
Aug 18, 2020
Disclaimer: I don't think hell exists and I don't want to scare anyone with this thread. I rather wanted to express my associations with it because due to my education I was once religious.

I was not sure which question should go first. How do you imagine hell or heaven. Hell was earlier in my mind. But maybe someone can now steal his idea from me.

I don't want to scare anyone with hell. I don't believe in hell and I think this concept was probably created because people felt comforted than there was justice in the afterlife. Heaven for the good people and hell for the allegedly evil people. I think wanting to put people who commit suicide into hell would be very cruel and unfair. These people often have suffered for a very long time. It would be quite the opposite of justice. Maybe except of people like Hitler and the Nazis who ctb.

I was raised somewhat religious. We sometimes went to church. I prayed to God. My mom even hit me for that/insulted me for that because I showed OCD behavior while doing that. My grandmother believes in hell I think. When she learned that I am suicidal she said to me. What if if you land in hell for it? My somewhat religious faith exacerbated my pain a lot. I was so scared about hell and had horrible nightmares. I will go into details later. Reading about atheism comforted my a lot. The notion of nothingness after death felt so good. It gave me hope. Instead of this insane notion people who commit suicide get punished for it.

I think religion can help people to deal with hardship. But for me it was quite the opposite. I once met a very religious woman in a clinic. She had major depression for a very long time. She had a necklace with a cross which she oftenhold in her hands. She suffered a lot. She was suicidal and this is why she could not leave the clinic. I think christianity says having doubts in God is normal. It is a part of faith. It is an interesting notion and I could write a whole thread about it. I don't think it is very convincing. For example people with great lives think Oh well I am a great person, I earned all of this. And the poor people must seemingly have done something wrong and they kind of deserve it. Not all people think like that but the notion God rewards us is double is janusfaced. Doubts often come from suffering. But why does God test the suffering people and barely the ones with great lives?

I think I saw hell in my nightmares during my first major depression before I lost my faith. I had often nightmares that I get punished for ctb. They were very vivid these dreams. My bullies at school celebrated with patients from the clinic that I will go to hell for commiting suicde. It was a party at my school and the people spit in my face. They told me you will get in hell for it. Then I woke up. I think my subconscious thought a lot about hell to that time.

But now I try to imagine hell when I am awake several years after this dream. When I think about hell I think of fire or magma. People get tortured in that fire for eternity without dying. This notion to suffer forever is for me interesting. I had a debate with a friend of mine. He likes living and enjoys it. He is rather anxious that he dies early. I asked him the question if you could live forever with your current health would you go for it. He agreed on it. I told him I think this is a bad deal. Imagine a life without death. We don't talk about living 1000 years. Not 100.000 years. Not 10 trillion years. No it really is forever. We said the earth would still exist in this thought experiment. But I think living forever was probably torturous. I think we are not programmed for that. Though I don't argument for an early death. I could imagine if the health of a person was well, the conditions to live also very well I think people could enjoy living for 200 years without much pain. But of course the circumstances would have to be right. Our technology is far away from that. I think people who had a fulfiling and long life probably can say goodbye to this world with way less pain.

Maybe this was a little bit off-topic. I wanted to demonstrate that the notion one would be in hell forever is in itself a horrible concept because eternal existence sounds scary. Very scary to me. In some way the fact that our time is limited makes life special. We have the feeling to make the best of it because of this fact. However when I was young this idea tortured me. The notion yes my life is ruined forever. I suffer daily and I cannot change that. One only has one life- one chance and mine is ruined. Yeah this felt horrible for me. But my thinking has changed. My current mood is rather the goal of sublimation. I am not 100% sure if it fits what I mean but I have a certain image in my head. Using my time to achieve something no matter how bad I feel. People have created and were admired for it despite they had horrible lives. This notion comforted me more than this one life, one chance imagination. The thought using my suffering to create something feels better for me.

I notice I ramble a lot. Probably because I don't want to scare people with my notion of hell. One could argue existence forever is different to living a life as a human forever. This could be true. I sometimes think maybe I am already in hell. My life feels so cyncial, kafkaesque and nightmarish sometimes/often. On the other hand this thought is kind of solipsistic. I am not the only one who suffers in an existential way. One very self-absorbed thought I have is: maybe I am living in a simulation and the simulation has the goal to torture me. And some more powerful beings watch my life and laugh about it. I think this scenario is kind of unlikely. But the cynicism that my life contains led me to this thought.

I cannot think about a better description of hell. Maybe you have something more sophisticated to say about it. Maybe the thought itself is rather negative but I am pretty sure I am not the only one in this forum who sometimes thinks yes my life resembles hell.
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Dec 10, 2021
Imagine something that you hate. Something so odious you can't stand even thinking about it... let alone doing anything about it.

Then imagine being stuck dealing with that abominable thing... forever.

That's hell.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The world that we already live in is hell to me. I mean such extreme pain, suffering and torture exists with no limit as to how much we can suffer. How could it not be hell. The existence of life really is such a horrifying mistake. But the true hell would be reincarnation, basically being trapped in this world forever. I don't believe in it though and I take comfort in the thought of being dead as I believe it to be peaceful non existence, freedom from this cruel world.
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Sep 13, 2022
Imagine something that you hate. Something so odious you can't stand even thinking about it... let alone doing anything about it.

Then imagine being stuck dealing with that abominable thing... forever.

That's hell.
So my current life. I was going to say that anyway.
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Jul 26, 2020
Probably everyone getting to enjoy the thing that scares them the most, just one big vast land of black and gray and emptiness, or like the classic pitchforks and pots to put you in (and maybe the doughnut feeding machine that you get strapped into).


I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I've thought about it a lot. I think you'll like this, @noname223 . The entire purpose of hell is that it's incomprehensible suffering. If you can think of the worst thing, then it isn't the worst thing.

Another way to look at is if you read both Paradise Lost, and Dante's Inferno. The second book paints an imagery of hell being separated into tiers of suffering based on the worst thing you've done. I don't remember them all, but there were 7 main tiers and a couple subtiers. If you've watched the movie The House That Jack Built, you can see a visual representation of it. It's everywhere, really.

Most of the sufferings aren't.. You'd think they'd be worse. I remember the lower-pain tiers being about being thrown around by wind, due to your lust. Another tier was being constantly devoured by Ceberus. The worser tiers were being boiled in an ocean of boiling blood. Because there's so many people, they'd drag you down into the blood. And on the circumference, there would be demons stabbing you and tearing you to shreds.

It should go without saying that you can't die in hell. So you'd feel the pain of these things, but you'd eventually rejuvenate, all to experience it again.

The most harshest tier is being in a room with lucifer himself - and something interesting to note is that Satan is also suffering. What he essentially does, is feast on you, scratch you, tear you, burn you, and so forth.

Paradise Lost shows a different hell. One of desolation, and emptiness. Albeit, it was just after Satan was cast out of heaven with half of the former angels. Hell there is described as undesirable, and awful. Smelly. Painful for both Satan and his demons alike. They had to manually build their sanctuary. In fact, it's said that Satan left to go into earth (for the whole Adam and eve story) because hell was so awful.

I'm not Christian, but goddamm, Christian mythology can be so fucking cool. I hope to god that it isn't real though. Holy hell.
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Feb 18, 2022
Oh boy, I love this topic. I have to say right off the bat that I don't think such a place is justified because I suspect that whether you will be born into the body of a good or bad person is a matter of luck, but I digress.

I think I'll start with going through actual depictions of hell and rating them just because I feel like it. The most basic is the New Testament version which, in most canons, seems to just be place/state in which you burn eternally. There are people who try to argue other metaphorical interpretations, but from a literal standpoint, it's very straightforward and not much else is said about it. If you want to include Enoch, it becomes a classical Hades knockoff which is honestly just as boring to me.

If you include biblical fanfiction (e.g. The Divine Comedy, demonology texts that people may or may not have actually believed in, etc.) then it becomes a lot more fun. I enjoy Dante's largely because of how much it reflects his own mindset. My favorite circle is actually just the first purely because it shows how much Dante didn't want his favorite pre-Christian philosophers to be suffering, so he just imagines that they're chilling out in a place where they're not really suffering but they also haven't been saved by Jesus.

I had to look up the Quranic depiction of Hell because I'm not quite as familiar with it (I'm still listening to the audiobook). It goes into much more detail but there's still a lot missing. Seven layers, each progressively worse depending on the sin. Apparently all that's mentioned is that hypocrites go to the bottom. There's also some description of the food, what happens if people try to escape, etc. It's still quite vague. Pretty cool but I still like Dante's a little more considering it has cool Greek shit like Charon and Cerberus.

I personally like the conception of hells in Indian religions a lot more. Naraka in Buddhism is probably the most well known to westerners because I see people mention it occasionally, even when I'm not looking for it and it's the easiest for people to make clickbaity youtube videos/articles about (OGMG BUDDHISM HAS HELLS?!!1!1!1!) The exact concept changes a lot as it blends with different local religions. I'm also not very knowledgeable about which texts Buddhists take seriously and how they developed from each other, so I can only really tell you the gist of it. Naraka functions like a karma purgatory where depending on how much bad karma you accrued or what kinds of sins you commited, you go to a different level. In each level, the punishment gets worse and a few extra orders of magnitude of time gets slapped onto it until at the lowest level you have to endure insane torture for something like a bajillion years. There's usually a lot of detail in the description, so it seems more like a scary fairy tale than the vague, ominous threat in Christianity and Islam. If you want to see how campy it can get, go watch this fever dream I found years ago.
I always found the idea of their being some kind of Hell judge like Osiris or Yama to be really cool.

I particularly like Zoroastrian hell because there's at least a relatively quick end to it (still super long but eventually gets extinguished altogether). Look that up if you care about it.

I got totally off topic but I just felt like going on a tangent about this.
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Aug 20, 2022
I don't believe in hell or heaven but if I try to imagine its like "hell is repetition"
so you are forced to revive your worst moments again and again and again.
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Feb 27, 2021
Living the worst day of your life over and over while that tiktok oh no song plays in the background on repeat.
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Nov 5, 2022
What we are currently living in is hell. It's impossible that something worse is out there. Hell is a concept that Christians invented to guilt their followers into following their rules and dogma.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Bad Hell: My (in my view) narcissistic step sibling will be there waiting but as children once more (Maybe as an adult, I wouldn't put up with that shit) and I'll have gallstone attacks one after the other.

Good Hell: Tim Curry is the devil (from the film 'Legend') and we both live happily ever after.


Apr 21, 2021
Hell would be surviving suicide attempt and being disabled/vegetable


Oct 5, 2022
just my life but endless
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Jun 8, 2019
Empty. Absolutely nothingness.

Because all the demon and devils are in our real world
Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
Fire everywhere extremely hot and demons and monsters.
Jumper Seoirse

Jumper Seoirse

Apr 8, 2022
Hell doesn't exist plus it was misinterpreted when they translated it from Hebrew what is the meaning of hell in Hebrew? Sheol (/ˈʃiː. oʊl, -əl/ SHEE-ohl, -⁠uhl; Hebrew: שְׁאוֹל‎ Šəʾōl, Tiberian: Šŏʾōl) in the Hebrew Bible is a place of still darkness which lies after death. Doesn't sound too bad to an introvert does it, :smiling:

This would be my hell.


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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Honestly, I genuinely think this is already "Hell". Anything worse than this would not stand. This existence is just bearable enough for it to extend itself as long as it can, with all the struggle that entails.

I do wonder often about the subjectivity of it all and what does it mean that many will die having lived in a completely different world than me. They had to eat other living organisms to sustain themselves and work and compete just like me but they fitted in better and seemed content.
Hell doesn't exist plus it was misinterpreted when they translated it from Hebrew what is the meaning of hell in Hebrew? Sheol (/ˈʃiː. oʊl, -əl/ SHEE-ohl, -⁠uhl; Hebrew: שְׁאוֹל‎ Šəʾōl, Tiberian: Šŏʾōl) in the Hebrew Bible is a place of still darkness which lies after death. Doesn't sound too bad to an introvert does it, :smiling:

This would be my hell.



Yeah but that concept of Hell comes from the materialistic side of Judaism that basically doesn't actually believe in metaphysics as evidenced by many sayings in the Ecclesiastes.
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Sep 15, 2022
Hell is the state of mind, for me one of total despair and hopelessness. The feeling that you want to crack open your skull because what is happening inside pains you too much. No matter how you rotate your body or how soft pillows are It will not go away until It does It's damage and leaves you for no reason at all. It feels like eternity. When you suffer terribly a minute is like an hour I think you know what I mean. Also I think all of the hells are really different types of representations of what is happening inside of ones mind. There are hot hells of anger and hate, cold hells of depression and apathy, maybe sticky and uncomfortable hells of lust- I am just making shit up tbh.
Hell doesn't exist plus it was misinterpreted when they translated it from Hebrew what is the meaning of hell in Hebrew? Sheol (/ˈʃiː. oʊl, -əl/ SHEE-ohl, -⁠uhl; Hebrew: שְׁאוֹל‎ Šəʾōl, Tiberian: Šŏʾōl) in the Hebrew Bible is a place of still darkness which lies after death. Doesn't sound too bad to an introvert does it,
Thank you for posting this. I have heard people experience that state in NDEs but It is matter of debate and I do not like debating people.

It is a shit to be rabbit. Fucking poor little feeling things. Yeah I know It is a metaphor
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