amatherasu :-)

amatherasu :-)

Dec 21, 2023
I'm always seeing these stupid videos like "mother cat does everything to protect her babies" and all the idiotic comments below like "oh mothers are so admirable" and blahblahblah, people always have this stupid habit of glorifying the biological role of a mother, i.e. an animal that only does what it is instinctively programmed to do, it's not about giving someone a medal just for raising children.
Besides that, It's sad how you go anywhere, and everywhere, you find that everything, it is based on the same redundancy over and over again, that is, the supposed value of life, and everything is designed based on this omnipresent axiom, it's hard not to lose your sanity when browsing reddit and the rest of social media, since ANY information you see and read is plagued with the same intention that seeks unconditional acceptance of life, that consideration of life as an intrinsically good fact, it's almost like a collective psychotic state, like a "religion of life" I would even say. That is, positivity is a good thing, but it becomes a murky issue when everything around you is pro-life thought in every scope of life, is striking how everything aligns towards the same idea in relation to life.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'm always seeing these stupid videos like "mother cat does everything to protect her babies" and all the idiotic comments below like "oh mothers are so admirable" and blahblahblah, people always have this stupid habit of glorifying the biological role of a mother, i.e. an animal that only does what it is instinctively programmed to do, it's not about giving someone a medal just for raising children.
Besides that, It's sad how you go anywhere, and everywhere, you find that everything, it is based on the same redundancy over and over again, that is, the supposed value of life, and everything is designed based on this omnipresent axiom, it's hard not to lose your sanity when browsing reddit and the rest of social media, since ANY information you see and read is plagued with the same intention that seeks unconditional acceptance of life, that consideration of life as an intrinsically good fact, it's almost like a collective psychotic state, like a "religion of life" I would even say. That is, positivity is a good thing, but it becomes a murky issue when everything around you is pro-life thought in every scope of life, is striking how everything aligns towards the same idea in relation to life.
I totally agree. I see the same constant worship of life everywhere. i don't fall for the manipulation . i know the truth life is bad.

I can't challenge their view anywhere else only here is that allowed .

no one can convince me why i have to accept life or any of the meaningless addictions as good , worthy, important.
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Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
I think it is reasonable to feel gratitude for your mother doing a good job. The opposite is definitely worth some scorn, so why is some praise not appropriate? You can admire a thing for doing what it is "programmed" to do. Ever found a flower beautiful? People even do this with things they see as bad sometimes.

I respect that you find no value in life, but many do find value and I respect that also. I don't understand how we can even talk about value outside of the opinion of individuals. Even if there is some ultimate objective method to evaluate this whole mess I don't believe we have access to it.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
a child is born imo basically as a blank slate
No, not really. At least from what I've gathered, the cognitive abilities of infants are severely underestimated and they aren't just little mindless machines. For example, a study looking at 3-month-olds found that they seem to potentially have a basic sense of morality. In the study, they had infants look at a little puppet show involving a circle trying to get up the hill. They had them become habituated to the scene and would then show them two different scenarios. In one scenario, one of the puppets (either a square or triangle puppet) would help the circle up the hill, while the other puppet would push them down. They would then have their caregiver cover their eyes and bring out the triangle and square puppets and the babies would typically choose to stare at the "good puppet" over the "bad one". This was found not to be impacted by which shaped puppet they used for which role either.

Another example of this is shown when looking at how infants part take in their development. A caregiver can do something, but the infant or child is the one who chooses to engage with said stimuli. Infants will even sometimes encourage their parents to perform certain actions that please them. For example, take how infants tend to react positively to infant-directed speech and how that encourages their caregiver to speak to them in that particular way.

I feel like acting as though we start as blank slates is too simplistic and doesn't reflect how complex our development is throughout infancy and early childhood.

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