
Mar 12, 2023
I don't encourage any violence here in this post , just some observation i made.

What's up with the shooting in schools killing kids, they would be better to kill rich people and rich CEO , they would become very popular in the general population, a mass shooting in a very rich neighborood would be better than schools , ,what do you think ?

Again , i don't encourage any violence, i prefer no mass shooting at all but you know if it has to happpen and it will happen again , you know.....
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embed it feels, like eternal ache.
Oct 7, 2023
coming from someone who hyperfixates on stuff like this - it's often because of the harm schools do to them. bullying, careless staff, the stress of school, etc; in my theory, it's probably easiest too given they HAVE to be there anyways
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I can't relate with murderers at all but maybe they do it for attention? There's definitely something wrong with them. As for their choice of location, I don't think that thinking is their strong point. You have to be a psychopath to pull a mass shooting and most psychopaths have inflated egos and greatly overestimate their own intelligence which is why they do stupid things and get caught.
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Sep 18, 2023
The US is probably a special case with the excess bullying going on.
Too many stories where the teachers and school personnel do nothing to stop it, or just punish both the perpetrator and the victim at best.

That and the easy accessibility of firearms make for a disaster.
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im sorry for what i said
Sep 14, 2023
coming from someone who hyperfixates on stuff like this - it's often because of the harm schools do to them. bullying, careless staff, the stress of school, etc; in my theory, it's probably easiest too given they HAVE to be there anyways
as a person who experienced desire to do this when i was a teenager in 2004; i was always wanted get back at the bullies. the kids and teachers.
it feels like the pain people caused when i was in school... , it's impossible for people to understand. the terror and pain and confusion that is caused by a shooting in your school, .. it always made sense to me. it's relative.
i dont believe it's the answer, and im so glad i lived in rural canada and this was never such an easy option for me. my father even asked me in my second attempt at grade 9 if i'd like to drop out, as he was literally scared i was going to shoot our school up. our school had a population of like, m...maybe 500 kids. grades 3-12, as well. a very very small school. i lived in a village, not enough people to amount to a town's worth even.
i always felt.. that they didn't understand. they cant imagine the fear and pain and sorrow of showing up every day to be rejected, denied.. trying my best, always failing.. it's meaningless, it's pointless.
it felt to me that i would be able to make everyone understand in that moment. it's clear nobody actually understands, being on the side now that can observe the other end of things,.. nobody sees why or what's happenings. pain. suffering. it is unimaginable.

for some reason, i guess, its easier to feel and empathize with people who experience the shooting. that's scary, unjustified.. "sudden", "unwarranted", and such.
nobody can understand what it is to be left out, ostrasized. the fear and pain that experience brings.
i am jealous and envious of all the many majority of people who can not understand how the pain of a lifetime of bullying can feel. how it feels to not feel safe or comfortable at home, to go to school and feel the same, to belong nowhere. it feels the same to me as in that moment of fear and panic, where to go, where to hide.. how to survive..
in that moment, it would have been my control.
i truly feel terrible for this sentiment now that it's been an equivalent lifetime since that moment (15 years until i felt that way, and 15 years since then).. and especially as shootings are desperately in the rise in the US.. i hate that i felt that way, but it helps me understand the issue is not to hate these people more. these children who are lashing out. i wish we could truly find a way to love them more, they ,, .. they need love. i needed love. true, real.. unconditional love. i dont know. i hate everything now, so i dont know how i can get off say8ing shit like this as if i mean it, but.. i just.. that is what i wanted. that what i needed. i assume it's still what i need the most.

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Brown-Jacket Revy

Brown-Jacket Revy

Jul 10, 2023
I've thought this same shit.
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Aug 22, 2023
  • No one wanted to talk to them.
  • No one listened to them.
  • No one understood their problems.
  • They needed the attention they never had in their life.
  • People excluded them for being different.
  • They could never receive the affection or love of people.
  • Society filled them with hatred and suffering.
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Sep 29, 2023
from all the media ive consumed true crime, interviews interrogations and such it came to a point that theyd do it for attention, ego god complex(getting to choose who lived or died) and would end up taking their own lives anyway so they caused harm to as many people as they could, taking out their anger in the process.
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Oct 4, 2023
Anger at the school system and other students who made them feel awful. And if you're a student in that specific school it's just a much easier target to plan for as you will know the building and can look around easier to know it even better.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I don't encourage any violence here in this post , just some observation i made.

What's up with the shooting in schools killing kids, they would be better to kill rich people and rich CEO , they would become very popular in the general population, a mass shooting in a very rich neighborood would be better than schools , ,what do you think ?

Again , i don't encourage any violence, i prefer no mass shooting at all but you know if it has to happpen and it will happen again , you know.....
Same, I wonder this as well. I only want to kill myself rather than other people. What's the point of killing other people? You'd only be arrested and put into jail, and bad things would happen to you afterwards. I don't see any reason or benefit to it. However, I do want other people to kill me. Please do
  • No one wanted to talk to them.
  • No one listened to them.
  • No one understood their problems.
  • They needed the attention they never had in their life.
  • People excluded them for being different.
  • They could never receive the affection or love of people.
  • Society filled them with hatred and suffering.
All of this has happened to me (except for needing attention, I hate attention) but I still don't want to kill other people…there are literally no pros to it you'd only end up locked up for the rest of your life. I want other people to kill me though.

I will ctb as an act of anger and revenge upon society and the world. I hate having to live my life and I wish someone else could end it so I wouldn't have to resort to ctb
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Oct 6, 2023
ok first thing before i get into my own experience is that a huge amount of school shooters have done it for racist/mysogynistic/eugenicist reasons and people love to brush that aside when defending them so i think its rly important to remember that. like there r shooters who were blatant neonazis and their defenders will say they did it because of bullying. in reality their hate was being responded to and tht's what they're calling bullying. theres another convo to be had about young ppl getting indoctrinated into the far right via being encouraged to repeat slurs to their peers so they become isolated from everyone who won't tolerate that behaviour but yeah that's one aspect to it

ime of wanting to kill people from a very young age (like 6) it was abt the rage i had in me from being abused and misdirecting it. and to be clear i was also very badly bullied in school and that can be all it takes to actively wanna kill ppl because bullying can be extremely traumatic, but for me it was misdirection bc the kids who were bullying me were the only people i was allowed be angry at. i wasn't allowed/didnt have the mental capacity to be angry at the adults who were brainwashing me or the bigger kids who were sexually assaulting me, bc that would mean admitting it was happening. All the thoughts i had about those people i turned towards the bullies my age, thoughts like i wanted to kill them in the slowest and most gruesome ways imaginable. and it made sense to me for a long time.

at around 17 i realised some of the things i was saying and putting into my art sounded too much like the school shooters that those nazi apologist true crime fandoms deify so i started to consciously think about it more and stopped outwardly acting that way. also as i got older i would see younger kids bullying others and i would get a strong urge to hurt them, and then i would remember i was much older than them and it would really scare me. Im fully recovered from thinking like this now bc i've been able to look at school photos and realise how young we actually were and forgive them. that forgiveness had a lot of stages too bc it was grief. seeing those photos as an adult was crazy cus at the time I felt so old. a lot of my memories from back then feel like I was in highschool at the least. then i look at the photos and realise we were babies. really weird feeling
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I expect there are differences between adults who do it and students of the school. I imagine in both cases, it is motivated by anger. With students though- I imagine it's more personal. Were they made to feel rejected or bullied? Is it for revenge?

It's even harder to comprehend in adults. Maybe they are angry at society in general and they know that attacking children will be the most impactful.
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Oct 4, 2023
I guess I can see that even in a country without access to firearms I've always liked fantasizing mass murder and burning down the school to I guess see the reflection of my pain in to other kids and teachers who inflicted pain upon me and clearly didn't give one singular fuck about me.
But yes for some reason I had my episodes where I really had this type of euphoric fantasy about payback in the most entertaining way for me(even artistic to say). Now in university I don't anymore cause I see enough struggle in other students aswell, aswell as suicide cases where students lost their dual study job partner, how can you be so inresponsible to your young generation...

I don't know how this dark fantasy became a thing for me, but it started appearing after one certain scene of bullying which led to panic attacks(which of course I didn't know and still don't actually am certain of since no one knows and people I tried to share with saw this as some sort of me talking my way out or bs'ing them).

In the end I don't have access to firearms and innocent kids etc would get involved aswell as me ending up in jail would not be worth it. I always ended up enjoying the Fantasy of it and then moving in with that crappy life.
All I'm saying ist that you need one Person in your life who can get you to talk about things like that in a save atmosphere, like an actual teacher or mentor. If no one gives you that, how do you expect a teenager to be decently healthy in their mind. No rather than that all you get expectations further into adulthood leading to more confusion and anxiety trying to meet them.
It's clear to everyone that the school system is old and shit, but apperently there are more Important things to invest in than the upcoming generation. Seeing shit like that just grows my hatred towards my own country. Fuck capitalism, exploiting their own citizen to keep them a stable economy.
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embed it feels, like eternal ache.
Oct 7, 2023
alr, i'll write a second reply. i feel like being detailed.

two words: misanthropy, suicidal.

school shooters are often seen with pessimestic god complex views of the world; "the world is fucking awful but i rule it anyways" and commonly added on with "-so i may as well kill it off or at least try to." they'd see themselves as self aware, always focusing on the worst aspects of the world, usually within their personal life as well. a common factor is bullying, and in some cases, shooters had gone through so much bullying it drove them past a certain point. some other factors could be an awful family life, other sources of trauma, etc. trauma doesn't just lead to suicidal ideations, for some, it makes them angry at the world around them; for not helping, caring, or causing them this. though yes, some do it just for the attention.

tl;dr: misanthropy, trauma, pessimism, and in some cases, attention.
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