since i was 12 as a big document of explanation, at 100 pages and counting.
all that my boyfriend and i talked about would feel fake - because there isn't very good feasibility. because of my parents - who control every aspect of my life and refuse that they do by telling me "its my choice" but giving me ultimatums and passive aggressive threats. making me promise them to leave my partner if they wish that i do. making me promise that i will do everything they say because they know it is the best for me. calling me crazy when i show emotion, invalidating my suicide attempts, looking at me in disgust when i am in pain, crying, begging them to listen to me, then laughing at me and taking pictures and videos to humiliate me.
my boyfriend sounding distant and sick of all my drama, which he tells me is exhausting and gets too much. telling me my parents get too much in the way of us and that he doesn't understand why it keeps happening. that our relationship is basically in my hands. and i dont know how to fix it and i am too afraid to but he tells me how but i am scared

then somehow, my boyfriend tells me he loves me and we talk of the immediate future once again, where we can hold hands and spend time together. and i feel alright. my parents don't yell at me for that day and i feel alright.
but there is still an underlying anxiety telling me, it may be ok now, but what about later? you will feel suicidal again. you will go back to writing that shit again because never was there a time you stayed in that moment of being alright for longer than a few days. what about when your parents get in your way again? humiliate you? invalidate you? control you? guilt you? when you upset your boyfriend again? how about in the long term, how are you going to escape?

it's a cycle i can't escape.

in the end suicide has become my coping method. if things get too hard, there's a way out. it's okay if things get unbearably hard. you can get out. forever.
thinking of that, comforts me. like i'll take whatever life throws at me because, no matter what happens i have that choice.
some amount of control i never had in my life. it's comforting to know that MY life is in MY own hands.
I feel you so much!! Suicide comforts me too, I can face the day because I think "so what? It doesn't matter, I'm gonna kill myself" "i can kill myself any time and leave this world where nobody will find me or hurt me" "I always have a way out, i have SOME control, I'm here because I choose to be and I can leave at any moment"
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Jul 4, 2019
Honestly same. I don't know what I actually want because one day I'm planning my suicide and I can't wait to do it but the next I'm thinking about my future and looking forward to it. It's shit because I end up fucking up both things.


Jun 30, 2019
Honestly same. I don't know what I actually want because one day I'm planning my suicide and I can't wait to do it but the next I'm thinking about my future and looking forward to it. It's shit because I end up fucking up both things.
i get you. sometimes i just wish i stayed in one place so at least i can be consistent
I am no expert on matters of mental health, but this sounds very much like its mostly due to environment. You are surrounded by negativity, your mood takes a dive. Things look up and become more positive, your mood lifts. You mood swings are down to the environment and the people in it. You are able to change your environment and the people in it. Its a cycle you can escape. I dumped both parents about 15 years ago, and my life changed for the better. I moved 35 yrs ago because I was on a one way ticket, my life changed for the better. So positive actions can have positive effects.

I am not saying your feelings are not valid or anything like that, its just a outsiders viewpoint looking in on what you write and hopefully giving you a slightly different take on it all. Just my opinion, thats all.
i agree. i guess just for me it's hard to ditch the negativity around me, my circumstance feels impossible and tbh a part of me just makes me afraid to escape it. kind of like being afraid to leave your home, even if its not good to you, you still see it as home and feel like you can't just leave..both because it'll always be your home and because home holds on to you. (literally, for me)
I think it does sound bi-polar when you have waves of emotions of extreme highs to lows., with little to no middle ground. I have been diagnosed as bi-polar, my mood swings go from being on top of the world, interested in my work, over-reacting and being positive about everything to myself and others, to feeling at the very bottom, useless, not talking to people, and all those ideas and things I did when top are horrid, useless, and life is not worth thinking about now. With exercise I am starting to find the middle ground now which is nice, if it continues.
idk, ive never been properly diagnosed with anything. there's something about labels, especially in regards to mental health that pisses me off..feels like it ruins the subjective aspects of it. because we are all different and have different environmental/physiological/etc aspects that affect our mental health i think those disorders etc in the dsm5 aren't very accurate or humane. but still idk, i think you could be right. but i dont really care what i have at this point, if you get what i mean. its not like i'll ever get help
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I wanna fade away like I never was
Sep 15, 2018
I have MDD and i pretty much feel the same


Mar 6, 2019
I feel the same and my friend who committed suicide last year felt the same too. Neither of us are bipolar, we suffered from windows of waves of SSRI withdrawal and PSSD. The things OP describe sound like normal mood swings. Suicidal thoughts are transient by nature, that's one thing I know for sure being suicidal for over 2 years now and studying psychology.
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Aug 4, 2019
Wow... I feel you though, I go through these ups and downs too. One day I'll be cuddling my cat and spending time with my mom and thinking "I can get through one more year" and the next day my moms bf will be telling me how bad a daughter I am for causing so much drama and hurting my mom so much (talking about my suicide attempts) he says he doesn't believe in mental illness and that I'm faking it because I am a sociopath out to hurt my mom.
Sometimes I can be proud of myself for trying to live out the dream I used to have in terms of school and athletics but then I'll just switch to feeling like it would be better if I dropped out because I'm going to ctb anyway and I'm just wasting my moms money.
Sometimes I'll be sitting with my best and only friend and talking to her and she makes me feel like I can get through this for one more year. But then I'm alone again and thinking of blocking her and cutting her off since I'll only be hurting her soon anyway.
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