
All things are nothing to me
Feb 2, 2024
I just had an anxiety attack. I've become more and more emotionally unstable and started throwing around things in my bedroom to somehow stop them. My bed is a meter up high, so I can look around the room quite nicely. In the last few weeks I threw around some toys I own, a package of magnesium powder and ripped apart a japanese learning book I bought. I haven't cleaned any of it up. It's sometimes difficult to move around, lest I step on spiky plastic pieces or powder. It's been laying around like this for weeks now. Today I had another anxiety attack after losing online games. I tried for weeks to somehow become better, so I could be proud of myself, then start making the most basic mistakes, only proving to myself how much of a subhuman I am.
Today I threw around the one thing I was scared of breaking and that's my headphones. Those, my teddy bear and my laptop were the things I was scared of breaking in a fit of anger. I bought them for 30€ after my last broke and they were complete shit. The sibilance was too unbearable to listen at a high volume, they had self-noise loud enough that I could hear it, and they felt frankly uncomfortable to wear after enough time. But it was the one way I had to even listen to music anymore or relax. I have a pair of earbuds, but I think they are merely promotional shit, that probably cost 5 bucks. They legitemately sound like a childs school project and feel utterly rancid.
I don't have any means to drown out all the shit in my head anymore. I don't have any way to just stop it from going further. Today I will run my final errands, so I can hand in my bachelors thesis. I wanted to put it off, since I felt void of any drive, but now I want to finally get it done. It was the one thing holding me back anymore.
It's funny. I've been browsing through tech reviews and have been imagining buying a new pair, so I can finally feel decent again and maybe get myself back to living. I even know what specific model I want, they're called ATH-M50X. I know there always will be the usual clowns itching to tell me how lucky I am for getting this far and getting ready to abandon the horrible material world and be free of suffering. I fucking hate that mentality earnestly. It's the mentality of the knight of infinite resignation. I'm already cornered, so I don't care about who I offend. I wanna be able to get out and do so many things. I wanna learn a new language, I wanna learn to play chess, I wanna read so much more, I wanna contribute to science, I wanna understand the intricacies of the world, I wanna kiss someone lovingly in my life, I wanna have someone I can share myself with earnestly and completely. According to some people, that's delusional, and I just need to tell myself how it's all horrible anyway. I wanna keep living, but all my hope has been snuffed out. I genuinely wish I could keep going somehow. I genuinely want to keep living and take my own freedom in my own hands. But how will I ever be able to do it anymore?
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Reactions: rozeske, Hotsackage, SVEN and 1 other person


Apr 3, 2023
Maybe have a look at the Recovery section, Blessed Be. Whilst someone like myself just can't find any reason to offer as to why you should go on, that's because I'm desparate and suicidal. I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of members on (and in) recovery who can really relate to how you feel, maybe one of them could make better sense to you than me.
Every good wish to you however things work out.

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