

Dec 22, 2021
TL;DR If the rest is too long, basically I'm good at nothing, nobody takes me even remotely seriously, and I'm basically just a complete joke all around. NOBODY respects it family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, etc...I just suck and have ZERO skill when it comes to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!!

By "comic relief character" I basically mean someone who is a complete joke who can't ever do anything right and isn't good at anything. Someone who is an easy target to pick on, who is the butt of everyone's jokes, and who constantly has bad things happen to them.

In a fictional universe, if you aren't aware, the "comic relief character" is basically almost always a useless character who doesn't actually do shit but is just there to make the audience laugh. The stuff they do to make the audience laugh though is often at their own expense.

You could argue that a "comic relief character" would be an amazing character in a comedy movie, but even in a comedy movie they have ANOTHER comic relief they have the main character who is funny and silly but who also has some depth and characterization to them besides just being a goofy person...then they have this side character or supporting character who is completely one-note and is basically just used for one single joke. Aka, a comic relief character inside a comic relief character...

And all of the above describes me...I'm basically got at NOTHING except for being laughed at and making a fool of myself...

Am I good at social interaction? FUCK NO! Am I good at math? FUCK NO! Am I got at history related stuff? FUCK NO! Am I good at geography? FUCK NO! Am I good at science stuff? FUCK NO! Am I good at reading books quickly and efficiently? FUCK NO! Am I good at writing? FUCK NO! Am I good at drawing? FUCK NO! Am I good at playing video games? FUCK NO! Am I good at singing? FUCK NO! Am I helpful to my parents? FUCK NO! Do I make people happy? FUCK NO! Can I play an instrument well? FUCK NO! Am I good at working out? FUCK NO! Can I cook? FUCK NO! Am I good at sports? FUCK NO! ...........................

..........................and it just goes on and on and on and on, till we've basically listed EVERY POSSIBLE SKILL OUT THERE IN EXISTENCE...the answer will still be FUCK NO no matter what...

It's not like I never TRIED either. A lot of those things I've been practicing for literal YEARS, a DECADE or MORE even, and still NEVER got good! Like for example...I'm 22 years old now, I've been practicing drawing since I was 5 and a half years old...which means I've been practicing drawing for 17 years, aka a decade plus 7 years, or a decade and a half, not that far off from TWO DECADES...AND MY DRAWINGS STILL SUCK. LITERALLY...COMPARE A DRAWING I MADE AT 5 YEARS OLD AND ONE I MADE TODAY, THEY ARE THE SAME LEVEL OF QUALITY. AND IT'S NOT JUST ME BEING HARSH ON MYSELF, EVERYONE I TALKED TO AGREED! FRIENDS! FAMILY! ACQUAINTANCES! EVEN STRANGERS! I EVEN ASKED THEM TO GUESS WHICH DRAWING I MADE AT 5 YEARS OLD, AND WHICH I MADE AT 22, AND THEY COULDN'T TELL THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE!!!

And when it comes to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING competitive, I always get LAST PLACE without fail EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Be it video games, or a drawing competition, or a singing competition, or a cooking competition, or whatever the fuck else...

Overall, I literally have NO CHOICE but to laugh it off, because NO ONE, and I mean NOBODY takes me seriously anyway. If I try to be something else than just pure comic relief I'll make myself look even more stupid and desperate, and I myself have tested this. So I am forever stuck in a one-note comic relief role.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Have you tried leveling up any of these things in a meaningful way? It often takes a fresh perspective and (professional) guidance to really improve the skills you mention. Practice by itself isn't enough, because there's a good chance you'll stagnate and do the same thing over and over.

Sometimes one of the problems with developing ourselves is that there's "too much" out there. Too many options, too many potential hobbies, interests, career paths, skillsets, etc. It can be overwhelming and lead to a lack of focus. When you try to be a jack of all trades, you invariably become master of none.

Most people who are truly great at something have a passion for that one particular thing and let other stuff fall by the wayside. They've devoted themselves to a single interest and try to peak in that specific area.

As for not being taken seriously, I think it's part and parcel of living at home and being young in general. Independence helps, as does aging, and adopting a more adult look along with an authoritative tone.

Good luck to you.
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Dec 22, 2021
Have you tried leveling up any of these things in a meaningful way? It often takes a fresh perspective and (professional) guidance to really improve the skills you mention. Practice by itself isn't enough, because there's a good chance you'll stagnate and do the same thing over and over.

Sometimes one of the problems with developing ourselves is that there's "too much" out there. Too many options, too many potential hobbies, interests, career paths, skillsets, etc. It can be overwhelming and lead to a lack of focus. When you try to be a jack of all trades, you invariably become master of none.

Most people who are truly great at something have a passion for that one particular thing and let other stuff fall by the wayside. They've devoted themselves to a single interest and try to peak in that specific area.

As for not being taken seriously, I think it's part and parcel of living at home and being young in general. Independence helps, as does aging, and adopting a more adult look along with an authoritative tone.

Good luck to you.
Hmmm..."meaningful"...I'm not sure I even know what that is, but in general I do seem to make the same mistakes over and over and never learn from them. Kind of reminds me of that Seinfeld quote "no hugging, no learning." That's in reference to the characters of the show forever remaining shitty people and never learning from the error of their ways. Lol.

But yeah..."too much" is definitely a major problem. All of the options can certainly be overwhelming. It's kind of scary to me, sometimes, honestly.

Hmmm..."one particular thing"...unfortunately I don't know what this is for me yet. I've never truly LOVED something more than anything else, hmmm...MAYBE writing if I was FORCED to choose SOMETHING, but still...maybe writing or singing, but definitely not anything else, lol.

As for the not being taken seriously part, the issue is that EVEN people my age and younger just don't take me's NOT just older people. Like even little children and teenagers have made fun of me in my current adult years. So basically, everyone makes fun of me. Younger, same age, or's just everyone. In general you are right, but it's not just older people.

But yeah, thanks for the good luck! Good luck to you too in whatever you choose to do!

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