

Oct 17, 2023
I know a lot of people here don't believe in the afterlife. Specifically these are the types of people I hope respond to this, however everyone is welcome.

If you met god after your death, is there anything he could do or say, to make all the suffering you experienced worthwhile and want to be on God's team. I don't personally believe in any specific diety, however I do believe in energy, and that it cannot be created or destroyed. I think for eternity as long as it has existed, we have been here in one form of energy or another and this is just the way we can conceptualize our earthly forms of energy.

What do you think, and what would it take to convince you of a God, could you even be convinced by God or otherwise? or do you think it simply cannot exist or even if it does that you are and always were getting sent to hell, I guess like your life was already predetermined and you were always going to hell?


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I'd slap the shit out of them. J/k, but I would want to have words with them about some things. This game he created is very imbalanced.

Is there anything he could say to make it all worthwhile? Hell no. I don't believe in them, anyway. They could even tell me I'm Jesus and I would disown them.
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Dead Horse

Dead Horse

Hopeless, but literally
Nov 14, 2018
I don't think there is some conscious being that has created everything, but if we were to find some kind of consciousness behind the universe's mysteries, I think it would not be the simplistic anthropomorphized one we have imagined.

If theoretically there was some old man looking over the world and letting us suffer even though he could help us, I'd want nothing to do with him nor would I listen to his "explanations".
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Oct 17, 2023
I don't think there is some conscious being that has created everything, but if we were to find some kind of consciousness behind the universe's mysteries, I think it would not be the simplistic anthropomorphized one we have imagined.

If theoretically there was some old man looking over the world and letting us suffer even though he could help us, I'd want nothing to do with him nor would I listen to his "explanations".

I don't think there is some conscious being that has created everything, but if we were to find some kind of consciousness behind the universe's mysteries, I think it would not be the simplistic anthropomorphized one we have imagined.

If theoretically there was some old man looking over the world and letting us suffer even though he could help us, I'd want nothing to do with him nor would I listen to his "explanations".
This is my point though, what if everything you know about "God" is wrong? Could your mind ever be changed to believing in such a thing. What if God can't help us and has limitations just as we do.
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weeb & neet ♡
Oct 8, 2023
this reminds me of a quote i read years ago that stuck with me.
"if there is a god, he will have to beg for my forgiveness." it was supposedly carved into a wall by a jewish prisoner at a concentration camp in ww2.

i'm not saying my suffering is anywhere near that terrible, of course. all living things suffer. but there's still nothing any god could do or say to make this all okay. the awful things i've been through are one thing, sure, but the things that so many people are also going through that are worse? i've heard so, so many stories of abuse, rape, murder, torture, etc. nothing could make any of this okay.

i don't really believe in a god and haven't since i was quite young, but if there is one then i hate them. i really, really hate whoever thought this was okay to do and then just abandoned us to our own devices like toys they got bored of. or they're sociopathic/psychopathic or sadistic, whatever, and just enjoy watching us all suffer like this.

there is no god, but if there was, i'd definitely like to kill them because they're doing an absolutely abhorrent job. imo they deserve no praise or worship.


Oct 17, 2023
this reminds me of a quote i read years ago that stuck with me.
"if there is a god, he will have to beg for my forgiveness." it was supposedly carved into a wall by a jewish prisoner at a concentration camp in ww2.

i'm not saying my suffering is anywhere near that terrible, of course. all living things suffer. but there's still nothing any god could do or say to make this all okay. the awful things i've been through are one thing, sure, but the things that so many people are also going through that are worse? i've heard so, so many stories of abuse, rape, murder, torture, etc. nothing could make any of this okay.

i don't really believe in a god and haven't since i was quite young, but if there is one then i hate them. i really, really hate whoever thought this was okay to do and then just abandoned us to our own devices like toys they got bored of. or they're sociopathic/psychopathic or sadistic, whatever, and just enjoy watching us all suffer like this.

there is no god, but if there was, i'd definitely like to kill them because they're doing an absolutely abhorrent job. imo they deserve no praise or worship.
Do you believe that if god has limitations and cannot interfere with our free will that you could be convinced to believe in a God? Or do you think no matter what, even if God has limitations that just making humans or any form of life on earth in general is an evil and immoral act by God?


weeb & neet ♡
Oct 8, 2023
Do you believe that if god has limitations and cannot interfere with our free will that you could be convinced to believe in a God? Or do you think no matter what, even if God has limitations that just making humans or any form of life on earth in general is an evil and immoral act by God?
i don't really believe there is a god at all. but if there is and they can't interfere with our "free will", then i think it's irresponsible of them to create life in the first place if they're just going to let us destroy and hurt each other.
i don't know if i'm the type of person who thinks life never should've existed in the first place, but definitely not like this, what it's currently devolved to. if this god has limitations, it's even more irresponsible of them to play with the lives of living creatures like toys. so if there is a god, i hate them, and nothing could change that. nothing excuses the things they've put us all through.


Oct 17, 2023
i don't really believe there is a god at all. but if there is and they can't interfere with our "free will", then i think it's irresponsible of them to create life in the first place if they're just going to let us destroy and hurt each other.
i don't know if i'm the type of person who thinks life never should've existed in the first place, but definitely not like this, what it's currently devolved to. if this god has limitations, it's even more irresponsible of them to play with the lives of living creatures like toys. so if there is a god, i hate them, and nothing could change that. nothing excuses the things they've put us all through.
Fair enough, if God was able to convince you that his actions were not evil, what would you like to think heaven would look like if you don't mind me asking, do you think that heaven would have no suffering if it exists? Or do you think suffering could exist in a place like heaven if it were real? I guess I am asking if you think suffering is a must to even conceptualize heaven. In my eyes suffering is a needed thing to even understand that a heaven could exist if it does, I don't think you could just exist in a perfect world without something like suffering, otherwise heaven would be just like earth where its our physical and biological urges that want better for us. but my issue is how can you make "perfect" better? Or do you think that Heaven while not probable to exist, that if it did exist you could have free will and still live in a perfect world that is constantly getting better?

In my eyes it's a predetermined place where everyone respects eachother enough to either be cordial or leave eachother alone. I think we will be able to explore the whole universe not just earth instantly, just think of your favorite place boom your there type thing. But I don't think we could ever come to understand what it truly means if we never experienced a life where people didn't respect these boundaries such as here on earth.


Nighty Night Princess
Sep 30, 2023
Not religious, I believe that dying is just nothing, forever. Though I wouldn't be thrilled to meet a "god" that allows for genocide, sexual assault, p3dophilia, war, injustice , and suffering. Gotta be one sadistic POS, what would make me turn? A god that doesn't allow fucked up shit to pass. There are many things in this world that, when removed, would increase the happiness of humanity.
I'm seeing "god can't control the will of its people" in the comments here. which still wouldn't change my mind.

Eliminate the ones who use their free will for horrific things.

"Heaven" should not be a thing. Doing good things out of fear/to not experience "eternal suffering" doesn't make someone a good person. People shouldn't kiss ass with the hopes that they'll be spared when the time comes for atoning for their sins. I've never liked religious people, thinking that they can just pray for forgiveness as an easy way to get out of all the shit they've done. I do however, hope that if there is some higher power, that those who have hurt others are met with an audience of deaf ears, and that their cries for mercy are ignored. Let the punishment fit the crime.
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In time I started growing inward.
Apr 10, 2023
If I met god, I would say "holy shit, you exist?!"
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Oct 17, 2023
Not religious, I believe that dying is just nothing, forever. Though I wouldn't be thrilled to meet a "god" that allows for genocide, sexual assault, p3dophilia, war, injustice , and suffering. Gotta be one sadistic POS, what would make me turn? A god that doesn't allow fucked up shit to pass. There are many things in this world that, when removed, would increase the happiness of humanity.
I'm seeing "god can't control the will of its people" in the comments here. which still wouldn't change my mind.

Eliminate the ones who use their free will for horrific things.

"Heaven" should not be a thing. Doing good things out of fear/to not experience "eternal suffering" doesn't make someone a good person. People shouldn't kiss ass with the hopes that they'll be spared when the time comes for atoning for their sins. I've never liked religious people, thinking that they can just pray for forgiveness as an easy way to get out of all the shit they've done. I do however, hope that if there is some higher power, that those who have hurt others are met with an audience of deaf ears, and that their cries for mercy are ignored. Let the punishment fit the crime.
I really like this awnser, you hit the nail on the head exactly how I feel too. Not too religious but don't think this world is particularly a good "testing ground for the human will" I guess. This place is probably worse than the descriptions of hell I've heard, and can make people who were once innocent do bad things, I know for one I feel like I was once innocent but turned evil somehow along the road but can't quite explain why. Although I try to be good now.l and think I've genuinely changed from my wrongdoings. Maybe I will post all the wrongdoings I'm willing to share one day.
Abandoned Character

Abandoned Character

Mar 24, 2023
I think I am closer to believing in God than not. I do think all religions converge on the same truth, the same simultaneously monotheistic and polytheistic diving being. I do not think there is anything to "experience" after death, as the equipment necessary to experience anything at all (the human brain) ceases to function. I will continue to exist though, in the form of entropic decay. A wiggly experience, if you will!


Oct 17, 2023
I think I am closer to believing in God than not. I do think all religions converge on the same truth, the same simultaneously monotheistic and polytheistic diving being. I do not think there is anything to "experience" after death, as the equipment necessary to experience anything at all (the human brain) ceases to function. I will continue to exist though, in the form of entropic decay. A wiggly experience, if you will!
I like to believe I also believe in a God aswell but I believe it's more of an energy type of thing than anything, I believe in karma and that everyone will get what they deserve bad or good, and because of how they act, do I think god is fair? probably not, but then again I haven't read a single greek or roman story of a "completely loving and caring" god, atleast not yet, even god's make mistakes in my eyes which is why I like to believe more in religions like christianity, because there is opposing viewpoints the trinity, aka spirit, and jesus son of God, who influence gods decision but that is final, but it is a scary thought that one diety could control your fate, which is why I don't like to stick to scripture. I like your awnser too though lol you seem to be the only believer that's responded.

I do have days where I doubt God though or "Karma" as I will call it, because of the simple fact that I do see clear injustices daily. I guess I just hope that in the end the injustices I have caused will be forgiven aswell so who am I to judge.


Hey, you. You're finally awake
Oct 10, 2023
So, the thing is. Depends on how I've died, what's God's actual vibe we're talking about and where I'm going.

Phase 1:
If I died quick, painles and mercifully (nuke, head run over by truck, shot in the head from behind with bazooka or sniper and such), I'd be in a good mood. Shocked, of course, but chill. It happens.

If it was torture or something bad, I'd be in a bad mood. Not cool dude.

Phase 2:
I'd would ponder with them: if you claim to be all knowing, powerful and everywhere, while claiming to be good, you're either a pussy or a sadist (See Rant 1.). But if you told me fuck it, you're all my minions and I was just playing sims, then I'd just be: okay, well, my life could have been worst, so... thanks?

Phase 3
The good place: hehe don't think so, but well. Nice! Score!

The bad place: oh, well. Since I have no idea of the tortures I'll be subjected to, this short bliss will have to suffice

If I am just a character in a simulation and I just get deleted: nice as well. Nonexitence.

I don't hold many grudges against imperfect gods. They do their thing, we're just worms or experiments.

Rant 1.

But if it's the Christian God then fuck him. Fuck him for allowing all this shit to go down. You cannot be serious when you say he's merciful and good when slavery happens till this day, when you allow a person to be tortured and raped because they are either/or a child, a woman or LGBTQ+, and the monster who did this just goes away with a warning or involuntary service to the community or whatever. When this shit is going down in the middle east all the fucking time. If you tell me that this happens because they are infidels or whatever the fuck you come up with fuck you too. The beginning of Christianity was supposed be inclusive to all. All were welcome.
If you tell me: oh, Gleysson, but we're put here to attone our sins. Tell me: which fucking sin did a 3 year old child commit to get bone cancer and live in absolute torture, so much so, that no painkillers can contain their pain? When we have, in the pediatric oncologigal section of the hospital, a room known as room of pain, where we basically put those children in comatose states so they don't suffer. And even more. Because of these fucked up twisted morales, we can't kill the child because euthanasia is against the plan of god. Fuck you man. Everyday I see people come in the hospital in such deplorable states that death would be the best treatment, but because of these fucked up morals, we have to keep them living like vegetables. There is absolutely no reason for a merciful God to create a disease such as Osteogenesis Imperfecta (look it up) or Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. It's just cruelty. Pure straight up cruelty.

End Rant 1.

So, dunno. Unless it's this one. I'd mostly be chill and if they're down, I'd like to chat a lot about everything. There is so much to learn. Their point of view, their will, their plans.

Hehe, thanks!


Oct 17, 2023
So, the thing is. Depends on how I've died, what's God's actual vibe we're talking about and where I'm going.

Phase 1:
If I died quick, painles and mercifully (nuke, head run over by truck, shot in the head from behind with bazooka or sniper and such), I'd be in a good mood. Shocked, of course, but chill. It happens.

If it was torture or something bad, I'd be in a bad mood. Not cool dude.

Phase 2:
I'd would ponder with them: if you claim to be all knowing, powerful and everywhere, while claiming to be good, you're either a pussy or a sadist (See Rant 1.). But if you told me fuck it, you're all my minions and I was just playing sims, then I'd just be: okay, well, my life could have been worst, so... thanks?

Phase 3
The good place: hehe don't think so, but well. Nice! Score!

The bad place: oh, well. Since I have no idea of the tortures I'll be subjected to, this short bliss will have to suffice

If I am just a character in a simulation and I just get deleted: nice as well. Nonexitence.

I don't hold many grudges against imperfect gods. They do their thing, we're just worms or experiments.

Rant 1.

But if it's the Christian God then fuck him. Fuck him for allowing all this shit to go down. You cannot be serious when you say he's merciful and good when slavery happens till this day, when you allow a person to be tortured and raped because they are either/or a child, a woman or LGBTQ+, and the monster who did this just goes away with a warning or involuntary service to the community or whatever. When this shit is going down in the middle east all the fucking time. If you tell me that this happens because they are infidels or whatever the fuck you come up with fuck you too. The beginning of Christianity was supposed be inclusive to all. All were welcome.
If you tell me: oh, Gleysson, but we're put here to attone our sins. Tell me: which fucking sin did a 3 year old child commit to get bone cancer and live in absolute torture, so much so, that no painkillers can contain their pain? When we have, in the pediatric oncologigal section of the hospital, a room known as room of pain, where we basically put those children in comatose states so they don't suffer. And even more. Because of these fucked up twisted morales, we can't kill the child because euthanasia is against the plan of god. Fuck you man. Everyday I see people come in the hospital in such deplorable states that death would be the best treatment, but because of these fucked up morals, we have to keep them living like vegetables. There is absolutely no reason for a merciful God to create a disease such as Osteogenesis Imperfecta (look it up) or Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. It's just cruelty. Pure straight up cruelty.

End Rant 1.

So, dunno. Unless it's this one. I'd mostly be chill and if they're down, I'd like to chat a lot about everything. There is so much to learn. Their point of view, their will, their plans.

Hehe, thanks!
I never even thought about the aspect of talking to God about my own death. I guess I always figured that I would have no memory of what happened to me if the afterlife is real. You have a very interesting perspective though. The only thing I can question is why such hatred for the Christian God? Is it the concept of the God itself you hate, or what most Christians describe the Christian God like? Because Christianity actually is the one I lean to the most besides Karma and energy, I just think personally humans have misguided the message which was meant to as you said, include all types of people and ultimately in my eyes be the highest form of love. There are lots of historical events in the Bible that can't be disproven and a lot of true events that we know took place, however like with all stories, there are plenty of different ways to tell them, and sometimes the story can be changed but have the same message, or just blatant lies or exaggerations. But I think that's inherently a human flaw that God wouldn't be able to interfere with without breaking our free will.


"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Any of them I guess, whichever one you believe in the most, if you don't believe in God I guess I'm asking what any of those God's would need to do to convince you to join them in heaven.
1. Gods don't exist (outside of fictional stories), but if any of them did, my answer would depend on the specific god/goddess.
2. Most of them reside in their respective mythological locations, not heaven.
3. It's "a god", not "God". A god is a type of mythological creature/species, not a personal name.


Hey, you. You're finally awake
Oct 10, 2023
I never even thought about the aspect of talking to God about my own death. I guess I always figured that I would have no memory of what happened to me if the afterlife is real. You have a very interesting perspective though. The only thing I can question is why such hatred for the Christian God? Is it the concept of the God itself you hate, or what most Christians describe the Christian God like? Because Christianity actually is the one I lean to the most besides Karma and energy, I just think personally humans have misguided the message which was meant to as you said, include all types of people and ultimately in my eyes be the highest form of love. There are lots of historical events in the Bible that can't be disproven and a lot of true events that we know took place, however like with all stories, there are plenty of different ways to tell them, and sometimes the story can be changed but have the same message, or just blatant lies or exaggerations. But I think that's inherently a human flaw that God wouldn't be able to interfere with without breaking our free will.
Hmmmm. Yeah. So... I kinda have to apologize for my rant. I'm usually a collected person, but I was ending my shift in the ER, just taking a rest because the night was pandemonium. Cancer patients with pains beyond medicine, a mother ran away with her child when we said she should be admitted (that was with another doctor), and the child was severely ill. A patient with a recent stroke that started to get worse was discharged by one of my colleagues (I took her back and admitted her). But anyways.

The idea of the Christian God in itself as an all knowing, all powerful being has no problem. As I said, a flawed God sits very okay with me. It's really more, as you said, the interpretation of humans and the claims that God is perfect and kind. Of course I'm in no way intelligent, studied or powerful enough to even begin to fathom the concept of Perfection in this God. But to claim he is good does not sit right with me. The amount of injustice and suffering that happens everyday to genuinely good people just breaks my heart. And to see so many evil beings do horrible crimes and get away. I don't buy the idea that this is where our judgment will come from. Our actions here. I don't see how a good being would enable all that's happened and still happens. To me it seems that, if he truly is all that's claimed, and if the bible is correct, and he interfered many times in the past. Then he just gave up on us. The rapture already happened and we're the sinners left behind. We're the ones not worthy. And I don't buy that. I see genuinely good souls here. And they suffer greatly. It's not fair.

That's why a flawed God or gods make more sense. The pantheon, Asgard, and the likes. They do what they want. If they want. When they want. And we're the consequences. We just get by.


Me, my whispers and a broken God
Oct 18, 2023
I want Him to take me into His arms and keep me safe and tell me that everything is okay now and take all the pain and the agony away. But at the same time I feel like I don't deserve it. I feel like I am a terrible perosn.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
When reference is made to God it is usually done from the most extended definition, which is the Christian, Jewish or Islamic God. It is a God from which everything that exists is built and which excessively conditions all current civilization, science and laws.
And it is so because the religions that idolize this God are based on free will, meaning that a person is responsible for the actions he does in life up to a certain limit (he cannot choose when the sun rises for example).

I don't believe in this, since I'm a determinist (opposed to free will) the gods of religions based on free will make no sense to me.

I don't know the other Gods, I mean specifically those of the deterministic religions, and I can't comment on their existence. But if I am so important as to be heard, once dead (well, it is clear that everything I do, write and say in life was not decided by me), and supposing that I had existence after death, and supposing that If I could address this kind of creature, I would simply ask if I can let it be and be destroyed.

In any case, I know very well that we live in a deterministic world and that the best-known God does not exist.. from here (a few days ago I was asked to prove it in opposition to free will, as if free will could demonstrate.. it wouldn't make any sense if the elements that make up this universe decided freely what they want to do, we wouldn't have a universe, it's out of the box) I always speculate about what might be behind it all, but it scares me to discover that in reality we are nothing and serve the purpose of another civilization, as if we were only data gathering tools).


Quan es fa referéncia a Déu normalment es fa desde la definició més estesa, que és el Déu cristià, jueu o islàmic. És un Déu a partir del qual es construeix tot el que existeix i que condiciona en excés tota la civilització, ciéncia i lleis actuals.
I és així perquè les religions que idolatren aquest Déu es basen en el lliure albir, volent dir això que una persona es responsable de les accions que fa en vida fins a un límit determinat (no pot triar quan surt el sol per exemple).

Jo no crec en això, com que sóc determinista (contrari al lliure albir) els déus de religions basades en el lliure albir no tenen cap sentit per mí.

No conec els altres Déus, em refereixo concretament als de les religions deterministes, i no puc opinar sobre la seva existéncia. Però si sóc tan important com per ser escoltat, un cop mort (doncs és evident que tot el que faig, escric i dic en vida no ho he decidit pas jo), i suposant que jo tingués existéncia després de la mort, i suposant que pogués dirigir-me a aquest tipus de criatura, simplement li demanaría si ho puc deixar estar i ser destruït.

En tot cas, sé de sobres que vivim en un món determinista y que el Déu més conegut no existeix.. a partir d'aquí (fa pocs dies em van demanar que ho demostrés en contraposició al lliure albir, como si el lliure albir se pogués demostrar.. no tindría cap sentit que els elements que conformen aquest univers decidissin lliurement que volen fer, no tindriem pas univers, és de calaix) sempre faig elucubracions sobre que pot haver darrera de tot plegat, pero em fa por descobrir que en realitat no sóm res de res i que servim al propósit d'una altre civilització, com si només fossim eines recopiladores de dades).


Oct 17, 2023
Hmmmm. Yeah. So... I kinda have to apologize for my rant. I'm usually a collected person, but I was ending my shift in the ER, just taking a rest because the night was pandemonium. Cancer patients with pains beyond medicine, a mother ran away with her child when we said she should be admitted (that was with another doctor), and the child was severely ill. A patient with a recent stroke that started to get worse was discharged by one of my colleagues (I took her back and admitted her). But anyways.

The idea of the Christian God in itself as an all knowing, all powerful being has no problem. As I said, a flawed God sits very okay with me. It's really more, as you said, the interpretation of humans and the claims that God is perfect and kind. Of course I'm in no way intelligent, studied or powerful enough to even begin to fathom the concept of Perfection in this God. But to claim he is good does not sit right with me. The amount of injustice and suffering that happens everyday to genuinely good people just breaks my heart. And to see so many evil beings do horrible crimes and get away. I don't buy the idea that this is where our judgment will come from. Our actions here. I don't see how a good being would enable all that's happened and still happens. To me it seems that, if he truly is all that's claimed, and if the bible is correct, and he interfered many times in the past. Then he just gave up on us. The rapture already happened and we're the sinners left behind. We're the ones not worthy. And I don't buy that. I see genuinely good souls here. And they suffer greatly. It's not fair.

That's why a flawed God or gods make more sense. The pantheon, Asgard, and the likes. They do what they want. If they want. When they want. And we're the consequences. We just get by.
Don't apologize, these were very well thought out, I love to hear responses like this, this is actually kinda therapy for me, alot of you guys have explained my thoughts even better than I can.
I want Him to take me into His arms and keep me safe and tell me that everything is okay now and take all the pain and the agony away. But at the same time I feel like I don't deserve it. I feel like I am a terrible perosn.
this is how I feel, sometimes I believe 100 percent, other times I doubt 100 percent.

When reference is made to God it is usually done from the most extended definition, which is the Christian, Jewish or Islamic God. It is a God from which everything that exists is built and which excessively conditions all current civilization, science and laws.
And it is so because the religions that idolize this God are based on free will, meaning that a person is responsible for the actions he does in life up to a certain limit (he cannot choose when the sun rises for example).

I don't believe in this, since I'm a determinist (opposed to free will) the gods of religions based on free will make no sense to me.

I don't know the other Gods, I mean specifically those of the deterministic religions, and I can't comment on their existence. But if I am so important as to be heard, once dead (well, it is clear that everything I do, write and say in life was not decided by me), and supposing that I had existence after death, and supposing that If I could address this kind of creature, I would simply ask if I can let it be and be destroyed.

In any case, I know very well that we live in a deterministic world and that the best-known God does not exist.. from here (a few days ago I was asked to prove it in opposition to free will, as if free will could demonstrate.. it wouldn't make any sense if the elements that make up this universe decided freely what they want to do, we wouldn't have a universe, it's out of the box) I always speculate about what might be behind it all, but it scares me to discover that in reality we are nothing and serve the purpose of another civilization, as if we were only data gathering tools).


Quan es fa referéncia a Déu normalment es fa desde la definició més estesa, que és el Déu cristià, jueu o islàmic. És un Déu a partir del qual es construeix tot el que existeix i que condiciona en excés tota la civilització, ciéncia i lleis actuals.
I és així perquè les religions que idolatren aquest Déu es basen en el lliure albir, volent dir això que una persona es responsable de les accions que fa en vida fins a un límit determinat (no pot triar quan surt el sol per exemple).

Jo no crec en això, com que sóc determinista (contrari al lliure albir) els déus de religions basades en el lliure albir no tenen cap sentit per mí.

No conec els altres Déus, em refereixo concretament als de les religions deterministes, i no puc opinar sobre la seva existéncia. Però si sóc tan important com per ser escoltat, un cop mort (doncs és evident que tot el que faig, escric i dic en vida no ho he decidit pas jo), i suposant que jo tingués existéncia després de la mort, i suposant que pogués dirigir-me a aquest tipus de criatura, simplement li demanaría si ho puc deixar estar i ser destruït.

En tot cas, sé de sobres que vivim en un món determinista y que el Déu més conegut no existeix.. a partir d'aquí (fa pocs dies em van demanar que ho demostrés en contraposició al lliure albir, como si el lliure albir se pogués demostrar.. no tindría cap sentit que els elements que conformen aquest univers decidissin lliurement que volen fer, no tindriem pas univers, és de calaix) sempre faig elucubracions sobre que pot haver darrera de tot plegat, pero em fa por descobrir que en realitat no sóm res de res i que servim al propósit d'una altre civilització, com si només fossim eines recopiladores de dades).
I like this awnser alot too even if I don't neccessarily agree, I like the debate of free will and everyone who disagrees with the notion.
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send N pls
Sep 27, 2023
One can only give such a generic answer to this...
If there was a god, depending by how they look I may freak out. But again, could I? Would I be able to freak out? Maybe I wouldn't even have eyes to see god.
Maybe I would just sense it? But how could I be sure it's god? Would I have a mouth to speak?
And what would be the setting? Clouds, universe? My bedroom? Where am I meeting this superior being? How big they are?
Are they big as planet? Are they a big old man with a long grey beard in the sky?
What are we even talking of in here?

If you met god after your death, is there anything he could do or say, to make all the suffering you experienced worthwhile and want to be on God's team.
Why? Why would he care in the first place? And why would I want to be on his side? What would he offer?
Maybe god is a villain who keep us trapped in an eternal cycle of life and death for his own pleasure.

you are and always were getting sent to hel
What is this hell? Where is it located? If I'm dead, who cares. There's nothing after death.
Besides, hell is probably what I'm experiencing now. My life is my personal hell.

I know a lot of people here don't believe in the afterlife. Specifically these are the types of people I hope respond to this

It's just such a random question filled with religious stereotypes that only a believer could answer. Because they will base their answer on what they already believe in their imagination.
For those who don't believe, like me, it could be anything really.
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Oct 17, 2023
One can only give such a generic answer to this...
If there was a god, depending by how they look I may freak out. But again, could I? Would I be able to freak out? Maybe I wouldn't even have eyes to see god.
Maybe I would just sense it? But how could I be sure it's god? Would I have a mouth to speak?
And what would be the setting? Clouds, universe? My bedroom? Where am I meeting this superior being? How big they are?
Are they big as planet? Are they a big old man with a long grey beard in the sky?
What are we even talking of in here?

Why? Why would he care in the first place? And why would I want to be on his side? What would he offer?
Maybe god is a villain who keep us trapped in an eternal cycle of life and death for his own pleasure.

What is this hell? Where is it located? If I'm dead, who cares. There's nothing after death.
Besides, hell is probably what I'm experiencing now. My life is my personal hell.

It's just such a random question filled with religious stereotypes that only a believer could answer. Because they will base their answer on what they already believe in their imagination.
For those who don't believe, like me, it could be anything really.
I disagree with the connotation that only a believer could awnser this, as you guys have clearly shown me you have thought about this topic alot and provided some detailed responses and awnsers I had not even thought of, I never thought about seeing god and what form it would take, I never thought about where hell is located, I never thought about the idea of him being the villain and trapping us here other than mythical stories like dantes inferno where the devil is often described as just being made by god to carry out the bad deeds, which sounds alot like what you describe to me, that if you think god does exist, he created horrible things like hell and the devil to satisfy himself. I actually think it's a very well thought response that obviously nobody can debunk, none of us have the awnsers thats why i'm looking for all types of different awnsers.
Kundalini Guy

Kundalini Guy

Mar 27, 2023
If am against God he will definitely send me to hell. I literally work with demons and such hahahah.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I know a lot of people here don't believe in the afterlife. Specifically these are the types of people I hope respond to this, however everyone is welcome.

If you met god after your death, is there anything he could do or say, to make all the suffering you experienced worthwhile and want to be on God's team. I don't personally believe in any specific diety, however I do believe in energy, and that it cannot be created or destroyed. I think for eternity as long as it has existed, we have been here in one form of energy or another and this is just the way we can conceptualize our earthly forms of energy.

What do you think, and what would it take to convince you of a God, could you even be convinced by God or otherwise? or do you think it simply cannot exist or even if it does that you are and always were getting sent to hell, I guess like your life was already predetermined and you were always going to hell?
If I died and met God I would basically say fuck you for making me neurodivergent and cursing me with Asperger's. You could've at least made my life easier by making me neurotypical. And giving me ADHD on top of that? It's like you want my life to be miserable and me to not be successful…
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Dec 15, 2021
I would like to introduce him to my friends Smith & Wesson
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I used to be blind, but now i see
Feb 22, 2023
I would like to have an intelligent adult conversation with him. I was the most God-fearing 8 year old in bible study, so why did it have to be this way?


Low consciousness
Aug 23, 2023
I would ask lots of questions: tons and tons of questions, most pertaining to things humans can't understand, like consciousness and free will. Here is a list of my top ones:

1. Can you prove that you really are God?
2. Why did you create human consciousness?
3. What are the limitations to human consciousness?
4. Do we truly have free will?
5. What is the ultimate fate of this universe?
6. Why did you choose me to live the life that I did?
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