

trying to hold on
Nov 14, 2022
Well, I'm taking a particularly long break from here (hopefully forever). I have my SN and anti-emetics should I ever need to use them.

This forum is toxic, and there is a fucking reason why so many of the mods have been active here for four/five years and haven't ctb yet: because they never intend to. RainAndSadness, FuneralCry, and all the rest of you are some of the most sociopathic fucking weirdos I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. Not think it's a little odd they repeatedly encourage death and yet never follow through themselves?

To everyone on here, please reach out. I did, they didn't section me, they just attempted to help me.

These people do not want to help you. They want you to die. There's a reason this is the only forum set up by the owners that isn't limited to solely men. Also, you not being able to find someone to fuck you is nobodies problem but your own, you're probably insufferable. It's quite astounding just how easily I was able to get access to ctb resources, and I hope infinitely more of the admin team do eventually get sentenced because you are, quite literally, responsible for the death of minors and adults alike. This forum has done nothing but make my mental health infinitely worse.

Throw down the ban-hammer now and call me a 'pro-lifer' because I know you're going to, solely because I believe explicitly encouraging and giving links to IC/EM to actively suicidal people is a fucking stupid idea.

Peace and love, please get out of here before it's too late (ESPECIALLY if you're transgender or a woman). These people do not care about you.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
It's not THAT bad here. RainAndSadness is cool. Admittedly, funeralCry does have fucking issues. But there are a lot of caring people here. Sociopaths are the minority, just a lot of suffering people. I agree it would be good if more was done to actually help people, but at least they're listened to here and appreciated. Sentences for people here is pushing it a bit far, but I agree more should be done to protect young and vulnerable people. Peer pressure from the likes of funeralCry don't fucking help. But he needs help, whether he realises it or not. Can't really blame him. He's just ill. I don't think anyone wants anyone to die though. You might literally be talking about 1 or 2 people out of thousands. What needs to change is the radicalised, culty, echochambery peer pressure against attempts to preserve life. It's the result of a bunch of ill people with problems with rationalisation getting together in a large group. But to many, this place is a safe space, a refuge, a sanctuary to basically feel better. So it's not all bad.

There are all kinds of people on the pro-choice spectrum here. Ranging from FuneralCry to you. It's a variety. Not particularly healthily balanced, but there are still some wise voices prepared to speak out.
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trying to hold on
Nov 14, 2022
At the very VERY least there needs to be some form of ID verification rather than a tick-box. This site is far too easy for minors to access.

Can't really blame him. He's just ill.

No, you can. I've done horrible things when in a mental crisis but it doesn't excuse my behaviour.

But to many, this place is a safe space, a refuge, a sanctuary to basically feel better. So it's not all bad.
Whenever I try and actually help anyone I get screamed at and called a pro-natalist it's cultish. If these fuckers are so anti-natalist why are they here and not six feet under? I appreciate the lack of judgement, but jesus, the majority of this forum is explicitly people asking for link DMs and step-by-step instructions with absolutely no age verification.
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A boring person.
Oct 27, 2021
I don't like to be toxic but this time has to be; @hrsprayqn, you're right, you don't need to kill yourself. It appears that you already are brain dead...

However, I wish you best of luck for your recovery process - seriously. If you can get better and enjoy your limited time on this planet, please keep going. And if you can't... well, that would be unfortunate.

I'll move this thread to Recovery and await your further responses.
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trying to hold on
Nov 14, 2022
I don't like to be toxic but this time has to be; @hrsprayqn, you're right, you don't need to kill yourself. It appears that you already are brain dead...

Good retort, many thanks.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
At the very VERY least there needs to be some form of ID verification rather than a tick-box. This site is far too easy for minors to access.

No, you can. I've done horrible things when in a mental crisis but it doesn't excuse my behaviour.

Whenever I try and actually help anyone I get screamed at and called a pro-natalist it's cultish. If these fuckers are so anti-natalist why are they here and not six feet under? I appreciate the lack of judgement, but jesus, the majority of this forum is explicitly people asking for link DMs and step-by-step instructions with absolutely no age verification.
Yeah the lack of age verification bothers me too. I'm glad you're speaking out, it's important for everybody to be heard
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
You're free to go. Nobody likes your presence so much, that they bind you here. Anyone who thinks the forum is toxic, can leave.
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Aug 28, 2022
First off, congrats on going for recovery and I wish you the very best on your journey. I'm glad that acquiring sn&ae's has given you some peace of mind.
So, how 'bout not shitting on others in the same spot? I get it there's a high trans&female userbase BUT if you look at western sui data that is the highest attempt subgroup, therefore it is reasonable to believe this user base reflects the demographics of overall suicidal ideation. I don't like that the representation is so high either, but I'm not going to singlehandedly change social dynamics nor would it be of any use to gatekeep communities and as you admit, comforting data to those people. Addressing another of your arguments, I didn't come here to make friends and pretty sure nobody else did either. We come because we are crushed by the burden of life as we know it, not begging people to care but knowing the general reality that most people DON'T care. If a hug and a good coffee chat fixed problems I sincerely doubt this place would exist. The reason we may form a friendship or two is because of common grounds, just like we would offline or on a different forum where most ppl don't give a shit yet you find a few good ones. Like it or not, sasu is a mirror of the flaws in our society and our failure to address them. Also, there are MANY ways to be an hero, rope, drugs, and let's not forget our favorite GUNS which are used far more commonly without visiting sasu for tips than any number of ctb's from here, and dwarfing the number of sn deaths. Which btw many find out about sn thru mainstream news and media which is precisely how I learned about it, not thru sasu, which just helped me to think things thru, get a little insight, and prolly will help me avoid brain damage should I choose to go that route. These things can be and are found with ease online or at brick n mortar stores without any direction from here. I know it's frustrating to move on, but please, let's focus on personal responsibility rather than a with hunt. And, you should know that this site isn't run by who you think it is, ironically it's someone you think should 'get out'. If it's so evil, get off kf and toss the sn imo >.< Anyways, despite disagreeing with 99% of what you said, I hope you have a successful recovery and great job closing out your account. Best wishes <3
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
Honestly. You guys are beyond dishonest, try using logical reasoning instead of thinking everyone is out to fuck whit you. Any minor here, should fuck off and not come back, no one ever wanted them here.
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Jan 17, 2023
Well, I'm taking a particularly long break from here (hopefully forever). I have my SN and anti-emetics should I ever need to use them.

This forum is toxic, and there is a fucking reason why so many of the mods have been active here for four/five years and haven't ctb yet: because they never intend to. RainAndSadness, FuneralCry, and all the rest of you are some of the most sociopathic fucking weirdos I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. Not think it's a little odd they repeatedly encourage death and yet never follow through themselves?

To everyone on here, please reach out. I did, they didn't section me, they just attempted to help me.

These people do not want to help you. They want you to die. There's a reason this is the only forum set up by the owners that isn't limited to solely men. Also, you not being able to find someone to fuck you is nobodies problem but your own, you're probably insufferable. It's quite astounding just how easily I was able to get access to ctb resources, and I hope infinitely more of the admin team do eventually get sentenced because you are, quite literally, responsible for the death of minors and adults alike. This forum has done nothing but make my mental health infinitely worse.

Throw down the ban-hammer now and call me a 'pro-lifer' because I know you're going to, solely because I believe explicitly encouraging and giving links to IC/EM to actively suicidal people is a fucking stupid idea.

Peace and love, please get out of here before it's too late (ESPECIALLY if you're transgender or a woman). These people do not care a
You couldn't be more misandristic if you tried. I bet you're fun at parties.
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жить грешно умереть смешно
Jan 21, 2023
I am new here and everyone seems nice so far but FuneralCry does creep me out a lot. I expected this forum to be a cold place, but for the most part, I have only seen people genuinely caring for each other, idk.
I am glad you are attempting to recover and wish you luck.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
As a femle mod

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♡ Your Average Bad Person ♡
Feb 24, 2023
Well, I'm glad you're planning on getting better. I hope all goes well for you, if you want to ever reach out and vent/ask for unqualified advice my dm's are open ♡
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Jul 29, 2021
everywhere on the internet is oppressive no such thing as free speech anymore you can't speak your mind here without being warned or banned its shame the internet is such a shit place, someone should build a decentralized forum free from censorship
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Good riddance.
Idk how you got accepted in the first place. You probably cried that you wanted to die, like the rest of us.
Then you found out about about SN, antiemetics, got what you wanted and now you can shit on this forum, right?
Ungrateful much? and judgmental. Who are you to question why FC and RainAndSadness didn't ctb yet? We all have our fears, reasons, things we hope for or wait for.
You got your SN, why didn't you drink it already? See -the shoe on the other foot?
Have a good life, and don't come back next time.
I am new here and everyone seems nice so far but FuneralCry does creep me out a lot. I expected this forum to be a cold place, but for the most part, I have only seen people genuinely caring for each other, idk.
I am glad you are attempting to recover and wish you luck.
It sounds like you are not familiar with depression. It can last for years, and it can really darken your outlook on life. Let alone it makes you want to ctb like crazy. And if you have fears of violent methods, you're pretty much like her. Nothing creepy here - just heartbreaking.

I share a lot of her views, but to a less extreme degree, there are things I appreciate about life, it's just the end of the road for me.
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жить грешно умереть смешно
Jan 21, 2023
Good riddance.
Idk how you got accepted in the first place. You probably cried that you wanted to die, like the rest of us.
Then you found out about about SN, antiemetics, got what you wanted and now you can shit on this forum, right?
Ungrateful much? and judgmental. Who are you to question why FC and RainAndSadness didn't ctb yet? We all have our fears, reasons, things we hope for or wait for.
You got your SN, why didn't you drink it already? See -the shoe on the other foot?
Have a good life, and don't come back next time.

It sounds like you are not familiar with depression. It can last for years, and it can really darken your outlook on life. Let alone it makes you want to ctb like crazy. And if you have fears of violent methods, you're pretty much like her. Nothing creepy here - just heartbreaking.

I share a lot of her views, but to a less extreme degree, there are things I appreciate about life, it's just the end of the road for me.
Still creepy. Regardless of FuneralCrys condition and the context behind them as a person, they are still very odd. I have been depressed all my life and still don't act like they do. They have every right to have a dark outlook on life but commenting on every post on here is still weird.
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a bleeding heart </3
Jan 24, 2023
wow shit i missed this. i had a few nice chats with @hrsprayqn so i was surprised to see them banned and then notice their post here. i think they raised some valid concerns, and it's real shitty that the discussion had to be so heated. more work definitely needs to be done in regard to age verification & ease of access for suicide resources to people who are, for the most part, unverified. i also do think there should be more of an emphasis on recovery and alternative solutions on this website, and it's really nasty that some of the people here try to enforce a different sort of narrative where pushing for help turns you into a "pro-lifer" and it's always unwelcome. which isn't to say that sometimes it's uncalled for... nobody wants to hear the cliche "it gets better". but definitely this place can be very unhealthy, especially since vulnerable people tend to be more suggestible. ultimately, i don't know if i'd call this forum toxic, but it definitely has issues.
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Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
About RainAndSadness, we need someone to help run the forum and things would get too chaotic if the admin spot kept changing hands. So I'm thankful that RainAndSadness is still sticking around even if they have plans to CTB in the near or distant future.

So really I don't think people should be throwing shade at RainAndSadness just because they're running a suicide forum and haven't CTB'd yet. Also I've never seen RainAndSadness encourage anyone to CTB so I don't think shade should be thrown on RainAndSadness for that either.

As much as age verification would be a nice thing to have to stop underage people from accessing sensitive and dangerous information, It's not really feasible. Unless if you force people to show some form of ID like driving license or passport, people can always lie about their age. Heck people could just forge or steal someone else's ID (both physically or just photoshop an existing image of an ID) so even that is not foolproof.
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It never was my fault
Feb 26, 2023
Let's not hate on anyone the one thing i love about this forum is everyone has different opinions and we should respect them rather than fighting and hating on each other the person made this post all the best to them i wish them a good life.
As for the points they made it was very generic saying that this forum is toxic this forum is not toxic it's how a particular person uses it that makes it toxic. I personally don't hang much in the sucide and ctb side of the forum mostly cuz i am new and i don't plan to i love the recovery section so much and i believe that this is the only recovery or positive mental health forum that has a good amount of active users all other forums are dead.
I believe this forum is like a book it's has every chapter from ctb to vent to recovery. And it's up to the user to decide which chapter they want to read and internalise. That's why the site also ask if you are mentally sane so you can make your own clear choices cuz at the end of the day we are responsible for our life .
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A Future Corpse
Feb 22, 2023
I understand what you mean. There are some people here who are a bit...yeah. I haven't seen anyone encouraging another person to CTB though. Admittedly, there are many people here who are simply suicidal and maybe some are psychopaths. I'm not too sure about the psychopath part. There are many people here, including me, who might think the world is a cruel place and so on but that is their opinion. RainAndSadness, FuneralCry and maybe some other people are expressing their opinion. I haven't seen them encouraging someone to kill themselves. But anyways, thanks for expressing your own opinion. It was really brave of you.
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Jul 23, 2022
i think they raised some valid concerns, and it's real shitty that the discussion had to be so heated. more
Unfortunately, OP didn't really invite discussion when he called us "sociopathic weirdos".
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This thread is absolutely vile and belongs nowhere near this site. It's a disgrace that this site facilitates the deranged ranting of trolls, and how threads like this don't get immediately deleted. It's sad how irresponsible moderators have neglected this site, I've got the impression that they almost find any kind of "drama" to be enjoyable and they thrive from it, not taking into account the fact that this is a site which is meant for suffering people to vent on. I don't care if trolls lie about me, or insult me just to fit their pathetic agenda, all that it does is increases my disgust at this world and the human species. I didn't want to say anything here as frankly, this drivel is not even worth commenting on but it's just disheartening to see that content like this is allowed on here.

If people see this site as being "concerning" then nobody is forcing them to come on here, maybe people should just learn to accept the fact that many people simply want to die and if others have a problem with that then they should just stay in the recovery section or maybe this site just isn't right for them. It's a pro choice website with the focus on respecting people's choices after all. Those who came on here and chose to end their own existence were not "encouraged" to do so, they chose to come on this site, nobody forced them to, they chose to plan out their method, nobody told them to do it, they came to that conclusion themselves and respecting someone's decision that they already made isn't "encouraging". I think that some people on here should honestly just grow up.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
As a femle mod

As a female mod who specifically stated she doesn't want to die

* Awks*

@FuneralCry , if you can do a better job, why the fuck didn't you offer any help?

Complaining from the sidelines, nicely behind your desk is easy.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
There are anti ss folk constantly stalking SS, waiting for posts like this to screenshot and use as 'ammunition'. It's really pathetic. If this post is deleted they will say that SS has something to hide :/. I wish it could be deleted because it's toxic.
Yes, but if it got deleted for not following the consensus here, then we would be no better than r/suicidewatch.
Freedom of speech is a thing. Let him say what he had to say, and gtfo here.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I think everyone should chill and go watch some Tucker Carlson.
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Jun 12, 2018
Well, I'm taking a particularly long break from here (hopefully forever). I have my SN and anti-emetics should I ever need to use them.

This forum is toxic, and there is a fucking reason why so many of the mods have been active here for four/five years and haven't ctb yet: because they never intend to. RainAndSadness, FuneralCry, and all the rest of you are some of the most sociopathic fucking weirdos I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. Not think it's a little odd they repeatedly encourage death and yet never follow through themselves?

To everyone on here, please reach out. I did, they didn't section me, they just attempted to help me.

These people do not want to help you. They want you to die. There's a reason this is the only forum set up by the owners that isn't limited to solely men. Also, you not being able to find someone to fuck you is nobodies problem but your own, you're probably insufferable. It's quite astounding just how easily I was able to get access to ctb resources, and I hope infinitely more of the admin team do eventually get sentenced because you are, quite literally, responsible for the death of minors and adults alike. This forum has done nothing but make my mental health infinitely worse.

Throw down the ban-hammer now and call me a 'pro-lifer' because I know you're going to, solely because I believe explicitly encouraging and giving links to IC/EM to actively suicidal people is a fucking stupid idea.

Peace and love, please get out of here before it's too late (ESPECIALLY if you're transgender or a woman). These people do not care about you.


You're not even worth the time I'd have to invest to debunk that nonsense. Clown.
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Nov 27, 2022
I believe if anything people should be more aware of what kind of forum they're joining. If you're looking to be pushed into recovery, this probably isn't the right forum for you. Maybe we can do better by spelling this out to people when they join, and link them to alternative forums that are more focused on preventing suicides. Perhaps a text on "this is how we're different from other suicide forums, this is what you can expect, this is what you shouldn't expect."

Regarding the minors issue, beyond telling them they're not allowed here, I feel that it is on their parents to filter their internet access. There's so much stuff online that minors shouldn't be exposed to.
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Jan 21, 2022
I remember that I once wrote a post here about how I was hesitant to die. Everyone, and I mean *everyone* on that thread told me how I was not ready to ctb yet, and that I should wait it out or seek other alternatives to my life. Ever since I registered in this forum, I've only met kind people who sympathized with me, and offered me support.
You claim that this forum is full of supposed sociopaths that encourage people to die. Your only proof of this claim is that they themselves have been active for years and still didn't take their own lives. Maybe if you used your brain for a second, and as someone who's supposedly suicidal, you would yourself realize that to ctb is a very difficult decision. In order to get through with it, you'd have to defeat your survival instincts, not to mention how you'd have to think of your family or your loved ones first. You have no right to discredit people's own feelings about something like this. It's funny really but your own argument is ironically the one that's encouraging suicide: "If you were suicidal you'd actually do it". Do you even think about the words you write?
Unfortunately, there will always be some trouble in an internet forum, it's true that some minors might seek it out, but this also happens in real life as much as it happens online. However, adults with full autonomy have every right to do whatever they want with their lives as long as they're not hurting others in the process.
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A clown 🤡
Jan 2, 2023
If you think they are so evil just throw away your SN, no one on this forum is forcing you to use it.

You grab what you were looking for and now you're throwing crap at the forum.
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Reactions: Deathisbetter and Source Energy

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