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Feb 23, 2019
Even if I could tolerate the pain, the void/nothingsness scares me shitless. I'm going to miss mom and dad :(
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i understand that. it scares me too sometimes :hug: :hug: :hug: :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
I had this samw conversation with someone and it really just boils down to fear of that we don't know. Being raised Catholic( atheist now) it's been ingrained to fear hell, and if its real then I'm definitely going to hell.
But I've made some peace with that because life on the street is much worse.
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Feb 23, 2019
I had this samw conversation with someone and it really just boils down to fear of that we don't know. Being raised Catholic( atheist now) it's been ingrained to fear hell, and if its real then I'm definitely going to hell.
But I've made some peace with that because life on the street is much worse.
What kind of god would punish someone in hell for ever, someone who's already been punished by life. That's bullshit. Can't be true. I'm talking about non existence. It's just as scary as hell.
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Mar 22, 2020
If our consciousness somehow keeps on living yeah, it might be scary.
But with no body and no brain, I think we shouldn't be scared of the void or eternal nothingness.
Why? Because it'll be just like the time before we were born; we'll have no idea.

Still, if there's any kind of afterlife, well, it could be scary but we'll never know. I prefer the "nothing happens" theory.
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Jan 9, 2021
It cant be scary because there probably isnt anything to experience, maybe if you believe in an afterlife yes.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I had this samw conversation with someone and it really just boils down to fear of that we don't know. Being raised Catholic( atheist now) it's been ingrained to fear hell, and if its real then I'm definitely going to hell.
But I've made some peace with that because life on the street is much worse.
i do find it interesting that people believe in heaven/hell/ect however will say "laid to rest" its not too restful if theyre actually awake so they kind of contradict themselves. the body might be laid to rest but 'they' arent.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
the void/nothingsness scares me shitless. I'm going to miss mom and dad :(
If there is no "you" there is no experience of fear or missing.

We can't imagine it because it is not an experience we can have. The closest we probably have is the experience of deepest, dreamless sleep = Where neither you nor any conscious experience happens.
Since consciousness was totally absent, and absolutely nothing existed, it was unconditionally serene... which was infinitely better than any experience that could ever happen in life/existence. - Ever Deeper Honestly

Why? Because it'll be just like the time before we were born...
Exactly what @WornOutLife said!

And did that "hurt" in any way? No.
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Sep 28, 2020
you are not going to miss them if you become void
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Nov 7, 2020
What do you think happens to people that ctb who have severe chronic pain and neurological damage from severe fibromyalgia and Lyme disease? Do you think they go to hell for committing suicide? It scares me so bad as I am in this position and I was raised Catholic. I break down and cry and pray to God every night. Everyday is just so darn hard. I hope I don't go to hell. It is just so intolerable to go through life every day after day with this kind of pain. Thanks for any feedback!
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  • Aww..
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Jan 3, 2021
I hope it's like eternal sleep. Without any emotions. Pure nothingness. Sounds way better than rotting in any hell or life itself.
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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
I wish I wasn't afraid of the unknown.
I do quite a bit to desensitize myself to death these days, but I'm not sure how well it is working.
I do find sites where you can view people's last moments interesting.
The main site I used to watch, it has now shut down.
It had it's own section for suicide.
But now it is gone.
There are certain subreddits and other websites, but they did not have such a big section, and knowing reddit, those subreddits are going to be shut down anyway.
I do like looking up the processes of death.
It is just that the fear of the unknown is so paralyzing, and I hate it.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Do you think they go to hell for committing suicide? It scares me so bad as I am in this position and I was raised Catholic. I break down and cry and pray to God every night.
What would it take to convince you that hell does not exist?

Imho, those who taught you about hell -- while perhaps sincere and trying to do their best -- were in error. In fact, this, here-and-now is as close to "hell" as one can get.

Here's quite an interesting article for your consideration @Johnjohn1...
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Apr 22, 2020
A friend once told me that if you don't believe in a particular religion's afterlife (I think this was specifically in the context of a conversation about going to hell) then you can't go there after you die. This friend is never wrong, so obviously this statement is 100% correct ;)

More seriously, I think this is why so many people want to die in their sleep without knowledge that they're dying. You go to sleep like normal, and just don't wake up afterwards. You have no awareness of the dying process so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Also, the idea of being punished or rewarded for ETERNITY for a single lifetime of events seems absurd. I also never understood the concept of heaven/whatever good ending you can get. If you still have all your traumas and negative feelings and such, then how is the place you went to a reward? If you've been "cured," then are you even yourself anymore? Maybe heaven is just a place where you can get really good therapy.
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Sep 28, 2020
If hell exists, God is the one who most deserved to be there for creating a world with such suffering
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Sep 12, 2020
What do you think happens to people that ctb who have severe chronic pain and neurological damage from severe fibromyalgia and Lyme disease? Do you think they go to hell for committing suicide? It scares me so bad as I am in this position and I was raised Catholic. I break down and cry and pray to God every night. Everyday is just so darn hard. I hope I don't go to hell. It is just so intolerable to go through life every day after day with this kind of pain. Thanks for any feedback!
i know what u mean. i have pain aswell. the uncertainty of manageing chronic pain and the future ahead with it terrifies me
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Sep 28, 2020
A friend once told me that if you don't believe in a particular religion's afterlife (I think this was specifically in the context of a conversation about going to hell) then you can't go there after you die. This friend is never wrong, so obviously this statement is 100% correct ;)

More seriously, I think this is why so many people want to die in their sleep without knowledge that they're dying. You go to sleep like normal, and just don't wake up afterwards. You have no awareness of the dying process so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Also, the idea of being punished or rewarded for ETERNITY for a single lifetime of events seems absurd. I also never understood the concept of heaven/whatever good ending you can get. If you still have all your traumas and negative feelings and such, then how is the place you went to a reward? If you've been "cured," then are you even yourself anymore? Maybe heaven is just a place where you can get really good therapy.

It makes no sense for anyone to be condemned for the way they took their existence. I think so, simply because existence was imposed on us, in a world that has always been corrupt, while our mind is flawed and easy to be manipulated by this world.

Free will is just a joke we use to be able to judge people, its nothing but an illusion. We are all victims of our own existence and we do not deserve to be punished for it in another life.
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Thank the gods for Death
Apr 23, 2020
What do you think happens to people that ctb who have severe chronic pain and neurological damage from severe fibromyalgia and Lyme disease? Do you think they go to hell for committing suicide? It scares me so bad as I am in this position and I was raised Catholic. I break down and cry and pray to God every night. Everyday is just so darn hard. I hope I don't go to hell. It is just so intolerable to go through life every day after day with this kind of pain. Thanks for any feedback!
What did you experience before you were conceived ?
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Dec 28, 2020
I'm not. I fear waking up another day more. And whatever god is the flavor of humanity at the time clearly doesn't exist either. I don't know what the point of this life was but I'm outta here.
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Thank the gods for Death
Apr 23, 2020
I wish I wasn't afraid of the unknown.
I do quite a bit to desensitize myself to death these days, but I'm not sure how well it is working.
I do find sites where you can view people's last moments interesting.
The main site I used to watch, it has now shut down.
It had it's own section for suicide.
But now it is gone.
There are certain subreddits and other websites, but they did not have such a big section, and knowing reddit, those subreddits are going to be shut down anyway.
I do like looking up the processes of death.
It is just that the fear of the unknown is so paralyzing, and I hate it.
Right here on this site I have been with those who drink SN or N and die before my eyes . Look for new posts that appear stating something like "I'm Drinking SN Now" Etc. . This site is an international 'hospice' of the best type. And as a scientist I know it would bring out the best in hominids if N was available as aspirin .
Even if I could tolerate the pain, the void/nothingsness scares me shitless. I'm going to miss mom and dad :(
Before conception what did you experience ? :o)
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Jan 20, 2020
It is hard for our brains to process the concept of nothingness since all of our processes are based on something. Think of it like when you go to sleep and don't remember your dreams. You almost time traveled to morning time. Also, if you've had surgery you have a large skip in time. Granted, these examples are still not like nothingness since your body and brain are still having experiences. These are just the closest we can get that our brain can fully understand.

You are your brain, and when you die that will no longer be a thing. You can't miss things, you can't be afraid, you can't regret, you can't think or feel. There is no you, and there is no reflection or processing. There are people in the world you've never met or heard of... can you feel what their consciousness is doing? Nope, because they are not you. Just like when you die you are not you any more than you are that random person you don't even know exists. There's different ways to teach your brain what nothingness is, but there is no need to fear what you will never feel. You are fearing it because you are you and you don't want to lose you. That is normal.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
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