

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I really wish that death is accepted, I find it so cruel and absurd how we exist in this society where there is so much denial towards the fact that we are all just going to die anyway.
All that's inevitable for is this meaningless and insignifcant existence to eternally disappear into nothingness, we are all just waiting to die and slowly dying, I believe that for most it'll eventually be like they never even existed at all.

So it's just insane really how people are so anti-suicide when death is all that's inevitable, the fact that voluntary death is denied causes way more suffering and torment.
I don't get why people should have to suffer so unnecessarily in this futile existence if they don't wish to, we are all just going to die anyway so people should be allowed to die peacefully on their own terms and to want to deny that from people is beyond unacceptable.

It's so horrible and sadistic how many wish to force others to suffer for decades until they die anyway, I don't see any point to existing and it isn't like anyone can suffer from not existing.
I actually see suicide as something positive, allowing the option of a peaceful suicide could only ever be something positive as it gives people the choice to prevent and escape from all futile, unnecessary suffering in an existence that was always undesirable in the first place.

I have no interest in suffering for decades on end which is why I despise how we exist in this society so in denial of how we are all just going to die anyway, for me death truly is the only relief. I only find comfort in non-existence especially as there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they exist.

I despise existence and all the harm it causes, the fact that something so repulsive and dreadful as life even exists in the first place is so tragic to me, existence itself is the true problem which is why I'd always prefer to not exist no matter what.
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May 19, 2018
Have you read the book by Ernest Becker?

I haven't read it but I was a little inspired by the subject of the book to add a bit to my own philosophy, which is that death denial is an evolutionary mechanic that makes it easier to be an asshole(where being an asshole is "the" premium strategy, citing politicians, CEO's, Lions, and other psychopathic/power-synergizing archtypes).

If you're aware that you will die, things are more meaningful than if you're just completely ignorant that everything you love will be lost(even if you're totally selfish-- which is why death denial *is* egocentric, selfish, and ultimately anti-social).

Likewise, if the person who you find difficult on any given day just looks like some... being who won't suffer the tragedy of death and loss-- it's much easier to be an asshole to them. But if someone's upset or harming you *while* you are fully present and sensitive to the fact that this person will suffer tragically-- you can be much more patient and kind towards them(a no-no evolutionarily except in a superficial/exploiting way).

It's interesting when you consider that practically all religions have memes in place that sweep death under the rug to some degree.
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i have no enemies
Apr 1, 2020
i completely agree. the more people discourage suicide and make it a taboo, the more gruesome and painful the deaths become due to lack of resources and desperation...

i can also see it from the perspective of a loved one. i wouldn't want to lose someone i know to suicide. but in the end, it's not my decision to make.

it's a very gray area, like how they're doing assisted suicide in canada i believe. there are many tests you have to go through to be able to go through with MAID (i just remember hearing about it some years ago. it may have changed from then.) obviously kids wouldn't be allowed to go through this process. they're just beginning in life. there's so many things to consider, and i can't say that any solution is a 'right' one. i feel like i'm rambling now, sorry.

if someone is of age, and can say with their full heart they want to die. then i don't see why we should stop them from doing so. i agree when you said someone should be able to die on their own terms, no matter where they are in life.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I think that FuneralCry is the best in this world of meaningless suffering. FC has understood what it is all about. The world would be a better place if FC had the power. Never stop doing what you are doing FuneralCry! I would have been dead a week ago, spared suffering and had my account closed, but yet I am still here. Why - because of the denial of death and stupid and cruel people. They only want to prolong my suffering.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I completely agree. I wish that people didn't force people like us to stay alive when we don't want to. So many years of pointless and cruel suffering can be spared if we were to die early. It's just so cruel at how people keep us alive for their own personal gain.
I think that FuneralCry is the best in this world of meaningless suffering. FC has understood what it is all about. The world would be a better place if FC had the power. Never stop doing what you are doing FuneralCry! I would have been dead a week ago, spared suffering and had my account closed - but yet I am still here. Why - because of the denial of death and stupid and cruel people.
I agree. FC understands this topic way more than others do. She understands what permanent non existence is like too. She's been correct in the majority of things that she says
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Feb 17, 2024
It's not even just suicide—most of society (at least in first world countries) are so far removed from death in general nowadays. We've turned death into something we will not talk about at all costs, until it's knocking on our door for us to leave. I think this is also part of why people get so freaked out about SI, is because they shy away from death at all costs. They don't want to think of someone they love dying or dying themselves. So they don't.

Death used to be a lot more a part of everyone's lives, rather than something tucked away where we only engage with at a funeral or someone's death bed. Older houses even had to have a door wide enough to get a casket through because funerals were usually held in the home. We are so far removed from the experience of death until it's us or someone we're really close to, and even then we are still shielded away from a lot of what happens after death unless we work in that industry.

There has a been a bigger push towards including more death related practices and knowledge into people's lives again. You can look up The Order of the Good Death and specifically Caitlin Doughty who is a mortician (she has a YT channel called Ask a Mortician.)

I'm also a Vulture Culture nerd and have had a probably weird obsession with learning All The Things about death and grief after losing my wife and so many others. Even the studies that have been done, both historical and psychological, lean towards integrating death and conversations about it back into our lives. The more people shy away, the more unprepared they are when the inevitable happens to themself or a loved one.

(Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk lol)
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Jan 1, 2024
It's not even just suicide—most of society (at least in first world countries) are so far removed from death in general nowadays. We've turned death into something we will not talk about at all costs, until it's knocking on our door for us to leave. I think this is also part of why people get so freaked out about SI, is because they shy away from death at all costs. They don't want to think of someone they love dying or dying themselves. So they don't.

Death used to be a lot more a part of everyone's lives, rather than something tucked away where we only engage with at a funeral or someone's death bed. Older houses even had to have a door wide enough to get a casket through because funerals were usually held in the home. We are so far removed from the experience of death until it's us or someone we're really close to, and even then we are still shielded away from a lot of what happens after death unless we work in that industry.

There has a been a bigger push towards including more death related practices and knowledge into people's lives again. You can look up The Order of the Good Death and specifically Caitlin Doughty who is a mortician (she has a YT channel called Ask a Mortician.)

I'm also a Vulture Culture nerd and have had a probably weird obsession with learning All The Things about death and grief after losing my wife and so many others. Even the studies that have been done, both historical and psychological, lean towards integrating death and conversations about it back into our lives. The more people shy away, the more unprepared they are when the inevitable happens to themself or a loved one.

(Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk lol)
You would make a great death doula
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