
Aug 14, 2020

Copy pasted from the link above:

Experience Description:

My NDE happened 9 years ago. I was a proud atheist and didn't believe in anything. I looked at the world through materialistic glasses.

One morning, I was walking to my work. The sole of my shoes had become very worn and flat. I continued to ignore the occasional slippage that occurred. That morning, I was very late for work and was hurriedly walking. I suddenly slipped. This time, I fell and my back and hit the ground. My right ribs hit the concrete on the edge of the sidewalk. I felt a lot of pain and went into shock. I realized that I couldn't breath anymore. I felt fear and was worried. A few of the local shop owners and a taxi driver rushed to help me get up off the ground, but I couldn't do it. I passed out.

The next moment, I found myself standing on the sidewalk. I saw a man lying down on the ground with several people gathered around him. I had no feelings about this person and went closer to see what was happening. A taxi driver had taken his hand to help him get up. I went closer to look at his face, but suddenly a man from behind tapped on my back to get my attention. I turned to him. He was normal-looking and wore black clothes. He told me to follow him. I didn't ask why. I was not feeling anything as I followed him.

We walked a while, reached the end of the street, and entered an alley. The alley looked very long and empty. The further we went into the alley, the emptier it became. Gradually I started to feel fear. I asked the man, 'Why is this alley so empty and narrow?' But he didn't respond. I asked him again, and this time he said:

'I want to show you something very important, come with me. We don't have much time!'

We walked for some time and I started to feel very tired. My feet and legs were in pain from all the walking. I told him again that this alley is very long and it seems nobody is living here. He said,

'That is not the case. You will see for yourself.'

We went further and I started to see a few people who were smirking. As we walked more, their number gradually increased. At first, I thought they were laughing at something unrelated to me. But the further we went, the more I became certain that they were sneering and laughing at me. A feeling of terror encompassed my whole being. I asked him,

'Who are you? What do you want to show me?'

The guy with black dress laughed and told me, 'You are very naive!'

I said, 'I trusted you but you wasted my time. I came all this way with you, and this is what you wanted to show me?"

I was so tired, I couldn't walk any more. As soon as I told him, 'I don't trust you,' he started walking away from me. His friends followed him and everyone started to leave. Then I was feeling so lonely in that empty alley. I couldn't walk and there was no energy left in me. Fear had filled my whole being. I said, 'Wait, please don't leave me alone! I cannot walk anymore.'

But they ignored me and one by one were leaving that place. I screamed at them saying, 'You are making fun of me! I cannot walk anymore, please help me!' They continued smirking and ridiculing me some more while still walking away. I had a bad feeling. I felt they had stood me up and their laughter made it more like torture. Suddenly, I realized that it was impossible for me to walk at all. I was trapped and alone in that narrow, long alley. I was feeling very weak. I needed help, but there was no one there to help me. I was screaming loudly and begging for help while lying on the ground. I laid my head on the ground and continued crying for help.

Suddenly, I remembered God. But I didn't believe in God and was very stubborn about my non-belief. I had my own scientific reasons for denying God's existence. How could I ask Him for help when I was certain that He does not exist? Then, I heard a voice:

'Ask me and I will help you!'

This voice was so vivid and clear that it is still in my ears. But my pride did not let me ask for help. The voice got louder:

'I am yourself! Ask me and I will help you.'

Again I thought, how could I ask for help from someone that I didn't believe exists? For someone who does not believe in God, asking for Help from him is like asking for help from a wall while you know it cannot help you. I spent some time in pain and frustration. I had become like a piece of meat with no ability to move. I was crying and had no hope for my situation to get better. I was feeling lonely and felt that I had been badlyconned.

The voice told me, for the third time, to ask Him for help. Out of desperation and necessity, I decided to ask for help from God. Suddenly, it was like there was a powerful heater there. Something gave me warmth and energy. I started to feel better. I turned my head to left and saw a light with a lot of warmth that was giving me a lot of energy. All my leg pain disappeared and I could stand again. I was feeling that Light has healed me and given me energy. I went closer to see Him. The Light was made of many small particles that had come together beautifully. Each particle of light was like a prism made of multiple colors. I could see three colors of blue, green and yellow in it.

This light was so majestic that the first I saw Him, I felt so small in his presence. I felt that His nature is higher than me. I felt that He loves me with all His existence and now I was falling in love with Him too. The Light asked me if I fear Him. I replied,

'No, not at all. You are so beautiful! But I don't know who are you!'

The Light replied, "It is not important at all [what you call me]. You can call me your guide.'

I asked, 'Guide for what?'

He said: 'I am your guide in this world.'

I don't know why I didn't think for a second that I was dead. I was feeling shocked and was just beginning to understand what had happened. I realized that the man I had seen lying down on the sidewalk was my own body. But there was no fear from this realization. It was just a nudge so I could understand what had happened. I felt that Light had noticed this and had made me aware of my death. I felt very ashamed of myself. Ashamed for my past, ashamed for denying the life after death, ashamed for denying God and not believing in Him. I felt ashamed for all the kindness that He had shown towards me and for the warmth that this angel was giving me despite all of my sins.

I had many questions come to my mind. The Light told me to ask any question I want. The first thing I asked was,

'Am I dead?' Ther Light answered, 'Yes.'

Then I asked, 'What is God?' The Light replied,

'Every thing collectively is God and His thought. All of us, all the particles of this world and all the worlds, collectively make God's mind. We are like cells in the God's body, each of us are a small part of Him.'

I was given the understanding that we cannot fully comprehend God, because we don't perceive and have knowledge of all there is in the Universe.

I asked him, 'How was this world was created?' The Light said,

'This world is formed in God's mind. God is increasing His experience by creating this world. This is what needs to happen based on divine laws, so Creator has meaning and becomes stronger."

I asked, 'Does God have any weaknesses that He needs to do something to become stronger?'

The Light showed me a very high mountain. There was a fast-moving waterfall on top of the mountain. The Light said,

'Look at this mountain and waterfall. The waterfall is pouring down water without any effort. This is the nature of the waterfall and mountain. The water does its function every day with pleasure. If someday the waterfall does not do this, we don't call it a waterfall anymore. What God does is the same. God does not spend any energy or effort to do this, and if He does not do this, we won't call him God. All of this happens in full harmony and order in the creation.'

I asked, 'What is the purpose of creation?' The Light replied,

'Creation is a necessity of God's nature. When there is a God, creation will exist naturally which is the result of God's love for His creation and the creation's love for Him, which are necessary for each other [or natural result of each other].'

I was told that this is a divine law. The Light gave me the understanding that humans are a small part of God. Through challenges put on part of His soul (meaning human souls which belong to Him), God will get stronger. This was the understanding and feeling that I got.

I received the answers for most of my questions. The Light had given me knowledge and understanding and this was giving peace to my heart. I was feeling an order and harmony in the cosmos that is beyond description. The Light pointed to me and reminded me of my responsibilities and told me that I have to finish my mission on Earth. We were floating between Earth and the skies. The Light pointed by hand to Earth. I looked and again, I saw myself lying on the ground while several people were helping my body.

Suddenly, I felt like I was moving very fast through a tunnel towards Earth. The light in the tunnel was blue with a little white. The tunnel walls were twisting. On my way back in the tunnel, which [felt like] probably 4 to 5 seconds, the word 'return' was constantly going through my mind. It was as if repeatedly hearing the word 'return' was was meant for me to live and return to Earth. The feeling of returning to my body was like diving in a pool of water that was 6 feet long and 2 feet wide which is the size of my body.

After returning to Earth, I started to open my eyes . With half-open eyes, I could see the people around me who were looking at me with scared expressions on their faces. But once I gained my consciousness, they were happy and praising the Lord.

My body was half-paralyzed from the impact on my back. I tried a long time to get up but couldn't. I was feeling a lot of pain in one of my ribs. But eventually, I managed to get up. I couldn't move it well. With lots of struggling, I got to my work which was only a short walk away. At the office, I looked into the mirror to see my face was white as chalk. For sometime after this accident, I could not sit in a car or drive. Even walking or simple sitting was hard for me and my ribs would hurt.

This happened to me 9 years ago, but it is still in my memory like a HD movie with all the details and colors.

Background Information:

Gender: Male
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
What does this story mean to you?
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, who knows? It might be true, it might not.

Of course it's not the same but, I was in a coma for 2 days and I don't even remember dreaming lol. I just woke up two days later and thought the doctors checking on me were a couple of aliens! xD


Aug 14, 2020
I think that an atheist will say that they do not believe there is a god involved with NDEs.

The thing to understand here is that an atheist is just anyone who is not convinced that a god exists. Therefore, the only atheist thing to say about anything is a statement of not being convinced that a god is involved.

The question most people who ask this really want to ask is why an atheists does not find NDE compelling as evidence that a god exists.

The answer is that there is insufficient evidence that an NDE has anything to do with a god. There is no reason to think that a brain undergoing a catastrophic failure, or in the process of recovering from one, is at all reliable as a guide to what the person experiences during the failure period.

At best, and NDE may be seen as evidence of an afterlife. However, you do not need a God to have an afterlife… so still not something that an atheist should find compelling.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Do you have a story of how you survived SN? Sorry for interrupting
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
At best, an NDE may be seen as evidence of an afterlife.
How is a NEAR-death experience evidence for the existence of an afterlife? If you have a NEAR-death experience, you don't actually die, visit the afterlife & come back from it
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Aug 14, 2020
Do you have a story of how you survived SN? Sorry for interrupting
I drank way too much alcohol (to reduce SI) before my SN attempt and I vomited almost all of the SN that I took (25 grams in one cup). Lesson learned: DON'T DRINK ANY ALCOHOL BEFORE ATTEMPTING SN SUICIDE!


The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
And another view, non anecdotal: https://infidels.org/library/modern/keith_augustine/HNDEs.html

I get where he's coming from. I've been dead. Well, not really, I've been tripping way too hard on shrooms and right there and then what he said would make a lot of sense. My brain was very much alive and had no idea what the hell was happening, just like his own. No psilocin, probably, but maybe DMT (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45812-w / https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01424/full). And surely plenty of chemicals where they wouldn't usually be, either as a last-ditch effort or simply because it's impossible to maintain all systems under control when someone is dying.

Any near death experience is no model for an actual death experience.


May 8, 2020
I call bullshit.
That story reads like fiction.
Completely fabricated, probably to lure naive agnostics into his new age cult or something. Nothing about that rings true.
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Oct 5, 2020
I'm having trouble seeing how experiencing life as finite being would make an infinite being "stronger" than it already is.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I'm having trouble seeing how experiencing life as finite being would make an infinite being "stronger" than it already is.
Never underestimate how dumb God is
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Apr 15, 2021
I'm Michael and I'm an atheist. I'm not here to rain on anyone's beliefs - I'm atheist (without god) not antitheist (against god).

I had what probably goes in that category of NDE, and @IsurvivedSN is right.

In a nutshell:
I'm a transguy, but was a pregnant person back in 1995.
I didn't want to have my baby at the hospital, I stayed at home and hired a midwife. She and I wrote out a detailed birth plan as is the custom. As part of my birth plan I wrote that so long as I am capable of making my own decisions, I will not go to a hospital.
When I gave birth, I hemorrhaged. The midwife did all she could but the bleeding wouldn't stop. I lost enough blood that there did come a time when I was no longer able to make decisions and an ambulance was called.

I used to be a Christian, so I'll briefly describe my experience first as my Christian self might have, then again as an atheist.

Christian description
The labor had been rough and I was exhausted and in pain. As I was taken to the ambulance, I felt myself being pulled backward, out of my own body. Once I was free of the physical carton, my pain stopped. It was such blessed relief! I went from the worst pain I'd ever felt, to feeling totally released. I didn't have a body and it was bliss. The gurney my body was on was moving forward, and I let it go, drifting backward. I was floating. I was moving backward and I entered a tunnel. I drifted peacefully as if floating and the farther down the tunnel I went, the farther away everyone's voice became. I wasn't scared at all, just overwhelmingly sleepy. I was thinking to the people I was leaving behind, you all just go on without me. It's fine. I'm fine. Then God's peace filled me and I felt an exhilaration like none I've experienced again and a blinding bright light appeared. I heard God's voice, . . . not yet. You have a baby who needs you.
I was thrown back into my body with some not gentle force. It was jarring and painful. The bright light lingered for a moment, traveled over my body, and was gone. I was back in horrendous pain, laying on a table in an ER.

Atheist description
The labor had been rough and I was exhausted and in pain. As I was taken to the ambulance, my field of vision narrowed. A symptom of hypoxia, I lost all peripheral vision so it was as if I were looking down a tunnel. I also experienced euphoria, known to come with hypoxia, as vasoconstriction pulled blood out of my extremities to try to concentrate it in my brain, I lost feeling in my body. Well, at least I didn't hurt anymore.
If you are laying face up on a gurney in an ambulance or hospital, chances are good that you are looking right up into a bright light. Since peripheral vision was gone, the light overhead completely filled my field of vision. I was in hypovolemic shock, and was losing consciousness. I couldn't make out what was being said exactly, but probably a family member or ambulance driver told me to hang in there because my baby needs me to be okay. I thought I would be fine, because I felt awesome, just really overwhelmingly sleepy. I wanted to tell them I felt fine, good even, but then I did pass out. Later I regained consciousness slowly, over maybe 15 - 20 seconds time period. They had given me blood expanders to increase the volume and keep my heart pumping, but oh this made me conscious enough to hurt like hell again. The light was bright in my face then was repositioned near my groin in preparation for the emergency DNC.

So I really think it's just a matter of how you frame it. As a Christian I would have sworn this was a manifestation of God, sending me back to raise my child. As an atheist I view it scientifically.
It's just trippy AF - I mean really, hypovolemic shock is an experience like no other and crazy things go on in an oxygen deprived brain.
If you view the world through a spiritual lens, it's so easy to see this as a supernatural contact with God.

To each, their own.
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Aug 14, 2020
I'm Michael and I'm an atheist. I'm not here to rain on anyone's beliefs - I'm atheist (without god) not antitheist (against god).

I had what probably goes in that category of NDE, and @IsurvivedSN is right.

In a nutshell:
I'm a transguy, but was a pregnant person back in 1995.
I didn't want to have my baby at the hospital, I stayed at home and hired a midwife. She and I wrote out a detailed birth plan as is the custom. As part of my birth plan I wrote that so long as I am capable of making my own decisions, I will not go to a hospital.
When I gave birth, I hemorrhaged. The midwife did all she could but the bleeding wouldn't stop. I lost enough blood that there did come a time when I was no longer able to make decisions and an ambulance was called.

I used to be a Christian, so I'll briefly describe my experience first as my Christian self might have, then again as an atheist.

Christian description
The labor had been rough and I was exhausted and in pain. As I was taken to the ambulance, I felt myself being pulled backward, out of my own body. Once I was free of the physical carton, my pain stopped. It was such blessed relief! I went from the worst pain I'd ever felt, to feeling totally released. I didn't have a body and it was bliss. The gurney my body was on was moving forward, and I let it go, drifting backward. I was floating. I was moving backward and I entered a tunnel. I drifted peacefully as if floating and the farther down the tunnel I went, the farther away everyone's voice became. I wasn't scared at all, just overwhelmingly sleepy. I was thinking to the people I was leaving behind, you all just go on without me. It's fine. I'm fine. Then God's peace filled me and I felt an exhilaration like none I've experienced again and a blinding bright light appeared. I heard God's voice, . . . not yet. You have a baby who needs you.
I was thrown back into my body with some not gentle force. It was jarring and painful. The bright light lingered for a moment, traveled over my body, and was gone. I was back in horrendous pain, laying on a table in an ER.

Atheist description
The labor had been rough and I was exhausted and in pain. As I was taken to the ambulance, my field of vision narrowed. A symptom of hypoxia, I lost all peripheral vision so it was as if I were looking down a tunnel. I also experienced euphoria, known to come with hypoxia, as vasoconstriction pulled blood out of my extremities to try to concentrate it in my brain, I lost feeling in my body. Well, at least I didn't hurt anymore.
If you are laying face up on a gurney in an ambulance or hospital, chances are good that you are looking right up into a bright light. Since peripheral vision was gone, the light overhead completely filled my field of vision. I was in hypovolemic shock, and was losing consciousness. I couldn't make out what was being said exactly, but probably a family member or ambulance driver told me to hang in there because my baby needs me to be okay. I thought I would be fine, because I felt awesome, just really overwhelmingly sleepy. I wanted to tell them I felt fine, good even, but then I did pass out. Later I regained consciousness slowly, over maybe 15 - 20 seconds time period. They had given me blood expanders to increase the volume and keep my heart pumping, but oh this made me conscious enough to hurt like hell again. The light was bright in my face then was repositioned near my groin in preparation for the emergency DNC.

So I really think it's just a matter of how you frame it. As a Christian I would have sworn this was a manifestation of God, sending me back to raise my child. As an atheist I view it scientifically.
It's just trippy AF - I mean really, hypovolemic shock is an experience like no other and crazy things go on in an oxygen deprived brain.
If you view the world through a spiritual lens, it's so easy to see this as a supernatural contact with God.

To each, their own.
Thanks for sharing your NDE story! I have a question: How does God look like? I read some NDE's there that God looks like a very, very bright and giant Sun (even bigger than ours and much, much brighter). Do you have the same visual of God or different?
I call bullshit.
That story reads like fiction.
Completely fabricated, probably to lure naive agnostics into his new age cult or something. Nothing about that rings true.

Never underestimate how dumb God is

Well… people can believe what they want to believe…

like @fishtacos4me said: to each, their own
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Nov 25, 2019
They're just making it up. They lie, and they lie, and they lie, and even when they get caught lying and promise never to lie again, they just keep on lying right to your face. They'll swear on their book of stories and their made up god that its true, because NOTHING MATTERS to them.
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Dec 25, 2019
How is a NEAR-death experience evidence for the existence of an afterlife? If you have a NEAR-death experience, you don't actually die, visit the afterlife & come back from it
I think you've hit the nail on the head. You can't perform CPR on a corpse and resuscitate them. That's what I understand death to mean.
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