

If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
I was told that by my support worker

So if I kill my self I am contributing to the worlds problems and I have a duty to help make the world better

I would like to see where he gets his logic
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Mar 22, 2020
Support worker? How can he be such an asshole? Really? Damn, humankind is getting worse day by day
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Jan 27, 2019
It could be that maybe he thinks that by you killing yourself, you indirectly allow this evil world to get it's way. Like a soldat running away from the battlefield.

To be honest, I find it interesting that he said that. Support workers and therapist usually like to gaslight/parrot the same positive stuff to people or artificially validate their feeling. At least this one openly showed that he was an asshole.

how did you feel when he said that? what was the context?


May 27, 2020
One of the reasons people commit suicide is to escape from all of the hostility and cruelty in the world. In other words: they kill themselves because of those said problems. It is the other way around: the problems in the world can contribute to suicide.

So from another point of view: How can someone contribute to the worlds problems when they are taking themselves out of the game that causes them in the first place? It could be argued that by no longer being alive they are not around to find a solution, but at the same time they are also not around to make it worse either.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Just fucking download a bunch of mods and blind him in the video game Minecraft and see if he wants to continue living fuck these people.


Jan 17, 2021
Then be the cheeky contrarian and increase the world's problems on purpose.
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
How cruel! I felt angry.
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‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
Jan 18, 2019
I was told that by my support worker

So if I kill my self I am contributing to the worlds problems and I have a duty to help make the world better

I would like to see where he gets his logic

As far as I can tell, you don't have any duty to this world. You never made the choice to be born, you never were able to consent to life either.

So by having life forced onto you, and by extension the problems that come with life. I don't think you should be expected to have to solve problems that are forced onto you and that you never wanted to be a part of in the first place.

I had a conversation with someone the other day, regarding natalism and making the world better. They said: "what if my kid will be the one to solve climate change, or cure cancer, etc?"
But my question is why do you feel the need to bring someone into this mess who never had the ability to consent one way or the other. All the while knowing this world has problems and expecting them to solve it for you? Its selfish. Why bring someone into existence, just to weigh them down with these burdens, that they would've never been aware of, or able to experience had they never been born in the first place?

Furthermore, the idea that humans make this world "better" I'd say is laughable at best.

We've squandered and wasted most of the fossil fuels in little over one hundred years, producing more Co2 at levels that have never been seen at any other time in history; In turn destroying the biosphere.

We've over fished, and dumped garbage and toxic sewage waste into the oceans acidifying them. Now we have at the very least damaged over 87% of our oceans. With all the ocean damage the number of "dead zones" (where nothing can live) keep increasing. "From just 42 in 1950, to 405 in 2008. Dead zones now cover 95,000 square miles; this is the size of the United Kingdom."
The ocean is a big deal, because it is one of our largest carbon sinks. It absorbs a lot of the Co2 we produce, but with so much of it being damaged or dead, this is already not working or viable.

We also continue to cause deforestation; to clear land, to build more, and to farm cattle, and other livestock. But again this eliminates another huge carbon sink.

And all of this still doesn't factor in mining and ripping any resources we can, out of the earth, meat and dairy production, or a million other bad things we are doing as a species all in the name of ""progress"".

All of this is important because these are some of the most life sustaining things we have on this planet. Without these things we will die. But we as a species are very greedy and short sighted. Only looking towards short term gains; all the while disregarding, and ignoring the long term consequences, and impacts of those actions and choices.

We are literally making everything worse, we are basically shitting where we eat.

We are consuming and killing everything on this planet in the name of progress, yet we are still plagued with the same old problems that we've had since day one. We still are eating, breathing, shitting, pissing, reproducing, dying, apes.

We have been able to come up with innovations and solutions that may make our lives easier and more convenient in one way or another. But have still never been able to evolve past the core problems and issues we have always had.

Nothing has really changed, and we are still prisoners and pawns of biology.

I feel that I'm just going off on a tangent now, but I personally think everything would be better if sentient life (not just humans) simply didn't exist.

Everyday we continue to exist, we consume resources in one way or another always likely contributing to the same destructive cycles that got us here in the first place.

More people = more demand for finite resources that we simply just don't have enough of.

And the worst part about all of this is that we as a species are still no closer to being content or happy. We are inherently dissatisfied, always trying to chase the next quick fix or short term dopamine high.
It's sad really.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Unless you're some sort of fated Chosen One or whatever future Hero/Savior of the world then I highly doubt your suicide or anyone's will actually be worse for the whole world over all. You might make some people's' personal worlds worse that way and maybe that's what your support worker meant but if anything, living is definitely worse for the world as a whole. Then again, why should anyone care what's worse for the world if the only reason to care about it is for the sake of the other people and animals that are already making it worse for each other.
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Deleted member 26067

Deleted member 26067

Perennis odium
Feb 4, 2021
If anything, humans remaining alive contributes to this world's problems. More people = more strain on resources, less space to live, less to go around, more conflict and fighting.

Sounds like the world would improve a bit if your support worker would kill himself. Just saying.
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Jan 21, 2021
Why should i contribute to a society that never cared about me, only treat me as a pawn to buy shit and be slave for the system? If i die, i won't generate garbage, pollution and i'll contribute with population decline. Fuck this world, it's not under our control.


kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I was told that by my support worker

So if I kill my self I am contributing to the worlds problems and I have a duty to help make the world better

I would like to see where he gets his logic
I really don't know what his deal is, but guilt-tripping suicidal people into not offing themselves doesn't seem very supportive to me.
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Jul 15, 2020
No one has the duty to make this world better, we were forced to live here anyways. Sorry they said that to you, that's horrible. They're part of the problem, can't believe what a hypocrite someone can be


If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
It could be that maybe he thinks that by you killing yourself, you indirectly allow this evil world to get it's way. Like a soldat running away from the battlefield.

To be honest, I find it interesting that he said that. Support workers and therapist usually like to gaslight/parrot the same positive stuff to people or artificially validate their feeling. At least this one openly showed that he was an asshole.

how did you feel when he said that? what was the context?

Me and him discuss a lot about world events or philosophical sort of stuff like how religion does not make sense and why evil exists , e t c

He told me I would be contributing to the worlds problems if I commit suicide and it made me feel like I would feel accused and it felt un-fair


Jan 27, 2019
He told me I would be contributing to the worlds problems if I commit suicide
It felt un-fair but does it mean it was? The way you felt is normal, but if I was you, I would start thinking about what he said and ask myself: how is he right? How is he rational? I think that's be the mature thing to do. That's be my way of handling the situation.

I know we are regularly encouraged to be offended in this era...

to be honest, I appreciate his honesty, even tho what he said sucked. Only in total honesty, things can truly improve. I think it's a good thing that your therapist is so honest, it's rare. I'm sorry if what I'm saying isn't what you want to hear, other members already validated your feelings so I thought it'd be okay/appropriate to bring a different perspective.


Nov 17, 2020
That's a heavy burden of guilt to place on any person, let alone a suicidal person. Sorry you had to hear that, it's obvious that isn't a means of supporting your client- that person clearly isn't cut out for that profession.

If you can't support clients in a way that helps them see hope for recovery in themselves, the next best thing? Guilt trip them instead!

SIGHS. Super effective.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Ok, I won't kill myself so as not to bring more problems into this world.

I will just go on suffering like a dog for the rest of my life, and die a thousand deaths as I squirm in pain and mental anguish every second of my miserable existence.

Got it! You're such a wonderful support worker. The world needs more people like you.
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Dec 13, 2018
Whoever talks about world or anyone elses problems, actually means his own problems. From my experience this kind of words are used by selfish and manipulative people, trying to mask and look the oposite way.

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