
Aug 18, 2020
I am not sure how widespread in carnival in other countries is. I don't have that much knowledge on it. I think it is very widespread in Brazil.

In Germany there are also a lot of carnival parties but it depends on the region. Personally I hate carnival. I sometimes had a custume as a child. But even as a teenager I hated it. Carnival was for many teenagers the start to take drugs. Often alcohol. I never drunk alcohol and I was very hesitant on carnival and this tradition. My parents also did not like it and that influenced me.

With getting older I disliked it more and more. There are many saying in German "it is the clownish time of the year." It is time to be happy or similar shit.
It is hard to translate it properly. I was stunned when I saw people at college who had customes. I just hate this tradition so much. How can some adults really be into that? Probably I am just arrogant and too judgemental towards hedonism.

I am a serious guy and I try to control myself. I still crack some edgy jokes with my friends. But I don't l take drugs to become uninhibited.

For me most of this shit is superifical. People try to act as if life was fun and we could forget our sorrows for some hours. I think I am not the guy who can feel enjoyment by carnival. Personally I think cognitive stimulation is way more relaxing for me. But I also try to do things were I am only a passive audience member who don't has to think much.

I don't want to ruin this event for anyone. But I am pretty sure I won't become a fan of it. At least not in this lifetime. What is your relation to it?
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Nov 9, 2022
The one in my town literally parks up in the park next to me where it blares disco lights and techno for 5 days while drowning the place in diesel fumes. Does my head in. Dont even get a free token bag of candy floss to make up for it!


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I hate Christmas more and New Year's Eve

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