

Sep 24, 2024
I've realized, too late, that faith is truly the only thing keeping people sane. There's a reason why religions were invented, this world is far too cruel to live in without believing there's a higher power protecting you. I need that drive, that blind belief in something greater than me that has my back. I was always "too sad" even as a kid but my mental state spiraled downward when I started doubting the existence of god. Right now I'm filled with nothing but emptiness. If I could take anything back, I wouldn't have ever questioned god, if only I knew it was the lie that kept me going
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Jan 18, 2024
Thanks for this post, have never personally been religious but you're right. Religion is a major cope. And that's okay. I wish it was something I could use to cope as easily as others do as well.
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Jan 1, 2024
I admire people who have a strong faith in God to its gives people great comfort. Although I believe there is some sort of higher power(s) I dont believe they can do anything to help. When people believe God is helping them through out life it seems to keep them going and I wish I could believe that
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Jul 11, 2024
The world isn't the same knowing that God doesn't exist. I'm still trying to comprehend that humans evolved from monkeys.
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Apr 18, 2023
I've realized, too late, that faith is truly the only thing keeping people sane. There's a reason why religions were invented, this world is far too cruel to live in without believing there's a higher power protecting you. I need that drive, that blind belief in something greater than me that has my back. I was always "too sad" even as a kid but my mental state spiraled downward when I started doubting the existence of god. Right now I'm filled with nothing but emptiness. If I could take anything back, I wouldn't have ever questioned god, if only I knew it was the lie that kept me going
I believe in God. I also feel like God desires for me to suffer without mercy. It's been so long since I received any grace. Or anything good or decent. My experience pales in comparison to others. Hard to see God as a good God in suffering without end or goodness or anything you can grab a hold of and say here's an example of God at work in my life. It just feels like God is letting me drown in my own suffering on the way to hell. When he could pluck me from the depths of despair and save me. But as it seems amongst humans I'm not worth saving or anything good at all. As such it feels God feels the same.
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Sep 16, 2024
I've realized, too late, that faith is truly the only thing keeping people sane. There's a reason why religions were invented, this world is far too cruel to live in without believing there's a higher power protecting you. I need that drive, that blind belief in something greater than me that has my back. I was always "too sad" even as a kid but my mental state spiraled downward when I started doubting the existence of god. Right now I'm filled with nothing but emptiness. If I could take anything back, I wouldn't have ever questioned god, if only I knew it was the lie that kept me going
Watch Life of Pi. Amazing movie and it is about "a story that will make you believe in God" (you will understand once you watch it). And no, it is not an evangelical/religious movie.

Edit: I'm not trying to convince you that God exist, just suggesting a movie that may help you think/reflect. In the end, your beliefs (or lack of it) are what matter.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess it is comforting to think/hope there is some greater power that would give us strength when we needed it most. Still, I can't shake the thought that God created the terrible situations in which we feel so desperate in the first place! And, even if they didn't, if they come from some other evil place/entity- then, God either can't defeat them, or is pleased they exist to hurt us. The more I look at this world, the more I think that God can't be what we would consider good. Unless there is some much bigger, greater good, overall plan that we simply can't comprehend.
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Jul 12, 2023
I agree, it would be like this reassuring and comforting feeling you could return to any time, to make you feel understood and that in the end it will be okay, a higher power knows your struggles and they are not in vain, there is a place for you in Heaven at the end of all this if you have faith and do what's right. In the darkest times, you can sit in a beautiful church space with others or alone or by an altar in candle light and be reminded that you are not alone, there is hope and meaning in the struggle, a merciful God loves you and wants you to to prosper,there is a higher plan, giving you strength and the resilience to keep going. I really believe that some people need that and without it, an emptiness is created that cannot be filled,even if we view it now as naive,childish wishful thinking. Of course everyone handles it differently and many just go through life trying not to think of the deeper questions and accept the lies that the culture feeds them, that meaning can be found through materialism and success, many other things etc, but it can never satisfy the deepest spiritual longings we feel, which it why it has has central importance to human life since time immemorial. We simply know too much now to go back, we have to find other copes to get through, a major one being to try to help others around you and not create more suffering,as you feel the heaviness and weight of it on yourself. This society creates loneliness though, and the feeling that everyone is out for themselves,there is no community anymore and everything is viewed as transactional, so the opportunities to help and connect with others seems harder and harder,helping others is seen as a sign of weakness,or most people can barely afford and look after themselves. I am just about hanging on, but I struggle with a lack of meaning everyday, I know for a fact a belief in God would help me immensely.
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Mar 22, 2023
Ive never been a religious person, and I have no doubt that having no faith in a higher power or complete trust in a given entity or greater power would improve someones mental condition drastically. Especially if said entity was viewed as a savior and gracious being. I was raised in quite the opposite of a religious manner, and honestly cant fathom it. I spent most of my childhood thinking religious people were stupid for believing in such a hoax. Now I wish it was that easy to find something to put all my faith and hope into. Or at least believe that no matter what as long as I did right by me there would be something good waiting at the end.
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Jun 5, 2024
i often feel that a belief in god would allow me to see myself as a locus of divine value, which thereby would allow me to work towards a pure, ascetic existence. any atheistic belief is just one consigned to the rules of the game, in which pragmatic indifference amounts to cruel vainglory, though only if you can profit therefrom. even if my suicidal ideation still lingered after invoking a belief in god, it would allow me to feel like a martyr rather than an individual ensnared by unfair circumstances
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Sep 24, 2024
I believe in God. I also feel like God desires for me to suffer without mercy. It's been so long since I received any grace. Or anything good or decent. My experience pales in comparison to others. Hard to see God as a good God in suffering without end or goodness or anything you can grab a hold of and say here's an example of God at work in my life. It just feels like God is letting me drown in my own suffering on the way to hell. When he could pluck me from the depths of despair and save me. But as it seems amongst humans I'm not worth saving or anything good at all. As such it feels God feels the same.
I definitely used to have similar feelings when i still believed in god. Every bad thing happening to u feels like a direct consequence of something you've done and like you "deserved it", this's one of the many downsides of religion. I think what helped me is realizing there are people who are objectively evil and haven't got nearly what they deserve. It's either that god is also evil or god is a made up concept, i think the second is more likely
Watch Life of Pi. Amazing movie and it is about "a story that will make you believe in God" (you will understand once you watch it). And no, it is not an evangelical/religious movie.

Edit: I'm not trying to convince you that God exist, just suggesting a movie that may help you think/reflect. In the end, your beliefs (or lack of it) are what matter.
I'll make sure to give it a watch! Ty


Apr 18, 2023
I definitely used to have similar feelings when i still believed in god. Every bad thing happening to u feels like a direct consequence of something you've done and like you "deserved it", this's one of the many downsides of religion. I think what helped me is realizing there are people who are objectively evil and haven't got nearly what they deserve. It's either that god is also evil or god is a made up concept, i think the second is more likely
Ehh I don't think God is sitting up there making people's lives hellish because of things they've done. I think God decided it before we were born. That some people get to enjoy life and others get to suffer. I don't think deserve is even a concept within it.

I guess the argument is that in the afterlife they will get what they deserve. I know God exists it's Just whether or not he's a good God. Whether the architect of the holocaust, holomodor, Armenian genocide, what's happening with the Uyghurs, etc... Is that a good God? Then factor in your life? I'm just not sure God is good. I really don't think he hears my prayers for help. As they've fallen on deaf ears. I don't want to go to hell but on the other side do you want to spend eternity with that God. Where's God's goodness? Jesus you know sending your only son to be tortured. How is that a good God. He doesn't even look after his equal let alone us.

I mean I believed in God, went to church, studied apologetics, hell even talked about God with people and when appropriate. I also worked hard was in medical school working to be an oncologist. When I was the victim of crimes. Subsequently I lost my family, I lost all of my things, I live in a shitty, disgusting shithole board and lodge with shit growing on walls with people who never learned to function in society mostly as criminals and gangbangers, eating pbnjs for every meal because that's all I can get (hello diseases in the not so distant future), my body is breaking down, no career opportunities ive tried, no way to find friends or God forbid a spouse, so on and so forth. God broke his promise he abandoned me. There's no grace or anything even approaching good in my life. Like fuck this.
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