

Apr 8, 2020
My relationships, memories, other people. It's probably a crazy defense mechanism, but... Everything just feels so surreal, almost fake.

I feel like I'm simply existing in a world of NPCs. I smile at a lot of things people do, like last week when I was stopped at a traffic light. There was a guy in a vehicle in front of me, and I guess he looked over and recognized the person in the lane beside us. He rolled down his window and they started talking and laughing. I smiled because he radiated joy. Today I saw an older man wheeling his cart across the parking lot; suddenly he ran and then jumped on the kart, pushing it like a scooter. It was cute. I smiled at that, too. I react when other people are also upset, like at my job. Yet I feel detached. I'm not really feeling much of anything, despite reacting. Logically I know these are real people, I can talk the talk. Yet they feel fake? Hard to explain. It doesn't make sense because, as you guys know, I worry a lot about people judging me, I worry excessively about hurting people. I feel like people are talking about me behind my back, laughing. There's a dissonance. How can these perspectives and feelings coexist when they seem to contradict? How can I have attachment issues with people, admire them a bit too much?

I also feel distant and detached from friends, family. No matter how intimate I get with people, no matter what experiences we share, my friendships feel fake and I feel isolated. It's like I'm in a bubble. I don't feel like I really know anyone, like they're strangers.

I also just feel detached from myself. My memories don't feel real. They didn't happen to me. It's almost like I don't really exist either. Yet I hate myself, I'm ashamed of myself and disgusted with myself. But then I find myself looking at pictures of me, look in the mirror, and feel like I'm not the person that I see. Obviously it's me. But I feel fake, too.

I guess my brain is like "this is too much pain to bear, so let's check out a bit"
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Mar 22, 2020
If you're an NPC, you're a clever one because you're here, on SS, talking about this.
I think we're living in a simulation and there are lots of "real players" and NPCs so we could perfectly be either of them.
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
You described this very well. I could have written the same post and it would all be true. These are some fucked up illnesses we have. You might have Borderline Personality Disorder. I exhibit mostly all of the symptoms of it and I have other mental problems too. Both my mental issues and my outlook on how humans generally are to each other have killed my desire to want to be here. Just how humans operate in today's world. Physical ailments don't help at all either.

And it's not like I blame everyone else for being how they are. I recognize that I am simply less fit to be in this world than them. I'm like a defective tool that can't get the job done right. But hey, not every human is born with the same potential whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or all three. Not everyone is born with the ability to be normal.
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Sep 21, 2020
Sometimes I wish I could get to the point of believing nothing is real so I could just pull the bag over the head and turn on the nitrogen. I guess at various points of stress I've had similar feelings, especially if sleep deprived, but never as much as you describe. Re memories I've had to try to erase them as they are linked to people I have no relations with anymore and are usually unpleasant.
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Sep 28, 2020
You don't know if we are real, even if we confirm to you that we are, there is no way to prove it. In the same way I don't know if you are real, maybe just a very well done artificial intelligence deceiving me? there's no way to know. There is no way of knowing whether what we see is a ilusion or not.
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Sep 21, 2020
So no way to prove free will either.
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Feb 15, 2020
"All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I feel like this sometimes specially about my memories.

Actually feeling like everything is fake isn't a strange thing. The brain is delusional and make things look different but when its tired or damaged, those illusions disappear.

Also, this life has infinitely many contradictions, and this is the main contradiction of life: exist and not exist.

Its better to not play this self-contradictory game thats filled with illusions and contradictions.
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
Sometimes I wish I could get to the point of believing nothing is real so I could just pull the bag over the head and turn on the nitrogen. I guess at various points of stress I've had similar feelings, especially if sleep deprived, but never as much as you describe. Re memories I've had to try to erase them as they are linked to people I have no relations with anymore and are usually unpleasant.

I can relate particularly with the sleep deprived part.
Sorry that you're feeling so out of place/ dissonance /dissociated. It's hard to explain mine too but some of your post has me nodding. (Hugs) and warmest wishes.
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The polar bears made me do it
Oct 10, 2020
i feel similar sometimes, like a dead woman walking that doesnt belong in the world anymore, i look at the other people, and i imagine their death, surrounded by loved ones, while im gonna hang alone in some dark room eaten by regrets, the brain starts to detach after too much suicidal ideation i guess

strangers in strange land
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Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
Other people kind of feel weird to me as well. Have you ever just stared at someone's eyes and realized that they have a whole universe of their own going on in their head. Their own thoughts, memories and emotions and I'll never know anything about it. It can kind of feel a bit eerie, maybe there isn't a person there at all, at least not like me, and everyone else is a kind of AI NPC. I think sonder is the word that describes the realization that everyone person is a unique individual onto themself.

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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
Other people kind of feel weird to me as well. Have you ever just stared at someone's eyes and realized that they have a whole universe of their own going on in their head. Their own thoughts, memories and emotions and I'll never know anything about it. It can kind of feel a bit eerie, maybe there isn't a person there at all, at least not like me, and everyone else is a kind of AI NPC. I think sonder is the word that describes the realization that everyone person is a unique individual onto themself.

Ohh, I love that dictionary.

I'm probably an NPC. No significance or value. -shrug-
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Death becomes her
Jul 22, 2020
I often feel like I'm watching my life like a movie. Like I'm detached from my body and watching things through someone else's eyes.
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Apr 8, 2020
Other people kind of feel weird to me as well. Have you ever just stared at someone's eyes and realized that they have a whole universe of their own going on in their head. Their own thoughts, memories and emotions and I'll never know anything about it. It can kind of feel a bit eerie, maybe there isn't a person there at all, at least not like me, and everyone else is a kind of AI NPC. I think sonder is the word that describes the realization that everyone person is a unique individual onto themself.

I've heard of that word... I suppose it fits, but usually I just feel detached, I guess. I don't know. It is weird to think about everyone having their own lives though.
Ohh, I love that dictionary.

I'm probably an NPC. No significance or value. -shrug-
You definitely have value to me. You're very kind and supportive to others on here, despite carrying so much pain yourself. :heart::heart:
I often feel like I'm watching my life like a movie. Like I'm detached from my body and watching things through someone else's eyes.
Yeah, me too. I hardly even feel like I exist sometimes.
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