
Aug 18, 2020
I live in Germany and the right-wing extreme party has huge support it is now the second strongest party in the country. Most voters say the refugees are the reason for that. Our chancellor Scholz started an anti-refugee campaign to prevent them from coming to Germany. He copies the rhetoric of the right-wingers I doubt that this will have success.

I have more issues with the rich not paying their fair share than with the refugees. Though also I noticed that there are limits and we have reached them. The capabilities and resources are limited and we are way beyond our capacities. We live in a democracy and most people say we have too many refugees we have to acknowledge that. Especially the lack of apartments is a main concern.

If I was a refugee I might would also aim for Germany. There is a discussion what makes Germany so attractive for refugees. It is not the "high" (it certainly is not high) welfare I read (not sure if that is true) it is a rather similar to the bandwagon effect. If you have relatives living in a certain country you also want to go there because they have knowledge, resources etc. And well Germany was popular in the past so it will likely keep being popular.

I think one of the key reaons is: Germany is economically well-off compared to many countries (not long anymore though). In Germany we need workers to integrate them into the job market. I think many people want to be part of that. But the German language is a very high barrier and the bureaucracy. Most people won't make it. The population is also not content about that.

I might would aim for Scandinavia though the right-wing populists are part of some governments and the environment seems sometimes not very welcome for refugees. In Germany they beg Scholz to copy the anti-refugee campaign from Denmark. Personally I also want that high qualified workers come more often to Germany. There are some opportunities which are ignored sadly.

If I was highly skilled, completely healthy, equipped with the necessary resources the US would be another attractive goal. For me the risk to fail would be too high I am very risk averse. The US system in general rather rewards people who go full risk (if they succeed - only then). I think I don't have that mentality. But if you want to become very rich and part of the elite in certain circumstances the US might be a good choice. The gun laws, the political climate would be for me too toxic though.

So where would you go?
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the thorn
Nov 18, 2023
i live in turkey and refugees are also pretty much included in our politics as well. i don't know about germany but there's literally no block or check for random people to come to the country from anywhere. erdogan received some money to let refugees come to the country at the past but now it's nothing compared to the expenses he made to this refugees :D he also works with the nationalist party and they're definitely not pleased with this situation but their leader still supports erdogan's party 🫥 i wonder if he (the nationalist party leader) has a porn cassette situation going on since it's really popular here...

i got kinda heated writing this but here's my opinion on your actual question 😭 when i was a kid i always wanted to live in Holland because it had always represented as the country where everyone is free with their actions but now i realized most of the countries i always wished to live in has drug problems and it's really scary considering i grew with people talking about drugs as they turn you into some satanic stuff. (i know it's okay in normal usage but if you have this trauma growing up only seeing people overdose on the media to make drugs look horrendous, it's hard to change it's image in your subconscious mind)
the answer is........ (a moment of silence before i think about it a bit more)

probably Germany because it really seems like a safe country and they deal with drug problems really well. Even though I see some turkish people who live in Germany act like they always deal with dangerous stuff (gangs, guns etc.) i don't really believe so


On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
, I will pick Germany since their public schools seems to be okay
Lol. This couldn't be more wrong. Our public schools are in a very desolate state and the gouverment refuses to do anything about it, let alone acknowledge the problem even exists.


Oct 11, 2023
Lol. This couldn't be more wrong. Our public schools are in a very desolate state and the gouverment refuses to do anything about it, let alone acknowledge the problem even exists.
As I said. That was my opinion. I picked Germany based on hear-sayings. Besides, @Rapière, do Germany have assisted suicide laws like Switzerland?


On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
As I said. That was my opinion. I picked Germany based on hear-sayings. Besides, @Rapière, do Germany have assisted suicide laws like Switzerland?
On paper, yes, but not in practice. Unlike in switzerland, there is no legal way of obtaining a nembutal injection in germsny.


Oct 11, 2023
On paper, yes, but not in practice. Unlike in switzerland, there is no legal way of obtaining a nembutal injection in germsny.
Thanks for your reply. I was curious about that.


the thorn
Nov 18, 2023
I used to live in Turkey.

There are a lot of Turkish people coming to this site which is very interesting.

Recently, a friend from Turkey killed herself by SN.

View attachment 123245

Even though I might live short, I will pick Germany since their public schools seems to be okay. *I have no info about their situation though

My list
Canada (I am not sure)

They are not facts, just opinions.
to be honest i'm not shocked that there is lots of Turkish users, this country is so much like a dystopia. also i hope she found peace in what she got to do by her own decision... i kinda wonder where got the SN tho it's hard to find it here


Oct 11, 2023
to be honest i'm not shocked that there is lots of Turkish users, this country is so much like a dystopia. also i hope she found peace in what she got to do by her own decision... i kinda wonder where got the SN tho it's hard to find it here
You can find on trendyol I guess. I don't know though.


the thorn
Nov 18, 2023
You can find on trendyol I guess. I don't know though.
omg i looked up for it and i actually did find it ;-; it's also pretty cheap Ekran Alnts


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Alis volat propriis
Feb 22, 2023
America, tax payers will pay for me and I can illegally work and vote.


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Pretty much any mainland Western European country (mainland, as in not UK or Ireland). Preferably someplace in Scandinavia.
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