Oct 22, 2024
Hey there,

Long story short, i hate my life, my job, i feel miserable for so long i can't even remember the last time i felt joy. I'm just tired of pretending to be okay while I only act like a robot, already dead from the inside, trapped in the same daily loop in this meaningless world.

After considering several methods to CTB such as CO poisoning, N (spoiler: never gonna happen), DDMA, jumping and many other much more painful solutions, I dropped every single one of them because of availability issues, complexity or because i was too scared of the potential collateral damages or the consequences of a failed attempt.

But today, i surprisingly managed to get access to SN very easily. Everything looks good: clear web seller, good rep, 99% purity, shipped from my own country (France).

As a AE i will go for Metopimazine as it is OTC here unlike metoclopramide.

Last thing i lack is benzos but without prescription, it's gonna be tricky. Unless you have any tips or OTC alternatives.

Besides this, if you have any other suggestion, please feel free to share it here or by pm. Even though i want to end it soon, i am willing to wait a bit longer for my exit to be as peaceful as possible.
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Sep 24, 2024
Welcome to the site.

Long story short, i hate my life, my job, i feel miserable for so long i can't even remember the last time i felt joy. I'm just tired of pretending to be okay while I only act like a robot, already dead from the inside, trapped in the same daily loop in this meaningless world.
I am truly so sorry for how much pain & suffering you are in, absolutely no one should need to endure such agony. I wish I could take all your pain away from you to lighten the burden of it.
CO poisoning, N (spoiler: never gonna happen), DDMA, jumping and many other much more painful solutions, I dropped every single one of them because of availability issues, complexity or because i was too scared of the potential collateral damages or the consequences of a failed attempt.
I can understand evaluating all these options including more 'painful' ones to end my suffering, issues with availability or complexity and especially the collateral damage risks. Very thoughtful of you.
But today, i surprisingly managed to get access to SN very easily. Everything looks good: clear web seller, good rep, 99% purity
Congratulations! It must be a relief to know you have an option for self-deliverance; I'm sure that's a burden lifted if this is something you genuinely want. If it isn't the right path for you or if you decide to take a different direction, there's no shame in that. Take your time—there's no need to rush your decision. We're here to support you regardless of what you decide. Those all good aspect to have a reliable/reputable seller and 99% is great as it needs to be over 95%. You can always do testing to confirm it is adequate and if it is a seller there is not any CTB reports about but I trust you will guage your own comfort level and 'sureness' of it.

As a AE i will go for Metopimazine
Metopimazine acts as a D2 dopamine antagonist, which can be beneficial. However, I'm unsure about the optimal dose or timing for its use; these factors would be crucial for your research. I'm not certain if anyone here has more detailed information on that.

It's worth noting that many people have succeeded without using an AE so adding this surely can't hurt anything at all and just be a benefit since the prokinetic effects of D2 antagonists are advantagous. Metopimazine does have prokinetic effects, meaning it can promote gastric emptying and improve gastrointestinal motility. That is its biggest benefit, over the actual anti-nausea property of AEs since that gut motility from a D2 antagonist are the real benefit for SN protocols.

Although Metopimazine does not cross the blood-brain barrier and has relatively low bioavailability compared to metoclopramide. For reference and to be fair, domperidone, another popular adjunctive agent, also has low bioavailability. I just wanted to share what I found in my brief research in case it's helpful.

One user (Mimi) used Metopimazine [1] unclear on the dose and timing though, sorry about that. There may be others but I recall that one off hand as someone who succeded with SN method and chose that medication as an AE. FWIW, if anything, others here have suggested that medication should be fine as well [1][2][3][4].

I think it is reasonable to say it is fine addition, especially compared to no AE. Dosing or timing I can't chime in on though but hope this helps a little bit at least for your educational purposes.

Last thing i lack is benzos but without prescription, it's gonna be tricky. Unless you have any tips or OTC alternatives
Benzos are a luxury item; can be skipped. Not sure how strict France is about prescribing anti-anxiety meds or if a visit to a doctor and saying you are having some panic attacks may yield a result of getting a short term course of them or not. But they are not required. Do not think anything OTC would really suffice in its place.

Besides this, if you have any other suggestion
I know that anyone would give specific suggestions other than to be sure to read the SN Bible. If you end up posting your proposed protocol later, someone may chime in on it though for informational reasons though.

With whatever you decide, I hope you find everything you are looking for and get peace & serenity.
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Oct 22, 2024
Thank you for the reply and your kindness. I'm really glad i finally found a place where i can share my thoughts without any judgement.

Quick update, i also ordered nexium today as a potentiator for SN. Propranolol would be a nice addition but again, not otc so probably never gonna happen.

I will post later a flowchart of the protocol i want to follow in case someone would like to make any suggestion.
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