

Aug 21, 2023
im in a really bad situation and i am on the verge of ending it.
I dont have anyone to talk to, i need someone to talk to, please.
I have no method to ctb, nothing available but ibuprofen, which probably isnt a good idea and most likely wont do the job.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
You are right, painkillers won't do the job. You only harm yourself even more and you end up worse. What happened? Why you're so desperate?
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Aug 21, 2023
You are right, painkillers won't do the job. You only harm yourself even more and you end up worse. What happened? Why you're so desperate?
So basically, i'm quite young, i still live with my parents. My boyfriend and i just broke up a few weeks ago because he r-worded me. I have a few friends, but we are only friends since we all ride motorcycles.
Yesterday i have gotten into an accident, my motorcycle is alright and so am i, many scratches, everything hurts. But apart from that i feel alright, my pinky could be fucked up but thats it, nothing too bad. Now there are rumors going around, people are talking about what my ex did to me, they are not in the place to do that. They have found a way to contact my sister, they told her that he r-worded me.
My family wont let me leave the house, my dad threatened to sell my bike if i go out and go for a ride now. Legally it is his, since we got it before i turned 18, it is registered on him. I feel horrible, i cant think straight and i just want to end it all
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
It sucks when other people are talking about stuff that's none of their business and sometimes behind our backs. This really sucks and I can understand why you're angry and desperate. I'm glad you're alright and also your motorbike - such an accident can have terrible ends. I think you should wait a bit until the whole situation calms down bc you can't do anything against what happened rn. The quicker a situation calms down the faster other people will also forget and stop talking. Breakups also suck but they happen. I don't think this is worth to kys bc of that rn. šŸ«‚
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Aug 21, 2023
It sucks when other people are talking about stuff that's none of their business and sometimes behind our backs. This really sucks and I can understand why you're angry and desperate. I'm glad you're alright and also your bike - such an accident can have terrible ends. I think you should wait a bit until the whole situation calms down bc you can't do anything against what happened rn. The quicker a situation calms down the faster other people will also forget and stop talking. Breakups also suck but they happen. I don't think this is worth to kys bc of that rn. šŸ«‚
thank you for listening to me and actually giving an answer. I just feel horrible and really alone.. Like a few weeks ago i always had someone yk
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
thank you for listening to me and actually giving an answer. I just feel horrible and really alone.. Like a few weeks ago i always had someone yk
We are social creatures and when we go through difficult times we crave for someone who is with us and who we also trust. That's pretty much human.
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Sep 6, 2024
I feel the same way . I have a question if painkillers wont do the job . What class of medicines would do the job ?


I Felt Nothing
Sep 17, 2023
So basically, i'm quite young, i still live with my parents. My boyfriend and i just broke up a few weeks ago because he r-worded me. I have a few friends, but we are only friends since we all ride motorcycles.
Yesterday i have gotten into an accident, my motorcycle is alright and so am i, many scratches, everything hurts. But apart from that i feel alright, my pinky could be fucked up but thats it, nothing too bad. Now there are rumors going around, people are talking about what my ex did to me, they are not in the place to do that. They have found a way to contact my sister, they told her that he r-worded me.
My family wont let me leave the house, my dad threatened to sell my bike if i go out and go for a ride now. Legally it is his, since we got it before i turned 18, it is registered on him. I feel horrible, i cant think straight and i just want to end it all
i'm so sorry you're going through this and you're right its not their place to talk about your trauma. i hope it gets better soon maybe you could try coping like watching a show you like or resting?
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I have a question if painkillers wont do the job . What class of medicines would do the job ?

Read the PPH and there's the Suicide Resource Compilation.



Sep 6, 2024
I have to get an app to read it for me as I'm disabled and can't read properly . Also I'm new and can't post my own thread .
i am suffering immensely but also scared that what I want to do wont work properly
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Aug 21, 2023
i'm so sorry you're going through this and you're right its not their place to talk about your trauma. i hope it gets better soon maybe you could try coping like watching a show you like or resting?
I have been in bed all day, I dont want to watch anything, theres nothing for me to watch. Im just in bed, by myself, overthinking and stuck at home feeling the injuries ive got through my accident
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
This sounds absolutely awful, and I'm very sorry you're going through this.

One thing you can try when you feel yourself spiralling is repeating coping statements to yourself. Something like, "I can survive this," "I will be OK," "I'll get through this." Short statements like that combined with concentrated deep breaths. When I say "repeating", I mean repeating. Over and over and over and over and over. It's difficult to think two different thoughts at the exact same time. By repeating short coping statements, you're not only reinforcing to yourself that you're going to be OK, but you're preventing your brain from being able to think other thoughts, including the bad ones. The concentrated breathing is important as well because it's easy to fall into a trap of short-breathing which takes a toll on the body when it's already in a state of struggling. The goal is to relax your physical body as much as possible, even if it's in severe mental distress.

This isn't about making yourself feel "better". This is about surviving moment to moment. Not even surviving the next minute, but just surviving one moment at a time.

Then, if you're starting out at your lowest low... Even if you can lift yourself up ever so slightly, can you take advantage of that and transition yourself into a distraction. Anything. Do you have any pets you could spend time with? Can you spend some time with your mother or your father or your sister? Engage them in conversation? Doesn't have to be about your situation or about you at all. Being around other people ("if" they're the supportive and caring type) and pets (if you have any) can act as a pick-me-up which you could try to use to get into a more time-consuming/involved distraction. If your family isn't an option and you don't have any pets, the other option I'd look at is what you're doing right now: Find someone online to one-on-one. You've survived the moment, and now what you're wanting to do is survive the day. No worries about tomorrow. Just getting through today.

Now there are rumors going around, people are talking about what my ex did to me, they are not in the place to do that. They have found a way to contact my sister, they told her that he r-worded me.
Are you feeling ashamed about this?

You don't have to answer that, nor go into any details at all about it, and please know I ask that without a shred of judgement attached to it.

Nobody should be talking about you behind your back or circulating rumours. It's nobody's business to do that.

But I hope you know -- and I mean REALLY feel it -- that this is not your fault... that if anyone should be ashamed here, it's your ex. You have done NOTHING wrong.
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