

Tens of personalities wearing one trench coat
Aug 19, 2019
I got sick and for some reason it got me into very sentimental mood.

Some random happy memories just pop up in my head from the times when I was a kid, when I could still feel lighthearted joy if everything was doing well. Even back then things would sometimes get horribly wrong but at least I could still enjoy the break from it - now I just can't really feel any happiness. No matter what I do, at what time or place, that sensation just won't come back.

It's just one more thing that kills me.
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Reactions: Majin K., Final Escape and Kassender

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I miss being young before tragedies added up and things slowly went to hell lol! There was a time I at least was less damaged and hopeful, glowing and vibrant. Now I look like death warmed over. Not even makeup helps so I just stopped wearing it besides some lip gloss face moisturizer and anti face shine powder.
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Reactions: Majin K. and ALittleBurden