

Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
I've seen too many comments now "don't do it you will loose your limbs" etc without thinking through / mentioning specific factors, positions or styles of train death.
This I consider as hating, fear mongering and trolling, is super unhelpful for people who have no other option and are dealing with SI!
Outside of the this SS bubble train is a frequently used method that works nine times out of ten.
I read somewhere about 96% chance of death depending on a variety of factors.

So please, if you personally don't want to catch the train for what ever reason don't make it more difficult for others.. it's not cool or smart.
Personally I don't like the SN method but I don't go round every SN thread trolling that you will have brain damage etc if it fails!
Let everyone choose there own method and don't be trolling / hating on it, fucking sucks!
Instead try help figure out how any method can be more effective.

However, I am open to constructive criticism of this method as long as its rational and reasonable because there are people who are genuinely concerned and they should be granted the benefit of the doubt and that they are not just hating because its an easy to hate on method.
And not just, "think about lasting damage", something that could happen with any method.
While the train crowd is not looking for reasons not to do it, but rather are looking for styles, strategies and positions that would help increase success and minimize failure!

We are all in the same boat here so lets not divide over methods!
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I understand. We don't have the right to judge your chosen method.

Still, people like to compare methods and that's why they consider something "not gore" like SN or hanging is a better choice but who cares? You're the one who decides how to CTB.

I wish you the best with whatever method you pick! No matter how, at least you'll find peace =)
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Forsaken One
Nov 5, 2019
I believe the train method is discouraged for a lot of people is due to the train driver and possible onlookers at the scene.
Yes it can be gruesome and gory but many methods can.

It is up to you entirely to choose if you want to live your life and how you plan to live it or if you want to end your life and how you plan to end it.

I also think people may discourage methods because they want the best option for each other which can be safe, painless & reliable. The train method can be debated whether it's safe, painless and reliable as with other options but I believe there are safer options.

This is just my ramblings but I wish you the best
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Feb 5, 2020
I do think the train method is a little inconsiderate, considering you could be traumatizing people for life and who knows what the domino effect of simply delayed traffic could cause. For all you know, someone not getting to where they need to be on time could destroy their life. I lost my job once because of a traffic jam. That's why I discourage it. That being said, I still get it and would never think less of someone for doing it. When my akathisia was severe, I totally would have done it myself if there were trains anywhere around me.. but I had to resort to partial hanging.. failed, obviously. If this is your preferred method, I respect that.
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Jul 19, 2020
I've seen too many comments now "don't do it you will loose your limbs" etc without thinking through / mentioning specific factors, positions or styles of train death.

I believe the train method is discouraged for a lot of people is due to the train driver and possible onlookers at the scene.
Yes it can be gruesome and gory but many methods can.
I concur. This is my big issue with the train method as well. While we as a community believe that everyone has the right to decide their own fate, we also tend to agree that we shouldn't do things that knowingly and willfully inflict lasting pain on others, particularly innocent bystanders. So many of us have been the victims of permanent emotional struggles that we don't really want this for others. The train method tends to inflict this on drivers (same with those who try to die by truck or car accident).

I realize that everyone is fighting their own struggles and not everyone has access to certain methods. When I lived in Toronto I certainly considered ctbing by subway several times. It may be the only viable option a person has, and I wouldn't want to take it away from them. I think it's important, though, that they know the consequence to others, and that they have to be okay with that.

Anyway, this is why it is so often strongly discouraged here. That being said, my visits to the site have been sparse recently, so perhaps there have been other arguments made that I have missed, but for me, really, the discouragement is rooted in the act's effect on other people.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
A couple have mentioned onlookers.
For my method I have selected a time in the evening where there are no people on the plaform.
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Jan 20, 2020
If one can pick a time an place where there is no onlookers, and if it's dark rural area the driver may not even see them, then I can't say much negative about the method. I don't think a lot of people go to the effort you have gone to in order to plan and logic out the method.

The risk of failure and damage isn't enough for me to discourage this method since hanging can go very wrong. It is however common that people find this method terrifying once they are there, and they feel bad about themselves when they are not able to force themselves to fight SI. Granted, SI is an issue in all methods, but jumping and train seem to have a higher occurrence since they are more active methods.

In the end it's each persons body and life, so to each their own.
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May 10, 2020
The availability of reliable methods helps. Those who are anti suicide do everything to ruin access to good suicide methods and a good death.

it says "Availability of method may be a factor contributing to the relatively high suicide rate of doctors." in the abstract of

Doctors who kill themselves: a study of the methods used for suicide​

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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
A couple have mentioned onlookers.
For my method I have selected a time in the evening where there are no people on the plaform.
what about the person running the train who will most likely feel responsible for your death?


Nov 4, 2019
Allow me to quote the abstract of a study with the title Railway suicide: the psychological effects on drivers:

People have jumped (or fallen) in front of trains on the London Underground system in increasing numbers throughout the twentieth century. During the past decade there have been about 100 such incidents each year, of which around 90 would involve the train driver witnessing his train strike the person on the track. Most are suicides or attempts at suicide. They represent major unexpected and violent events in the lives of the train drivers and it might be expected that some of them would respond by developing a post-traumatic stress reaction of the type identified by Horowitz (1976) or other adverse psychological reactions or both. The research reported in this paper was designed to characterize the range of responses of drivers to the experiences of killing or injuring members of the public during the course of their daily work. It was found that 16.3% of the drivers involved in incidents did develop post-traumatic stress disorder and that other diagnoses, e.g. depression and phobic states, were present in 39.5% of drivers when interviewed one month after the incident.

You may theoretically send a train driver to this place.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
Idk, jumping under train seems like a very frightenning way to go. Besides trainspotting (and trains in general) used to be my hobby and it feels a little bit awkward to be killed by something I like lol.
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Mar 15, 2020
As others have written, your preferred method causes lifelong trauma to anyone who may observe it. I hope you'll consider methods that don't have such an intense, lifelong impact on others. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate being forced to observe such violence and have to deal with the aftermath either.
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Apr 26, 2020
Conductors and drivers should definitely already be aware of the possibility too, right?

Still, someone may not realize how much something may effect them until after the fact.

I always worry about the shovel (cow pusher) things they like to put on the fronts of trains. It may disrupt a decapitation attempt? I don't know why the shovel on the front makes me worry about it for people when they talk about using this method.


May 10, 2020
it is far from a good method to die. In terms of the ends don't justify the means.

But suicidal individuals need to die. Our options are so ,limited because of the lack of care and compassion.
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Sep 10, 2018
My cousin died by being run over by a train. He was living in a house right next to a railway so it was probably a natural selection.

One time I was in a train when they suddenly announced that someone had been hit by a train. I instantly knew it was a suicide. Morbid curiosity took over me and I tried to see gory bits, but in the end I only saw police cars and ambulances, because I was sitting so far way from the windows. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the experience was cool, exciting and surreal. Scary too, but the very rare, positive kind of scary. For a few minutes, it made me feel like I was in a totally different world.

I once read an article in which they interviewed train riders. There are train drivers who have encountered zero suicide attempts, then there are those who have had six die. They also said that in Finland the first thing they do is suspect the train driver was an idiotic, evil drunk who wanted to kill the poor traincather and that hurts the drivers mentally (and is also stupid, because trains can only move on railways and you can hear and see them from a long distance, so pretty easy to avoid getting killed by one). And of course some train riders don't care that much and can continue to work and be okay even if they ran over someone.

My opinion is that it works. At least it worked with my cousin and that stranger. And the right to commit a suicide is one of the most important rights in my opinion. If by giving a train driver a little bit of trouble, you can get rid of a much bigger trouble, I think it's better to choose the less evil way.

I have thought about trains, but I don't have a car, I'm not going to ride a bicycle in winter nor walk a long way just to find a good spot. Even if I had a car, it would probably be a bad weather or too cold or it would take too long for a train to come and I'd change my mind, or I'd see the train come and jump away at the last second. Or some walker or berrypicker would see me. I prefer indoor methods.
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May 10, 2020
I do think people should be careful when they choose a method that they do not cause harm to anyone else.
The train method is going to harm the conductor probably so that's a good reason not to choose it.
in a way it is a clash between the interests of suicidal individuals versus the self interests of monsters that defines the criminalisation of assisted suicide. The selfishness and self interests of monsters defines the criminalisation of assisted suicide as well as other practices designed to deprive suicidal individuals of a death of our choosing. It is not in our interests to be deprived of a good death of our choosing because we'll keeping on feeling suicidal
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Nov 4, 2019
If by giving a train driver a little bit of trouble, you can get rid of a much bigger trouble, I think it's better to choose the less evil way.

Are you saying that PTSD and depression are "a little bit of trouble"? There are many members of this forum who would disagree with you.
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Mar 17, 2018
Heh! Well... that is true. This site has become an SN site. And personally, I find SN to be overrated being that it doesn't always work, due to variables... like vitamin c and other shit that makes the method complicated. And that's part of the reasons I mentioned the two banned sites such as 8chan /suicide/ and ASM as they was more diverse in methods and had years of information about such methods. That's the thing I miss about suicide forums, and the thing I openly encourage.

The only method I will discourage is the idea of paracetamol/asprin/ibuprofen overdose.

Regarding trains, I don't have much to say about it. I personally wouldn't consider choosing it as a method, not because I don't think it'd work, but because I just don't have the balls, which you do.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
I always worry about the shovel (cow pusher) things they like to put on the fronts of trains. It may disrupt a decapitation attempt? I don't know why the shovel on the front makes me worry about it for people when they talk about using this method.
That narrows it down to:

1. Collision with train facing to the back with the engine.
2. Simply throw yourself on the tracks and get mauled to death.
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May 10, 2020
My cousin died by being run over by a train. He was living in a house right next to a railway so it was probably a natural selection.

One time I was in a train when they suddenly announced that someone had been hit by a train. I instantly knew it was a suicide. Morbid curiosity took over me and I tried to see gory bits, but in the end I only saw police cars and ambulances, because I was sitting so far way from the windows. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the experience was cool, exciting and surreal. Scary too, but the very rare, positive kind of scary. For a few minutes, it made me feel like I was in a totally different world.

I once read an article in which they interviewed train riders. There are train drivers who have encountered zero suicide attempts, then there are those who have had six die. They also said that in Finland the first thing they do is suspect the train driver was an idiotic, evil drunk who wanted to kill the poor traincather and that hurts the drivers mentally (and is also stupid, because trains can only move on railways and you can hear and see them from a long distance, so pretty easy to avoid getting killed by one). And of course some train riders don't care that much and can continue to work and be okay even if they ran over someone.

My opinion is that it works. At least it worked with my cousin and that stranger. And the right to commit a suicide is one of the most important rights in my opinion. If by giving a train driver a little bit of trouble, you can get rid of a much bigger trouble, I think it's better to choose the less evil way.

I have thought about trains, but I don't have a car, I'm not going to ride a bicycle in winter nor walk a long way just to find a good spot. Even if I had a car, it would probably be a bad weather or too cold or it would take too long for a train to come and I'd change my mind, or I'd see the train come and jump away at the last second. Or some walker or berrypicker would see me. I prefer indoor methods.
you say some good things here. I'm not sure about the good in believing the ends justify the means because of how much i suffer against my will. I have tried to kill myself in the past by laying down on the road but in other times i have been so desperate to die but can't bring myself to jump in front of a car or train. It can't be any different because the self interests of monsters are served most. The self interests of monsters comes foremost. This is how justifying the ends achieved by any means has led to my hatred of the monsters who call themselves the human race.

i know we all can't be like Gandhi but he believed the ends do not justify the means so called for non violent protest and rebellion in India when it was owned by the British.
Heh! Well... that is true. This site has become an SN site. And personally, I find SN to be overrated being that it doesn't always work, due to variables... like vitamin c and other shit that makes the method complicated. And that's part of the reasons I mentioned the two banned sites such as 8chan /suicide/ and ASM as they was more diverse in methods and had years of information about such methods. That's the thing I miss about suicide forums, and the thing I openly encourage.

The only method I will discourage is the idea of paracetamol/asprin/ibuprofen overdose.

Regarding trains, I don't have much to say about it. I personally wouldn't consider choosing it as a method, not because I don't think it'd work, but because I just don't have the balls, which you do.
why do you not recommend these for overdose? Too painful? Looking at suicide methods poisoning is common. I tried drugs like quetiapine for overdose but failed. Same with paracetamol but I think they put me in a coma after i stupidly cried for help after a failed overdose. They really want to harm and torture me as much as possible so they won't kill me to stop them and that's totally evil.
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Just Breathe

New Member
Oct 12, 2020
I've seen too many comments now "don't do it you will loose your limbs" etc without thinking through / mentioning specific factors, positions or styles of train death.
This I consider as hating, fear mongering and trolling, is super unhelpful for people who have no other option and are dealing with SI!
Outside of the this SS bubble train is a frequently used method that works nine times out of ten.
I read somewhere about 96% chance of death depending on a variety of factors.

So please, if you personally don't want to catch the train for what ever reason don't make it more difficult for others.. it's not cool or smart.
Personally I don't like the SN method but I don't go round every SN thread trolling that you will have brain damage etc if it fails!
Let everyone choose there own method and don't be trolling / hating on it, fucking sucks!
Instead try help figure out how any method can be more effective.

However, I am open to constructive criticism of this method as long as its rational and reasonable because there are people who are genuinely concerned and they should be granted the benefit of the doubt and that they are not just hating because its an easy to hate on method.
And not just, "think about lasting damage", something that could happen with any method.
While the train crowd is not looking for reasons not to do it, but rather are looking for styles, strategies and positions that would help increase success and minimize failure!

We are all in the same boat here so lets not divide over methods!
A close family member is a railroad engineer, began as a conductor. In the first 5 years of service, he was involved in 9 suicides, and 3 (believed) accidental deaths. As a conductor, he was the person who had to walk down the tracks to find the bodies. As an engineer, he has to remain on the train at all times.
Yes, while interviewing for the position, he was told that if he accepted the job, and remained employed long enough, he would likely be involved in causing at least one death. He was actually involved on his first day of training. It has done damage to him, especially as the engineer. He said that some of the people seemed to be starting right into his eyes, and knowing that was the last thing they ever saw was extremely difficult. I've been present for several nightmares.
However, even knowing this, I did try to beat the train to a spot near my home once. It was impulsive, and if I hadn't slipped on the ice, I would have made it to the tracks in time. I also had no idea that it was him driving the train that day. Today, I'm glad I failed, but at the time, I just wanted to end my pain. I don't know if he would have ever healed from that... he would have felt absolutely responsible for killing a loved one.
Just throwing out words. He's still happily employed with the railroad, but I also know that he has been very haunted by the deaths.
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Goodnight and always remember that’s life
Nov 5, 2019
The train method has always been discouraged due to the fact it involves other people. I see others mentioning that the driver was okay but there were others who were very much psychologically scarred from life and quit their job. Personally I'd like to go quietly with nobody around and not cause any trouble.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I think another thread was deleted because of that
I understand if people have access to no method they think about that though
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I agree with others here and you as well with regards to not rail against methods, however, I will say that if there is a better way that is reliable, doesn't cause collateral damage (traumatizing onlookers, the driver or conductor, etc.), then I go for the other method. At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide which method is the most suitable for you.
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Sep 4, 2018
Quite frankly I not too bothered how one chooses to CTB, to each their own. I am however, bothered by methods that by their very nature will involve and traumatise bystanders, in this case the train/tram/bus/truck driver. Having seen the effect on someone who only injured me in a traffic accident, it's unconscionable to knowingly dragging someone into your death.
Finding a corpse is bad enough. Being involved in someone's death is life changing.
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Jul 15, 2020

Least amount of harm to others is a justified concern for some.
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Sep 10, 2018
you say some good things here. I'm not sure about the good in believing the ends justify the means because of how much i suffer against my will. I have tried to kill myself in the past by laying down on the road but in other times i have been so desperate to die but can't bring myself to jump in front of a car or train. It can't be any different because the self interests of monsters are served most. The self interests of monsters comes foremost. This is how justifying the ends achieved by any means has led to my hatred of the monsters who call themselves the human race.

i know we all can't be like Gandhi but he believed the ends do not justify the means so called for non violent protest and rebellion in India when it was owned by the British.

why do you not recommend these for overdose? Too painful? Looking at suicide methods poisoning is common. I tried drugs like quetiapine for overdose but failed. Same with paracetamol but I think they put me in a coma after i stupidly cried for help after a failed overdose. They really want to harm and torture me as much as possible so they won't kill me to stop them and that's totally evil.
Poisoning is one of the worst methods unfortunately. You may throw up the poison, you may get the dose wrong (I've read you need a surprisingly large amount of pills, otherwise someone might get poisoned accidentally and sue the pill makers), you may fall asleep instead of dying, most poisons work slowly and so you have lots of time to call for help or change your mind and take charcoal.

Is it good that the world is like this? That some people need trains to commit suicides? No. I'd rather there was a bottle of N (one of the only poisons that work well) that one could buy from a local drug store, drink anywhere they want at any time, and die a peaceful, painless, clean death which doesn't involve other people. But if trains are the only method available or left untried, then they are, and can be used.

Good night. I'mma sleep. Hope everyone has a good next day,
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Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
Only you can decide on the way you choose. No one else.
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Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Oct 20, 2020
If by giving a train driver a little bit of trouble, you can get rid of a much bigger trouble, I think it's better to choose the less evil way.

You can never be sure how the train driver will respond, whether it's within two days or two years. But people don't tend to forget stuff like this, and it may start to affect them in ways that don't seem connected to the trauma. You can never really get accustomed to something like this. You may turn blunted, but it never becomes the "normal".

It's not just the driver but the passengers too.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not getting off preaching, and I'm not trying to. I got drunk once and tried to get hit by cars. I just think that as long we can reason about our options we should try to minimize the impact of our choices.
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Jul 15, 2020
Poisoning is one of the worst methods unfortunately. You may throw up the poison, you may get the dose wrong (I've read you need a surprisingly large amount of pills, otherwise someone might get poisoned accidentally and sue the pill makers), you may fall asleep instead of dying, most poisons work slowly and so you have lots of time to call for help or change your mind and take charcoal.

Is it good that the world is like this? That some people need trains to commit suicides? No. I'd rather there was a bottle of N (one of the only poisons that work well) that one could buy from a local drug store, drink anywhere they want at any time, and die a peaceful, painless, clean death which doesn't involve other people. But if trains are the only method available or left untried, then they are, and can be used.

Good night. I'mma sleep. Hope everyone has a good next day,

I don't disagree with you about poisons but that doesn't mean violently traumatizing others is the only alternative. This isn't some binary problem here.

Good night. Have a good ptsd-free sleep unlike that poor engineer that just witnessed that suicide.

I hope you have a good next day. I don't know if that engineer ever will but that it seems to matter very little to some.

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