Miku _fanboy101

Miku _fanboy101

Oct 23, 2023
Hello! Today I will be talking about partial-hanging.

This is one of a few methods that I am going to be using.

I wish to use this method for an experiment if it would be used as my final method so any advice would be greatly appreciated :>
Today I'm going to practice partial-hanging. I'm using my amp cord and my closet. this is a test and I'll be safely doing this as I hold the other end of the cord from the suspension.

I've done this before and I almost blacked out, I kept trying about 5 times before i gave up. I found that tying my hands behind my back helps with SI.
When or if I use this
Getting extremely drunk and take lots of pills to help with anxiety and it will help with passing out quicker.

I would really love some more advice for this method and to make sure it works because I cannot pass out on my own.

Thank you for reading. Also please don't use this thread as advice for yourself I do not encourage suicide for any user on this forum. Thank you!<3
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