

read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
I imagine God would appear to everyone depending on what they find most comfortable and beautiful. so for example, I find the presence of other women comforting and light hair beautiful. I think if I were to meet God after I die, they would reveal themselves to me as a woman with pure white hair and skin, gentle face and eyes.

what would God look like to you?
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Nov 7, 2019
I don't believe in God but if it did appear to me it would appear to me as an all-seeing all-knowing beam of light a genderless
power of unmanageable scale.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I'm a staunch agnostic but I've met God twice, once in a dream and once on a very steep and narrow residential street in Tokyo. He had on a plaid flannel shirt and glasses both times, like a science teacher, and was very helpful.
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Its time its time

Apr 7, 2019
Double Big Mac burger with XL cola.
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Dec 18, 2019
Not sure if I believe in God, but I imagine God as a woman too, with very long brown hair and piercing eyes. Also she gives good hugs and can carry me around like I'm nothing.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Well if you believe in God then it's said that we were made in the image of God. So I'd imagine he/she (probably both genders) would look like us. God to me is probably the energy that encompasses everything. Since God is supposed to be everywhere, see, and know everything.
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
I'm a staunch agnostic but I've met God twice, once in a dream and once on a very steep and narrow residential street in Tokyo. He had on a plaid flannel shirt and glasses both times, like a science teacher, and was very helpful.

you are so lucky! would you care to share more about that experience? I'm really curious!
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Sep 10, 2019
It would be like a blood sadistic demiurge.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
you are so lucky! would you care to share more about that experience? I'm really curious!

He gave me directions, without being asked, right when I really really needed them.

God works in funny ways.
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Oct 6, 2019
He better look like Ted Neeley from Jesus Christ Superstar. Oh wait, that's Jesus. You said what will God look like. I have no clue what God will look like. I suspect he'll look like whatever the person wants him to look like. Actually, Jesus will probably also look like whatever people want him to look like. The same with Santa Claus. They all take whatever form the person chooses them to take.
I remember on an old episode of The Cosby show they were discussing what color Santa Claus is and Cliff told Rudy that Santa Claus changes his skin color and nationality depending on what house he's visiting. So when he visits an African-American house, he becomes an African-American Santa Claus. When he's visiting a Chinese house, he becomes a Chinese Santa Claus, etc.
I suspect God is the same way. He may not even take the form of a person. He may just be a beam of light or something or the disembodied voice of Morgan Freeman.
posts like these are why I miss the laugh emote
I read in one of the threads here that they took the laughing emoji away because people were posting it on goodbye threads and it was seen as offensive. I suppose depending on the way they were posting it or why they were posting it, it could be interpreted as offensive. Personally, I wouldn't mind if people posted a laugh emoji on my goodbye thread because I don't see my death is a tragedy. I'm going to be free. I think if you want to laugh and be happy over my release from this earthly burden, it's not going to offend me at all.
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Jun 3, 2019
I think he would look quite stern considering all the people he has struck down according to the old sense of humour and a booming voice Ï'll drown you all......gonna turn this river into blood! Be careful!"
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
i'll just use this thread to share something i've been thinking about for a long, long time... maybe someone else has the same thoughts.

i daydream a lot as a coping mechanism. one of my favourite things to think about is an afterlife in which i am with God. nothingness surrounds us in the form of pure white. we are sitting next to each other on a soft bed and talking. i ask them all sorts of silly things like what animals dream about, why people have favourite colours, and they answer all of my questions without making fun of me. they are kind and wise. i can be myself around them, naive, without putting up walls to protect myself, full of childlike wonder and curiosity. we talk about anything and everything for all of eternity... there are no negative emotions. in fact, there are no emotions at all. there is just a feeling of peace. i'd love to imagine this is what the afterlife is like.

it's silly and juvenile, i know... but it makes me feel better.
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Feb 9, 2019
I for the most part dont believe in a all knowing being but I'd imagine them to be some lovecraftian horror that a mortal human would be unable to comprehend without going mad or like the emorphous clown blob from interface where it can become what ever it so desires but chooses a body or form that it likes most of the time

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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I don't believe in God but if it did appear to me it would appear to me as an all-seeing all-knowing beam of light a genderless
power of unmanageable scale.
Same here. I was actually raised Baptist, go figure. Jesus has a shape, but Jehova does not in my mind. I'm an atheist, so those are as far as my ideas of God go.


Nov 5, 2020
Little story to share since I think it's interesting and fits the context of the thread, in high school I took a Bible History studies class. I'm not really sure why since I was an agnostic going atheist at the time but I guess the elective peeked my interest and it was taught by my favorite history teacher.

Anyway, as part of the class we read The Shack by William P. Young. That book portrayed Jesus as, like, a cool bruh, the Holy Spirit as an Asian woman, and God as a big black woman, even though it's also kinda clear that at least God can change their appearance. The teacher asked the class who all could see God as a woman, and all the guys in the class raised their hands but most of the girls didn't. Always wondered if this was just kind of an anomaly or if there is some kind of psychological reason this happened.

Personally I think if God were real they would exist in a form we truly can't comprehend unless they allow us to comprehend them, if that makes sense.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Floating golden shotgun that speaks in Latin.
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Celebrate Death Mourn Life
Jul 5, 2021
given all the things "god" has created, I can conclude god looks like a stinkin pile of hot dookie.
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Dec 4, 2020
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Season 2 Drinking GIF by Graves


I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
Judging by his actions I imagine he looks like Josef Mengele. A sick fuck running a deathcamp with a compulsive need to torture innocents.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Maybe like a bald eagle sitting on her eggs, covered in snow so deep even her head is buried under it.