I feel like I need to clarify more what I mean when I've said initially in my thread post above that I'm a 'fraud':
Since English is not my first language (I'm a Chinese-Indonesian), I might have used the wrong word when I've said 'fraud', because when I actually googled the phrase yesterday, it actually said that being a 'fraud' basically already involves a certain amount level of success, which I am not, in reality. But I thought I've heard somewhere (or perhaps from watching a movie or something like that) that when someone said "I'm a fraud", generally-speaking, it usually would mean that the person is basically just a pathetic 'loser' who keep making excuses, or even faking everything, trying to be #metoo basically in almost *everything* that he/she could find any excuse, or basically the person just making up *anything* just to avoid any work, responsibility, hardship, challenge, etc2. So, I just don't understand how come or why even google search results actually indicated that being a 'fraud' actually already involves being a 'successful' person?? I thought it was *ANYTHING* but that! I've always thought that being a 'fraud' just simply means being a pathetic, sad loser, which I really am...
This is also where today's "mental health" problems, in my opinion, ironically becomes a complicated 'problem' & dilemma on its own. Because now there seems to be a lot of people who don't really know what's "mental health problems" really are, and so they keep 'self-diagnosing' themselves, and even making excuses, or made up stories or something basically to 'fake/pretend' having a 'mental health' problem/issue, where probably there is none. Nowadays, it even becomes much more difficult or harder to identify which one has a 'real' mental health problems/issues, & which one is not...
But, life is complicated. It has always been. Although yes, paradoxically (& absurdly), life is also simple, at the same time (even *depressingly* too simple, in my opinion personally, which is another topic for deeper discussions another time). Life is absurd. Which is again exactly why I've said in my initial OP's thread/post at the very above, that *ANYTHING* could happen in this life, even including any type of 'bad' things unthinkable or unimaginable. Most people in this world/life unfortunately are just too naive (or too scared/afraid) to always think only in "good things can happen!", but naively/ignorantly/stupidly in their 'toxic positivity' delusions never even want to think that actually, in reality, *BAD things* could potentially happen too, in their lives! You'll never know, we'll never know for sure! But, at least in my family, I've personally already experienced how unpredictable life is, & sadly, bad thing could really happen & even destroyed (or limiting) the happiness I've once had before when I was still young, naive, innocent, & had a relatively 'happy life' & quite 'privileged', comfortable life upbringing... so again, you'll never know for sure, because nobody knows about the future with 100% accuracy, because we're just only humans (flawed & limited), we're not gods...