Man, this hits close to home for me on a few levels. Like yourself, father was and still Is a severe alcoholic and a very angry person. In all honesty, he is probably the root cause of me ultimately ending up here a broken and unfixable mess. Like yourself, I swore I would never ever be like him and let addiction and anger consume me, but both did at one point. I never truly overcame it, although I don't use anymore. But the temptation to spiral back into that lifestyle is still strong. Some days overwhelmingly strong. I don't go back to it simply because it doesn't work. Sure, it gives the illusion of alleviating the pain for a very brief moment sometimes, but moreso just intensifies it nowadays. Not worth it anymore. On top of that I now have to deal with NOT going back to that horrific lifestyle again. Completely not worth it to me.
Also, like yourself, my mom died not too long ago too. It's coming up on six years ago soon and it still hurts greatly. I still miss her immensely as she was the person I looked up to the most and was the stability that kept me from giving into my darkest desires and becoming a monster. Another thing I battle with on a daily basis.
So how do I cope? Well, for myself, I try to be like her. I continue to listen to others and offer them whatever comfort, advice or support I can. That might not work for you or it might. I dunno. Point of that statement is you have to find that "thing" that keeps the darkness at bay. It's different for different people. The trick is finding that tool and just keeping at it as best as you can.
Life can be full of darkness and pain. It affects everyone, just some of us are dealt a shittier hand via environmental factors, past and present history and genetics. It's ultimately up to us though which path we choose to take in order to reach a conclusion as to what we want to do about it if anything at all. I myself wish for the impossible and strive to fix every broken soul that touches my heart. Loftily impossible goal, I know, but it keeps me from doing further harm. Or at least less harm than I already have.
Whatever path you choose though, I truly, truly hope it brings you at least a small bit of peace to your obviously broken and wounded soul. What you are going through is a hellish experience and my heart goes out to you in the deepest possible sense. I truly wish you luck in your battle and know that myself and from the myriad of replies here, many others are here for you. Good luck fellow lost soul and may you find the peace you so desperately crave. You deserve it.