

she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
The message should probably be about 2 sentences but honestly idc its more like just give your past self a bit of advice. also you retain no memories of anything other than the message.

Personally i'd either go back to like 15-16 before i realised i was trans and try and tell myself not to question it, or go to like 10-11 and tell that much younger me that im trans. in the first option i never explore it and thats around when all of my issues started so i think if i never looked into it my issues wouldnt be there, but also if i started around 10-11 maybe my issues already wouldnt be there.

What would you guys do?
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Sep 2, 2024
i would go to some point when i was just meeting my ex and be like "make a surprise visit, if you plan a trip it's not gonna happen. Never talk about sex, he'll feel uncomfortable"
i would go to some point when i was just meeting my ex and be like "make a surprise visit, if you plan a trip it's not gonna happen. Never talk about sex, he'll feel uncomfortable"
better idea. go back like 2 years and befriend him on the worst day of his life and save him from all the bs he went through alone. he never got help so now i'm here and he doesn't want to help me because he thinks it would hurt him
Hey, here's an insta account, dont question it, befriend this guy no matter what
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Boss of the Lupertazzi crime family.
Sep 17, 2024
i would go back to 2016 and tell myself "dont let that kid get into the into the gorilla enclosure" 😥
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
See, it's a tough needle to thread. If I go back far enough to tell myself to buy bitcoin, I may never have the growth I needed to stop being so incredibly "blackpilled" for lack of a better term. It's tempting to think about what could have been but I know that despite all the hardship I've made it to an okay place. So, I guess I'd go back to the end of 2020 and tell myself:

"buy literally as much Gamestop stock (GME) as you can, options expiring after January if possible, and sell once the price gets up to $250 to make sure the transactions go through. Stay with [my now wife] and marry her: you can trust her."
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Are bomb letters allowed? Lol.
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Jun 26, 2020
Such a FANTASTICLY great question! REALLY LOVE IT!

This question shows just how intelligent and caring you are @coolgal82.

For me, since I have been around for a little longer than most on here, it is a more difficult question for sure. There is watching my best friend ever drown right in front of me, I freak in the shower much less getting in water over my head, to getting kicked out at 18 by my "parents" with no food, job, shelter OR MONEY, and never seeing them again ever, 100% their choice, gee, there in again a VERY hard question indeed.

The one for me would be my best friend ever that drown. That was in March 1982, and I can close my eyes now and it is like it just happened. Except my "dad", I have never hit another person with my fist ever, but if I could go back to that day in March, I would have decked him and started a fight with him to try and start him to think. The situation was that if he could swim a small lake with HUGE ice chunks on the surface, then a gal was going to have sex with him that he had chased for a long time.

I do not know what else I could do but start a fight to keep him out of the water, as he was SO STUBBORN.

I miss him till the end of time, as when I got kicked out by my "parents in 1974, and I was standing on the street curb after my "parents" had driven away, by the luck of GOD, he came along in his mom's car and we talked and his mom and dad took me in, fed and housed me and helped me get going in life.

DAMN I AM CRYING WRITING THIS, as he was so damn special to me, as the best friend that one could ever have ever.

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Aug 27, 2024
I would go back to the age of 10. That's when all my mental health issues started. I always wish I could go back to that time. I even told my parents that I was having issues, but they didn't understand. I would tell myself not to listen to my parents, not to be agreeable/ the "good kid" and find a way out of my situation.

Or, I would go back to the age of 18. At that age, I knew what all my problems were, but I didn't take them that seriously to fix them. I was focused way to externally and was trying to keep up some kind of facade but just not getting the help I needed. I would have taken a gap year after hs to fix the issues I had.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
I saw this thread immediately when it was posted, but procrastinated with my answer :(

I don't believe my life had any chance at any point. There could only be two ideas:
1) tell my younger self to have no hope in the Ukrainians throwing off the American yoke;
2) tell my younger self to keep studying in Poland because with money I could maybe potentially have gotten sex with a hooker in Germany.

Alternatively, try to buy Nembutal when it was still available? (Now that's a real BitCoin!)
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Sep 16, 2024
In 2008, I had a very lucrative career (six figures with awesome benefits, retirement plan, and pension) and was going to buy a few hundred bitcoin when they cost essentially nothing. I was into gold and silver big time back then and saw bitcoin's potential as "digital gold" that may be worth as much as $10 one day (ha!). Instead I quit my job for a new career that didn't work out and didn't start buying bitcoin till it was around $100, and even then I didn't hold it long enough. AND in my new career I had a boss who offered to pay me in bitcoin when it was under $100, but I refused.

So if I could go back to one point in time to give myself a message, it would be to the latter half of 2008 to tell myself: "Keep the job; put everything in bitcoin, and hold till 2020."
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Aug 28, 2024
"Give up now and you'll save yourself two decades of struggle".

That or I'd kill my father and tell my past self not to kill him just so I could have the satisfaction.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'd go back to September 2015 and tell myself to make sure the girl I liked at that time is aware that I like her instead of me having to tell her months later after she already got with someone else. At least if I got rejected sooner I wouldn't have had to spend almost my entire 20s clinging to the fact she told me that I could have gotten her too if I had just been faster.
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Feb 10, 2024
Go back to my twenties, I'd say take a shedload more tablets or use a rope. Nothing gets better. It gets worse and you'll live for a long long time without happiness or purpose, until you find the courage again to end it.
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Jul 1, 2024
I would go back to when I was fifteen and I would tell myself not to chew my Dexedrine. That eventually lead to psychosis and all other sorts of shit that affected my brain negatively.
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night owl seeking for meaning
Sep 19, 2024
I would go when i was 16, say "don't ever trust this man, do not interact with him, don't go to his place".also : "do all the hard science classes in high school, then get a doctorate in pharmacy or something. Don't skip careers either.".. because right now I'm kinda wishing I had that doctor prestige to feel meaning from. Instead I'm some blue collar worker with past burnout still lingering, trying to make it through the day.


perpetually confused
Jan 12, 2023
I would go back to when I was a tiny sperm swimming through my mom's uterus and tell myself, "You seriously don't want to win the race. Sit this one out."
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Mar 18, 2021
i'd go back to 15 and tell myself to study hard, to not be lazy, to lose weight asap, not be so rude to my parents and to not do stupid life ruining shit to be edgy and cool.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Kill self asap . Narrow focus to that one general goal . Also decide narrow focus to getting one method and plan to 99% first . Buy enough online nembutal in 2021 while they still hadn't arrested N from D . Nothing matters except avoiding long lasting constant unbearable pain and my suicide asap.

However you can't go back in time . Once that day hour minute passes it's gone forever

All the things you could have done, all the opportunities that day past are gone forever

Another thing they don't tell you is how valuable time is . It's a crime to waste even a single minute on garbage like youtube or any media, news , anything u can't change, anything that doesn't move u closer to ur goals
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Apr 15, 2024
I would tell my sad 15 year old self to commit suicide already because things will briefly get better, then helluva lot worse and the future will be meaningless after that, and in the second sentence to research sodium nitrite.
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Nov 15, 2021
3 years ago when it was available I'd advice to order N. I remember being extremely terrified of it being confiscated but now I really regret not making an order.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
If I couldn't change the past, I'd go back to a Friday when I was 13 and tell myself to say goodbye to my mom when the paramedics were taking her in the wheelchair, as that would be the day she would die.

If I could change the past, I'd go back further in time, to the day before my mom was hospitalised due to trouble breathing and tell her that she had cancer and to not leave the hospital until they did an X-ray on her lungs to check.

If I could, I'd also go back in time to the first time I helped the elderly and tell myself to not do it. To never help others because I won't be able to live with the horrible memories from those experiences.
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Jun 26, 2020
If I couldn't change the past, I'd go back to a Friday when I was 13 and tell myself to say goodbye to my mom when the paramedics were taking her in the wheelchair, as that would be the day she would die.

If I could change the past, I'd go back further in time, to the day before my mom was hospitalised due to trouble breathing and tell her that she had cancer and to not leave the hospital until they did an X-ray on her lungs to check.

If I could, I'd also go back in time to the first time I helped the elderly and tell myself to not do it. To never help others because I won't be able to live with the horrible memories from those experiences.
You are such an extremely wonderful soul.

I reread this off and, on all day, today, 09.20.2024, and it is a ray of sunshine and sadness combined. I am so very sorry about your mom. I found out that my mother had passed away from a friend, as my "family" does not want anything to do with me, and believe me, I know that pain.

You still have your mother in your heart and soul, and nothing can ever take that away ever.

It is folks like YOU who put the term "humanity" in human, and you should be very proud of that. In over 68 years on this rock, having folks like YOU are what makes life and the future so much better, knowing that there are intelligent, warm hearted, and loving spirits, this is you, here on this rock.

I have seen SO MUCH greed, backstabbing and everything that makes humans so wrong and then there is YOU, loving, caring and ever so wonderfully awesome!

Have a great upcoming weekend filled with brilliant blue skies and all the love and caring from me and I bet so many others here.

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Sep 27, 2023
I'm telling that sucker to invest in BitCoin.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
You are such an extremely wonderful soul.

I reread this off and, on all day, today, 09.20.2024, and it is a ray of sunshine and sadness combined. I am so very sorry about your mom. I found out that my mother had passed away from a friend, as my "family" does not want anything to do with me, and believe me, I know that pain.

You still have your mother in your heart and soul, and nothing can ever take that away ever.

It is folks like YOU who put the term "humanity" in human, and you should be very proud of that. In over 68 years on this rock, having folks like YOU are what makes life and the future so much better, knowing that there are intelligent, warm hearted, and loving spirits, this is you, here on this rock.

I have seen SO MUCH greed, backstabbing and everything that makes humans so wrong and then there is YOU, loving, caring and ever so wonderfully awesome!

Have a great upcoming weekend filled with brilliant blue skies and all the love and caring from me and I bet so many others here.

Oh that actually made me tear up 😢

That means a lot coming from you Walter, as I've read your posts here and there and came to learn a bit about your story. You are an incredible person, that survived conditions that several of us can't even dream of what they may feel like, and even after all that severe hardship and pain, you always leave empathetic and kind comments on other people's posts. Your life experience could have made you someone very different and yet, you're one of the top members here, for me personally at least.

Thank you so much for those words, you're so lovely.

I hope your weekend is peaceful and that happiness shines its light on you 🫂
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Oct 1, 2023
This is a fantastic question and difficult to answer. It went wrong so young but in the beginning it wasn't me destroying my life it was my mom and dad. I guess my best answer is that I'd go back to being 5 and tell that kid that many people will tell you you are worthless. Please try not to believe them.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I'd go back and tell my younger self (14?) to not get curious and try to find 18+ content on purpose.
That or tell my high school self "Don't be lazy, and frement the fucking alcohol because god damn it you need it to be happy."
"If you can't man up and ditch more, die because the suffering is not worth it."


Sep 16, 2024
Not sure if it counts, but as soon I was conceived I would order the fetus to die to avoid a life of suffering since birth.