

Nov 22, 2019
*TRD: Treatment-Resistant Depression

This shit is so fucking disgusting it's literally adhering to a cultist mindset.
"Oh, they don't like our beautiful way of life? Let's throw them in the dungeons (psych wards)"
Yeah, let's lock them up and see how much their mental health would improve by depriving them of their freedom and constantly reminding them that "there is hope" when reality says otherwise.
Let's also deprive them of access to a humane way to end their lives, and instead watch them kill themselves through the most gruesome methods possible to escape their suffering.
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Nov 7, 2019
Society is one of the reasons I want to ctb too. So sorry..
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Jan 29, 2020
It's funny because on the rare occasions my brain ends up secreting a few molecules of seratonin, I immediately start telling myself the same pro life rhetoric I hate.
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May 7, 2020
I was on a sub for my city the other day when someone posted a photo of a jumper. It's crazy the number of comments that stated that people like him should be put in psych wards for their own safety. They admitted being aware that there might not be a fix for the persons mental health problem, but even the person should be locked up for their own life to prevent them from ctb.
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Oct 3, 2019
It's funny because on the rare occasions my brain ends up secreting a few molecules of seratonin, I immediately start telling myself the same pro life rhetoric I hate.
Hope is killing me too...


I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Jan 7, 2020
It's funny how people look at the past and think "oh my god, mental health treatmemt back then was horrible", but are okay with automatically labeling suicidal people as mentally ill and locking them up.
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Oct 3, 2019
View attachment 35965
*TRD: Treatment-Resistant Depression

This shit is so fucking disgusting it's literally adhering to a cultist mindset.
"Oh, they don't like our beautiful way of life? Let's throw them in the dungeons (psych wards)"
Yeah, let's lock them up and see how much their mental health would improve by depriving them of their freedom and constantly reminding them that "there is hope" when reality says otherwise.
Let's also deprive them of access to a humane way to end their lives, and instead watch them kill themselves through the most gruesome methods possible to escape their suffering.
It's a draconian and bigoted way to govern society.

"Punish all who refuse to conform to our myopic views about life"
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May 16, 2020
It's sadism
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May 18, 2020
View attachment 35965
*TRD: Treatment-Resistant Depression

This shit is so fucking disgusting it's literally adhering to a cultist mindset.
"Oh, they don't like our beautiful way of life? Let's throw them in the dungeons (psych wards)"
Yeah, let's lock them up and see how much their mental health would improve by depriving them of their freedom and constantly reminding them that "there is hope" when reality says otherwise.
Let's also deprive them of access to a humane way to end their lives, and instead watch them kill themselves through the most gruesome methods possible to escape their suffering.
this is what's wrong with the system. locking someone away isn't right if they're not a harm to others. leave the suicidal people to make their own choices.
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Nov 7, 2019
I think prolifer think we all have the same lives as them. They dont know and never will know our experiences what we have been through. Before I was suicidal I used to think as a prolifer when I heard in the news that someone took their lives I thought "Oh poor guy" "he shouldnt have done that" "life is beautiful". When Chester killed himself I heard someone saying "Why did he do that? He was famous, he had money, a family". Now that I'm pro choice me perspective totally changed. When I see that someone took their life I respect that. It's ok to decide on our lives. Don't force yourself to live if you don't want.
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Nov 23, 2019
Well once I'm gone I won't have to deal with them anymore, nor will I have to deal with anyone else shit, nor will I have to deal with my body, and mind.
I think society will eventually grow up, and finally let people go as they please, I hope. It would be embarrassing if we go extinct before euthanasia becomes a right for all. I have a feeling extraterrestrials have already dealt with this matter better than humans.
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Feb 5, 2020
Where I'm currently living, Louisiana, they go so far as to say euthanasia is cruel and inhumane.

"All persons are entitled to a dignified death, but directly killing patients (euthanasia) or assisting in their suicide is an affront to human dignity, regardless of poor quality of life, pain, or survival expectancy."

Yeah, it's not cruel at all to force someone to live in misery.
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Mar 24, 2020
Wow, I really agree with what's being said on this thread. In TRUE morality, you're not supposed to force your will on somebody else's body. To prevent euthanasia is evil!
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Why the long face? Cause I don’t wanna live here.
May 19, 2020
People can't help but project their mindset onto others. It's a common disorder.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Where I'm currently living, Louisiana, they go so far as to say euthanasia is cruel and inhumane.

"All persons are entitled to a dignified death, but directly killing patients (euthanasia) or assisting in their suicide is an affront to human dignity, regardless of poor quality of life, pain, or survival expectancy."

Yeah, it's not cruel at all to force someone to live in misery.

So someone's lower extremities giving out and then shitting themselves uncontrollably on the floor is, by Louisiana standards, more dignified than assisted suicide or euthanasia.

I lived in the Deep South for well over a decade, and while Louisiana has its own special weirdness, that claim was just so quintessentially Southern, so Bible Belt fantastical.

And when you facetiously said it's not cruel at all to force someone to live in misery, it reminded me that Antebellum ideas of what is and is not cruel treatment are still alive and well. That same kind of mentality allowed people to keep and abuse slaves. Southern hospitality is a facade for some serious nasty treatment of other humans.

I can't believe I lived there for so long, I swore the first several years that I wouldn't past a decade. I didn't grow up there, and after I left and moved to the Pacific Northwest, I'd meet Southerners, and they'd assume because I'd lived down there that I was like them, so they would say the most ignorant and racist things to me.
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Feb 5, 2020
So someone's lower extremities giving out and then shitting themselves uncontrollably on the floor is, by Louisiana standards, more dignified than assisted suicide or euthanasia.

I lived in the Deep South for well over a decade, and while Louisiana has its own special weirdness, that claim was just so quintessentially Southern, so Bible Belt fantastical.

And when you facetiously said it's not cruel at all to force someone to live in misery, it reminded me that Antebellum ideas of what is and is not cruel treatment are still alive and well. That same kind of mentality allowed people to keep and abuse slaves. Southern hospitality is a facade for some serious nasty treatment of other humans.

I can't believe I lived there for so long, I swore the first several years that I wouldn't past a decade. I didn't grow up there, and after I left and moved to the Pacific Northwest, I'd meet Southerners, and they'd assume because I'd lived down there that I was like them, so they would say the most ignorant and racist things to me.

Exactly. It really gets me so worked up. I'm 33 now and have lived in the larger cities in the south for the past 13 years. I was raised in a very small town in the middle of the country in the 90's and early 2000s and it was exactly how you'd expect. When I was 18, I moved to Louisville for two years and then Nashville for 13. So in those areas, you're able to surround yourself with more like minded people. I was so rarely around any of these racist, Bible pushers that I would often forget just how conservative the south really is. I just moved to Louisiana a few months ago because I lost my home and this is where my dad is. I hate it here. It's embarrassing to me the image the south gives. I absolutely hate that I have to obey religious laws that I don't even believe in and they have no right to force onto me. It's mind boggling to me some of these laws that still exists.
And I know what you mean. People often think just because I'm a white girl from the south, that I'm going to have the same views and opinions as the stereotypical ignorant southern. So frustrating. Where I'm at in Louisiana, is much more "southern" than anywhere I've lived in the past 13 years and I forgot what this was really like, to be honest.
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May 23, 2019
Exactly. It really gets me so worked up. I'm 33 now and have lived in the larger cities in the south for the past 13 years. I was raised in a very small town in the middle of the country in the 90's and early 2000s and it was exactly how you'd expect. When I was 18, I moved to Louisville for two years and then Nashville for 13. So in those areas, you're able to surround yourself with more like minded people. I was so rarely around any of these racist, Bible pushers that I would often forget just how conservative the south really is. I just moved to Louisiana a few months ago because I lost my home and this is where my dad is. I hate it here. It's embarrassing to me the image the south gives. I absolutely hate that I have to obey religious laws that I don't even believe in and they have no right to force onto me. It's mind boggling to me some of these laws that still exists.
And I know what you mean. People often think just because I'm a white girl from the south, that I'm going to have the same views and opinions as the stereotypical ignorant southern. So frustrating. Where I'm at in Louisiana, is much more "southern" than anywhere I've lived in the past 13 years and I forgot what this was really like, to be honest.

I live in Louisiana too. Between the Catholics and the evangicals, there is very few places to feel safe.
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Nov 2, 2019
I live in Louisiana too. Between the Catholics and the evangicals, there is very few places to feel safe.
They don't call it the Bible Belt for nothing. Unfortunately, most people over there care more on how suicide is an insult to their religion rather than caring about the actual person thinking about it.
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May 18, 2020
It's quite ironic how modern society preaches and brags all about "freedom of speech" and whatnot yet they satanize every opinion they don't agree with, instead of just respecting everyone's opinion and point of view.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I'm also sick with it. We only want to free ourselves from these suffering, but people are like to prevent it even with drastic measures like locking people up. Why they don't think that will also increase the suffering we experience?
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May 13, 2020
It's funny how people look at the past and think "oh my god, mental health treatmemt back then was horrible", but are okay with automatically labeling suicidal people as mentally ill and locking them up.
In the future people will think so about today's mental health treatment as well.
Where I'm currently living, Louisiana, they go so far as to say euthanasia is cruel and inhumane.

"All persons are entitled to a dignified death, but directly killing patients (euthanasia) or assisting in their suicide is an affront to human dignity, regardless of poor quality of life, pain, or survival expectancy."

Yeah, it's not cruel at all to force someone to live in misery.
They do not really care about yourself, they only want to project their views on you. What they really want to say is, that it is an "affront" to their own believes.
In TRUE morality, you're not supposed to force your will on somebody else's body. To prevent euthanasia is evil!
It's quite ironic how modern society preaches and brags all about "freedom of speech" and whatnot yet they satanize every opinion they don't agree with, instead of just respecting everyone's opinion and point of view.
Exactly my thoughts.
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May 27, 2020
Not to mention that some individuals in the pro-life movement that oppose euthanasia are the same ones that are against universal healthcare, strong social safety nets and pretty much anything that puts their taxes into helping others. That's a "pro-life" mindset that doesn't actually care about life.

They say euthanasia is an affront to human dignity, but don't support programmes that can help people live dignified lives, and alleviate pain and stress which can contribute to people taking their own life.

Having said that though this is only based on my personal experiences - it's not a fact and could be an unfair generalisation.
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Dec 28, 2019
Healthy, happy, carefree people writing legislation about euthanasia is like men writing legislation about abortion.

They just don't get it. They cannot get it. They never will.

Unless you stood there with the knife in your hand, or with the noose around your neck, please understand you lack something essential - the ability to view suicide from the perspective of someone whose suffering is so unbearable that they are ready to do the hardest thing humanly possible: kill themselves.
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