
Aug 8, 2020
I see everyone working.. I hate that 9-5 rat race and keep complaining about the lack of time.. Deep inside after all thorough thinking, I guess I am just a lazy Asshole
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
You're not lazy mon ami. I feel the same. The rat race is unnatural and unnecessary. You're not wrong for feeling this. The world is wrong
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Aug 13, 2020
I see everyone working.. I hate that 9-5 rat race and keep complaining about the lack of time.. Deep inside after all thorough thinking, I guess I am just a lazy Asshole
I quite liked it but foolishly took the opportunity to take what I thought would be a short break from it because I was boredinow I'm on here as I'm depressed about not being able to get back into it
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May 27, 2020
No you're not. The original purpose of a job was to provide you with a living (food and shelter) in exchange for work. Here is an analogy...

Lions spend anywhere between 10-20 hours sleeping every day. Now why do they sleep so much? Because they can. Lions will spend only a few hours each day doing what is necessary to survive - hunting for food, mating, etc; in other words they don't work a lot. Once they are done completing their survival checklist they're free to do whatever they want; in this case having a long, long snooze. They don't "work" much because they don't need to - they've already obtained what they need in those 2 hours so more work has to be done. This is in the same way that you should not feel compelled to work a huge amount of hours if you don't have to.

Not wanting to do something that is unnecessary isn't lazy it's just logic. A lot of people are only part of the 9-5 rat race because they have no choice - modern living can be expensive depending on where you are in the world.
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May 7, 2020
I see everyone working.. I hate that 9-5 rat race and keep complaining about the lack of time.. Deep inside after all thorough thinking, I guess I am just a lazy Asshole
I made a post ranting about this.
You can check it out.

Also, I feel I need some endgoal. A personal end goal. Look, I know I cannot become the richest. It is a place I cannot compete for, but st least I want something to be proud of. To know I didn't worked for nothing in a mindless job and then be replaced like a garbage.
I feel that if you have a social life, like a gf, or a group of friends with common interests(wich I do not have)plus you work at your project and you get prestige and respect for it in your community that is satisfying enough for a human being.
No you're not. The original purpose of a job was to provide you with a living (food and shelter) in exchange for work. Here is an analogy...

Lions spend anywhere between 10-20 hours sleeping every day. Now why do they sleep so much? Because they can. Lions will spend only a few hours each day doing what is necessary to survive - hunting for food, mating, etc; in other words they don't work a lot. Once they are done completing their survival checklist they're free to do whatever they want; in this case having a long, long snooze. They don't "work" much because they don't need to - they've already obtained what they need in those 2 hours so more work has to be done. This is in the same way that you should not feel compelled to work a huge amount of hours if you don't have to.

Not wanting to do something that is unnecessary isn't lazy it's just logic. A lot of people are only part of the 9-5 rat race because they have no choice - modern living can be expensive depending on where you are in the world.
Dude, I just reached the 200 comments milestone. Why my color is not like yours?
It takes some time?
No you're not. The original purpose of a job was to provide you with a living (food and shelter) in exchange for work. Here is an analogy...

Lions spend anywhere between 10-20 hours sleeping every day. Now why do they sleep so much? Because they can. Lions will spend only a few hours each day doing what is necessary to survive - hunting for food, mating, etc; in other words they don't work a lot. Once they are done completing their survival checklist they're free to do whatever they want; in this case having a long, long snooze. They don't "work" much because they don't need to - they've already obtained what they need in those 2 hours so more work has to be done. This is in the same way that you should not feel compelled to work a huge amount of hours if you don't have to.

Not wanting to do something that is unnecessary isn't lazy it's just logic. A lot of people are only part of the 9-5 rat race because they have no choice - modern living can be expensive depending on where you are in the world.
Nevermind, it changed now by itself.
Such a great surprise I had.
A welcomed one for sure.
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Apr 5, 2018
About animals and laziness. I recalled this video.

I think it's interesting that laziness and sloth are often used synonymously. You can see clearly that they move very slowly even in life-threatening situations. This doesn't strike to me as reluctance, as definition goes, but inability to apply the necessary effort to survive. You can google more "sloth vs." for for different encounters, if you're interested.
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Apr 8, 2020
I don't think you're lazy because you hate it. The standard for work really sucks. I remember reading that one of the Kelloggs trialed a six hour work day and it went really well. I wish that became the new standard. People could actually enjoy their free time and live their lives.
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Sep 3, 2020
Dude, I just reached the 200 comments milestone. Why my color is not like yours?
It takes some time?

Nevermind, it changed now by itself.
Such a great surprise I had.
A welcomed one for sure.
Strange that the nicks start blue and go on to become other colors, while the folks attached to them start other colors and end up turning blue. Could there be some sort of osmosis involved in this peculiar phenomenon ?


May 7, 2020
Strange that the nicks start blue and go on to become other colors, while the folks attached to them start other colors and end up turning blue. Could there be some sort of osmosis involved in this peculiar phenomenon ?
I tell you what I know about this, if this is what you want.
There is a ranking system based on numbers of comments that you made.
Each rank has it's own color.
You can find this somewhere at your profile, colors and number of comments you need per rank.
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Five day weeks are bullshit.
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Aug 6, 2020
Nah, its tough spending the majority of your day doing something you don't want to. Hell, I genuinely like my job rn and even I get fed up and wanna end it all at least once a shift
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fat feet

Throw away.
Sep 1, 2020
I see everyone working.. I hate that 9-5 rat race and keep complaining about the lack of time.. Deep inside after all thorough thinking, I guess I am just a lazy Asshole

I don't think you are a lazy asshole.
I loved working I found joy in accomplishing something. It was when I no longer had a routine of going to work and having something to do, was when I felt bad and useless.
Just my take on work and being productive.
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Aug 8, 2020
I don't think you are a lazy asshole.
I loved working I found joy in accomplishing something. It was when I no longer had a routine of going to work and having something to do, was when I felt bad and useless.
Just my take on work and being productive.
True. I loved working too. But I was always feeling comfortable and didn't try to climb up the corporate ladder. I was comfortable sitting in the same position. Took salary for granted. Took employment as granted as if I was working as an government employee. Never tried to climb the ladder and didn't update my skills.. One point of time, my skills got outdated and hence in this position.
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fat feet

Throw away.
Sep 1, 2020
True. I loved working too. But I was always feeling comfortable and didn't try to climb up the corporate ladder. I was comfortable sitting in the same position. Took salary for granted. Took employment as granted as if I was working as an government employee. Never tried to climb the ladder and didn't update my skills.. One point of time, my skills got outdated and hence in this position.

My husband fired me and humiliated me in front of the staff. It all killed my spirit to not have a purpose. I like routine I go down a rabbit hole when I don't have a plan. I tolerated it because I thought my marriage was more important than the job. Now he is divorcing me. Lol, and I did not see the coming. Gullible much.
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
The limited (2 years) time I spent working in my life was for a very well known wholesale pharmaceutical industry as IT support, it was hell.
Half the time you get a pharmacist who're literally being threatened to death by patients who couldn't get their methadone, it was 'company policy' that if you couldn't solve the call within 3 mins then bounce it to another department. I actually broke all rules to stay on the phone, as I could hear the patients in the background, to make sure it was being dealt with properly, I got 2 verbal and 1 written warning for doing this. I also made a fix for 80% of all the callers issues and was called into a meeting with my bosses. Apparently if those fixes went through, they would have to sack 80% of the staff, and 2 managers.

I left due to increased stress from the managers. And this is why nothing ever gets fixed. They refused to send the fixes to deployment. People like their jobs and if someone is threatening that you are completely effed.
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fat feet

Throw away.
Sep 1, 2020
The limited (2 years) time I spent working in my life was for a very well known wholesale pharmaceutical industry as IT support, it was hell.
Half the time you get a pharmacist who're literally being threatened to death by patients who couldn't get their methadone, it was 'company policy' that if you couldn't solve the call within 3 mins then bounce it to another department. I actually broke all rules to stay on the phone, as I could hear the patients in the background, to make sure it was being dealt with properly, I got 2 verbal and 1 written warning for doing this. I also made a fix for 80% of all the callers issues and was called into a meeting with my bosses. Apparently if those fixes went through, they would have to sack 80% of the staff, and 2 managers.

I left due to increased stress from the managers. And this is why nothing ever gets fixed. They refused to send the fixes to deployment. People like their jobs and if someone is threatening that you are completely effed.
The good thing is when you did your job you did your best to help. That is admirable.
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Jan 28, 2019
ive been unemployed for 10 months now and currently a neet hikikomori. but im sick and tired of family constant nagging on me to get a job. they already know im suicidal and know working makes me more depressed. they keep talking crap bout how i should work now when im still young to save money for "when im old" which demonstrates a lack of understanding that i won't get old because i'll CTB before then which i've already told them plenty of times and they either dont believe me or wont accept it. i just want to stay in my room in peace
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I've been a NEET since I graduated highschool. But do not misunderstand, I hate not working. At the same time I fear it. I've tried finding work many times than I can count. Been to several failed minimum wage interviews. Avoided most of them. I'm genuinely tired all the time, no energy what-so-ever. Crippling social anxiety doesn't help either. I find too much comfort not going outside, as it takes a lot of effort to do even that. If possible, I avoid doing that as well. I wish I could feel and do as other people do. I am comfortable not having to make a show for others that inevitably doesn't mean anything.

More than a career, I want to be a mother. A traditional 60s-like housewife only ever having to raise good kids and make sure her husband has good food and a welcoming home to go back to after a grueling day at work. But alas, that's not possible with the expectations for women and high cost living expenses in today's society. Plus I don't even know if I am able to have kids, nor should I anyway. I don't want to pass on my bad genes, nor bring more lives into this world to potentially suffer just as much as I have. But still, it's nice to dream to live in somewhat of a 'perfect' world..
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Sep 28, 2020
No you're not. I constantly ask myself what am I working for. Don't be so hard on yourself, almost everyone feels the same way as you.
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Oct 5, 2020
I think a lot of people are but they're too afraid to admit that they spend most of their waking hours doing bullshit, that's why they can only say things like "suck it up" and "that's life".

If we could somehow have UBI and do whatever we wanted to with our time while robots do actual work for us I don't think anyone would be defending the 9-5 rat race like they do now.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I think a lot of people are but they're too afraid to admit that they spend most of their waking hours doing bullshit, that's why they can only say things like "suck it up" and "that's life".

If we could somehow have UBI and do whatever we wanted to with our time while robots do actual work for us I don't think anyone would be defending the 9-5 rat race like they do now.

I'm told "that's life" or "everyone has to do it" nearly every day. Getting tired of hearing it.
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Sep 28, 2020
I think a lot of people are but they're too afraid to admit that they spend most of their waking hours doing bullshit, that's why they can only say things like "suck it up" and "that's life".

If we could somehow have UBI and do whatever we wanted to with our time while robots do actual work for us I don't think anyone would be defending the 9-5 rat race like they do now.
I stare at people on trains and subways, the look of unhappiness is all around, plain to see.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I stare at people on trains and subways, the look of unhappiness is all around, plain to see.

And yet a good majority convince themselves that the feeling is the norm. "Everyone's depressed" Is a popular comment I hear. A flock of sheep is the destiny we're expected to conform to.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Last thing I did was a course to find me a job. Never got a job out of it though. Never did anything after that. Even sacrificed the things I did want to not have to work
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Sep 11, 2020
I see everyone working.. I hate that 9-5 rat race and keep complaining about the lack of time.. Deep inside after all thorough thinking, I guess I am just a lazy Asshole
Lots of people feel like that . I do too .
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Rotten to the core.
Feb 29, 2020
You're not lazy. It's normal to be burned out by never changing routine for income so you can afford necessities in life. I know what you mean. Even non depressed people feel like it but krs rarely talked about.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I'm working for 9+ hours everyday, so when i get home i have a few hours of freedom but in those few hours im most of the time sleeping or doing nothing because im tired from working all day. So I've successfully wasted another day of my life.
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Sep 28, 2020
I'm working for 9+ hours everyday, so when i get home i have a few hours of freedom but in those few hours im most of the time sleeping or doing nothing because im tired from working all day. So I've successfully wasted another day of my life.
Yeah and then another rat race beings the next days, and the 2 days off we get just fly by.
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Apr 1, 2020
I wouldn't say laziness, Id say maybe depression is a cause... I've done unthinkable things to my body to "game" the rat race and... here I am
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