
Aug 18, 2020
Have you seen his girlfriend and he treats her like shit. Allegedly he forces her to dress that way. (she is almost nude regularly). You could have it so much better my dear. Why does she feel attracted by him? It is so so obvious his bipolar is completely out of control. Especially his neo-nazism and antisemitism. Why does anyone who is not a nazi support that? It is dubious to call mentally ill insane. But Kanye in many instances acts insane. Why is noone intervening?

Here are some explanations:

Nazis exploit him. Like Nick Fuentes. Kanye is an A celebrity with a huge fanbase which is a great opportunity for them to reach a mass audience with their hateful propaganda. They know he is clinically ill but don't give a fuck about the ethics.

Companies dont want to miss the opportunity to make money with him. Adidas knew very early of his racism but ignored it or tried to hide it. They made billions (or at least many many millions) with his shoes. It was a huge scandal Adidas ignored his antisemitism. And he showed employees at that company porn without consent without consequences.

People have the notion of the insane genius. Bipolar disorder correlates with creativity I think. However this does not mean bipolar people can't go down the wrong internet rabbit hole. Especially people with severe mania or psychosis struggle with conspiracies. and Kanye certainly does that. Many people look up to him. But he is ill and it is important to stop him and he needs to take his medication. I wonder how much of his money he already burnt.

He is too powerful and noone wants to stand up to him. If you are his manager how much power do you actually have over him? If you told him the necessary truth you would be probably fired immediately. So what do the managers do? (I don't know it exactly but I assume:) Hide the truth. Take of some edges of his statements. Or even reinforce his delusions for the sake of getting a pay check.

My first idea was: why can Kanye have a gf and not me (lol). However if I was that famous, extremely successful and multi-millionaire my chances for a gf would also be better. I mean bipolar and psychoses are so stigmatized and Kanye is certainly not helping me with his case. Lol. I think I am pretty much self-aware and people still question me or are sceptical about my sanity. But he is literally spreading insane conspiracies all the time and people still love him. The problem is probably way bigger and the comparison with my life might be self-pitying.

I don't know. I think the Kanye West story might not have an happy end. I once posted that I am afraid he could ctb soon. But many responded he is way too religious for that. I would be curious how well his financials still are. Probably still better than mine. Lmao.
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soon this will all just be a bad memory
Jan 18, 2024
I think a lot of artists and public figureheads suffer from one mental illness or another. A lot of the world's forerunners were narcs, sociopaths, delusional or suffered from some sort of personality disorder in retrospect. Now we see the same old tired rhyme play out even today. The only reason they weren't locked up in a ward like the rest of us is because they knew how to sell it to the masses. They differentiated from the norm and people thought their ''quirks'' is what could bring about a new era, for better or for worse. Are you really that surprised that most people lack the foresight in who they choose to represent them? Hell, most of our presidents are decrepit and senile by the time they reach their fourth term yet no one bats an eye unless it benefits them. We live in a sick society that puts sick idols on a pedestal, which in turn spreads their sickness to other sectors of society until no one is immune. Monkey see, monkey do.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
People love money and confidence. Maybe part of the appeal with these people is that they are so confident despite seeming to be unhinged. Not to everyone of course. To a lot of people, it likely just looks very disturbing.

I think women maybe in particular almost like the idea of having a bit of an enigma as a partner- that maybe only they can 'save'. Like- how many women would have loved the chance to try and 'save' Elvis?

Plus- effectively these mega rich people can 'buy' certain people. Especially doctors by the looks of things!

I wonder if they could actually be 'saved' though. They're so used to getting their own way. I think it's only really ever going to work if they themselves are open to trying and I guess it just depends on whether anyone can get through to them.

Honestly though- yeah sure- money, talent, confidence- of course they will attract a partner- of either sex. I know some pretty unstable women with partners but they also happen to be just that- pretty. Lol. Both sexes can be pretty shallow. Or- maybe they do just feel attracted to slightly unhinged people! Some people like to play the protective role I think. I used to really hope there was someone for everyone but now, I'm not so sure and I also wonder if some of us are better off alone. I think I probably am now.
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Jul 23, 2022
We prefer you the way you are.
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