
Aug 18, 2020
I am very much anti-drugs. I have some stances which are not that popular in this forum.
Though my mental state is quite extreme and I need to take benzos and Z-medication (addictive sleeping pills) to alleviate my manic/psychotic symptoms.

I think I take them too often. It starts to become dangerous. I am on both at the lowest dosage but I think soon I will probably build a tolerance. Yeah I have to reduce college courses which breaks my heart though. I have to isolate me from other people in order not to get manic. This is another reason why I won't find a gf.

But this is all off-topic. I would advice everyone not to try psychedelics or other hardcore drugs. I really think they are dangerous. But I just experience when I take these benzos/ z-medication that taking them can be really seductive. It feels pretty good to take manic lorazepam. It was one of the greatest feelings I ever had. But it was prescribed and adviced by a psychiatrist.

If I could use a drug without building a tolerance/addiction I would probably take benzos. I have often really much anxiety and damn benzos can make me as if I was in the clouds flying. Nothing could hurt me and all my sorrows could be forgotten.

Though there is a very big warning on benzos. They are dangerous as hell. They are extremely addictive. And the withdrawal much be extreme torture lets ask Jordan Peterson. I think if I was benzo addict I had to kill myself. My mind is extremely fragile. I think a benzo withdrawal would trigger multiple psychosis and maybe even a mania.

I don't want to imagine the combination of my psychosomatic pain caused by bipolar with the agitiation caused by benzo withdrawal. I just wished there were sorts of these medication which were not addictive.

I primarily had interest in downers. But I am just dependent on downers. Antipsychotics are kind of downers (I might think). I am not sure whether tricylclic antidepressants count as downers or uppers. Maybe both. But I take them on an advice of a psychiatrist. I never took these drugs without them being prescribed.

I have no interest in other drugs. I never smoked cigarettes, never smoked weed and never intentionally drunk alcohol. I think the danger of weed is quite underestimated. A drug user girl in clinic once told me that I might should try some weed to relax. I was aware that this advice is fully bullshit. I have the genetical component for psychosis. If I smoked weed I would get a psychotic episode.

I am aslo aboslutely not interested in psychedlics: Some bad trips sound fucking horrible. Really nightmarish shit.

Oh but I would be curious of the effect of Xanax on me. I am not sure what the defintion of being high is. Intially I thought this only counts for weed. But I think also benzo can make people high.

I could imagine being high feels similar to being manic. I have an ambivalent feeling on being manic. I dislike the lack of control of your own actions.
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May 9, 2022
If I could take drugs without consequences/side effects of course I would take them. It's better than harming myself. Right now I self medicate with alcohol and sometimes benzos (it's almost impossible to get them, so when I do, it's almost like a feast). I know that drugs suck, but my mental illnesses are so severe that nothing helps.
  • Aww..
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The Disinherited

Jul 17, 2021
Noname you're German right, when you said you're anti drugs I thought of the TV show Dopesick and how oxy couldn't get legalised in Germany because the Germans believe suffering is an important part of life. I think the answer to this question is easy: Any sleeping pill that comes with no dreaming, wake up for five seconds take some more then go back to nothingness repeat every 8+ hours till your dead, better yet, hook yourself up to one of those IV drip things, an automated IV drip that keeps you dreamlessly sleeping till you die of "natural causes", We made it boys! None of us have to kill ourselves we can all die in our beds at the age of 82 without N or jumping or partial.


Unlovable šŸ’” Rest in peace CommitSudoku šŸ¤
Mar 11, 2022
I would also take several benzos a day just to stay numb all the time.
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Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
Coffee. I love how coffee tastes and I would drink a lot more of it if it didn't have a crash. Even decaf gets you a bit hyper if you drink enough of it.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021


If it were possible to avoid feeling like this when you crash:

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Nov 5, 2020
Oh I'd shoot up some dilaudid in a heartbeat


death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Strong opioids
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Apr 25, 2022
Benzos give me a terrible hangover and opioids make me nauseous. I've been told IV H is awesome. I'd like to try it someday. If it's really good like everyone claims it is, when it's my time, I'd like to CTB via an IV H overdose.


Apr 17, 2022
I would go for barbiturates. Sodium pentobarbital sounds too good to be true.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'd probably just continue to abuse caffeine but be thankful that it wouldn't give me an agonizing headache just because I forget to drink some for a couple days.

I would have said weed but weed makes me very annoying even if it doesn't appear to have any other negative effects on me.


trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021

But there are ethical concerns... even if you ignore the high cost and health effects, the supply chain is so deadly, much worse than other drugs.

I'd also chain smoke. Cigarettes are sexy.