
Aug 18, 2020
This forum is one way to cope with my suicidality. I am scared of a new major depression. I am scared to go to a clinic because the last time they told me I felt too good for being in a clinic. I am scared they could force me to quit this forum. I don't think this forum is the reason for my current crisis. I rather think college overwhelmes me. When I look at the lectures I have I could start crying immediately. (which I did today) Being severely unhappy and under pressure is often the starting point of a relapse for me.

Personally I am suicidal since a decade more or less daily. I had different ways to cope with it.

When I was a teenager I watched gore for example how people committed suicide. I am very glad I quit that. I was a teenager and overwhelmed by my thoughts and the domestic violence. I think it was like poison for my mental health. Very counterproductive for my well-being.

I was in other forums for mental health. And always when I opened up how severe and persistent my suicidality was I received pretty stupid and ignorant comments. People called me insane or looked down at me. In this forum I (almost) never received replies like that. There are so many evil trolls and scum on the internet. For example Twitter is full with them.

I watched depression and suicide related content on youtube. For some time it helped but I could not open up how I felt in a serious discussion.

I don't think I ever would call a suicide hotline. If I wanted such help I would go again to a clinic instead. My close friends are a way better emergency service for me personally.

I could go to a clinic. I ran out of therapy sessions I am pretty sure my insurance won't pay for even more sessions.

I talk more to my friends. But they are quite busy. And I kind of understand that. I should be busy to. Though my brain seemingly prefers to get out of control once again.

I think I also read books or news articles on the topic depression/suicide. Maybe it sounds weird but I can relate to a lot of people who committed suicide. I often have the feeling these people had similar feelings and problems compared to me. And they were also severely desperate and unhappy.

I could imagine there already was such a thread but I could not find it. Sorry.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would spend my time just wishing to be free from this world whether this forum exists or not. I certainly know that I will always be suicidal as long as I exist here.
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Dec 1, 2022
This forum is admittedly the main way I cope with my suicidal feelings. The community here has been a great comfort for me and I'm grateful for all the support I have received here during tough times. If I didn't spend so much time on this forum, I'd probably have more time to indulge in other activities like watching movies and reading books. I hang around Reddit a lot so I'd spend a lot more time there. It wouldn't affect how I spend my time that much. That said, I'm thankful that I discovered this community, and as weird as this sounds, I really enjoy being here.
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Apr 9, 2023
Probably doomscroll Reddit a lot more.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
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Nov 5, 2022
I don't even know. I really don't think I'm willing to go back to reddit.
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Feb 11, 2023
Probably on the archives of alt.suicide.holiday and alt.suicide.methods.
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Wanting to Sleep for Eternity
Feb 3, 2023
Are you me? I feel like a part of me would ghosttype this lol. I used to watch gore too to cope with some of my thoughts but as an adult now i have graphic nightmares pretty often cuz of it, but i think id be a lot more suicidal without this site, but i really relate to a lot of what you said here as well ☹️
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Apr 19, 2022
Probably on reddit bitching about the same shit I bitch about here.
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Saltier than SN
Apr 10, 2023
Discord, disassociating as I live through my RP Characters.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
…all of the other things I do.


Petulant Child
Apr 4, 2023
I am scared to go to a clinic because the last time they told me I felt too good for being in a clinic. I am scared they could force me to quit this forum.
I am so sorry, that is very sad to hear and makes me angry. They are supposed to help the people in need. People don't go there for no reason. It is not fun to be there, it is hard work. I don't understand why they would ever say smth like that someone. A lot of people mask their feelings. If you would just send home anyone that did this the psych ward would be almost empty. Very dissapointing.

Is there another way for you to handle this? It seems like you do want to go to a clinic. Maybe talk to a therapist/psychiatrist beforehand for them to understand and urge the clinic to take you in since they know that you seriously need help? Or maybe going to another clinic that is more competent?
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
This forum prevented me from impulsively killing myself, or at least postponing it.. I guess if I didn't have access to this forum I wouldn't be able to freely express my feelings to anyone and it's possible that my personal situation would have worsened and ended exploding at any given moment and hurting me or just ending my life without thinking too much about it.

I continue without needing a method.. when I'm bad I don't care about anything and I lose the fear of doing according to what things.


Aquest fòrum va evitar que em suicidés de forma impulsiva, o al menys posposar-ho.. suposo que si no tingués accés a aquest fòrum no podría expressar lliurement el que sento amb ningú i és possible que s'agreugés la meva situació personal i acabés explotant en un moment donat i fent-me mal o simplement posant fí a la meva vida sense pensar-m'ho gaire.

Continuo sense necessitar un métode.. quan estic malament no m'importa res i perdo la por a fer segons quines coses.
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Aug 18, 2020
I am so sorry, that is very sad to hear and makes me angry. They are supposed to help the people in need. People don't go there for no reason. It is not fun to be there, it is hard work. I don't understand why they would ever say smth like that someone. A lot of people mask their feelings. If you would just send home anyone that did this the psych ward would be almost empty. Very dissapointing.

Is there another way for you to handle this? It seems like you do want to go to a clinic. Maybe talk to a therapist/psychiatrist beforehand for them to understand and urge the clinic to take you in since they know that you seriously need help? Or maybe going to another clinic that is more competent?
Thanks for caring about me. One of my main reasons for suicidality is I am probably unable to hold a job. It makes me very depressed. But in clinics they told me they cannot solve that problem for me. However I was in job programs etc and was fired because my crippling depression destroyed my whole brain. I currently try to atttend college. I am fragile as fuck and it could easily backfire. The whole situation is very complex but I have to deal with it. Yeah currently I got a little bit less depressed but more manic. A clinic stay would not solve my current problems I have to face my schedule instead. The fear of a relapse is eating me alive. I am anxious as fuck I think college is playing like Russian roulette with my health. However everything else backfired and it is my last short. So I guess I have to play with that hand.
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Nov 5, 2022
Once you get off it it is hard to go back. Reddit sucks.
Right lol, I used to be on there constantly and honestly thought it was alright but eventually reached a point where it just started to seem really obnoxious to me. Nowadays when I go on there, I feel like I'm just seeing the same posts over and over again with only very slight variations in content.
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Mar 25, 2023
I'd probably be unaware that being suicidal is a valid feeling and option. I'll most likely be trying to cling on to life while I don't even want it because others told me that's how I should act.

I'd probably be alive and absolutely miserable, I feel like because of this forum I have enough information to reliably CTB whether I have resources or not - like a vague idea on what would kill me and what would not.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Slf hrm mayb ctb any way
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Reactions: Dead Ghost, StarlightDreamer, Sakura94 and 1 other person

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't think I'd be comfortable talking about suicide anywhere else. Reddit sounds awful from stories I've heard. I guess I'd just go back to watching YouTube all the time and bottling all this stuff up.
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