I am only 20, have an incurable, unberable condition, caused by a very rare reaction to psych meds. I am in unbearable pain in my whole body caused by continuous involuntary muscle contractions. I want to live but I am not allowed anymore, I started loosing my sanity because of the pain. I am at loss at how to make peace with dying even if I know that I have to die. I can't even say goodbyes to the things that I loved because it hurts too much knowing that I have lost a full life of experiences because I trusted some doctors. I had so many things I wanted to do. Now I am left stuck in bed writhing and screaming in agony. I wish I could just disappear without being aware. How is a person that is barely an adult make peace with this inevitable scenario? I am incredibly scared of the other side but I simply cannot exist with this condition. Before these drugs were invented this wasn't even possible, this is completely incompatible with life. Is like I am a failed lab experiment that was discarded.
It is very sad to read what has happened to you due to careless one-size-fits-all modern medical practices.
It sounds like you very much still want to live. This is natural for a person so young. First, how certain are you that you are doomed by this condition? Has it been confirmed that there was a specific reaction that has rendered you in this state without plausible treatment from several medical professionals with MDs outside the field of psychiatry? I don't know the story but consider that healing from severe physical traumas can take long periods of time, and the brain and nervous system are no exceptions. It completely depends on what exactly happened, but if you are not done with life you should give yourself the best chance by exploring your options.
Most, but not all, of the people on this forum are not completely at peace with the inevitable. Most living humans that seem to be enjoying and loving every moment in the day to day? Likely even less at peace with the inevitable. That's what I mean--they get it off their mind and just live. People with guns in their mouths are surprised at a physical inability to pull the trigger, battling their own minds and bodies. Coming to peace with it is NOT easy and feeling like you have unfinished business makes it worse. My own fear manifests as giving me extreme difficulty in making the preparations, i.e. getting rid of everything I own, consolidating money to single account for family member, pre-paying cremation cost or repatriation of remains from foreign country since it looks like they force those of us with a specific chosen method to go overseas, that type of thing--I have been struggling to complete these basic tasks for about 2 years now, because some part of my subconscious is sabotaging and attacking me and urging me to keep suffering.
Death is unknowable and incomprehensible for the living mind. By being a living mind, we are inherently unfamiliar with not living. The only comfort strategies I have to offer are what I mentioned in the first post:
1. Do you remember being born? Every detail? Everything you consciously experienced in life, can you remember? Even those with photographic memory, are there ANY moments that slip through the cracks and cannot be remembered without basically reimagining it or otherwise compromising the memory? Those lost memories were your real, living moments. And they have slipped away. Gone. Forever. A real part of you is already dead. I'm not sure how else to word or explain this but it seems not to resonate with very many people. For me it's an important point. We don't know for sure but the hope is that is exactly how it is: inaccessible nothingness. In a word? Gone.
2. Whether the life is going to be worth it, kickass and wonderful is different for each person. I cannot in good conscience tell someone half my age that life will definitely be shit and is not worth it. MY life was not, due to my genetics and so on, probably very few life scenarios would suit me, and my default baseline state is considerably more anxious, depressed, miserable, antsy, lost than the average human being--nature does not care but probably used these as motivational survival tools for some of my ancestors. But consider that it is inevitable no matter what. If we live an awesome, lovely happy life...death is still coming eventually. Even if biotechnology enables humans to live for millions of years in a state of pure ecstasy, it's likely at some point some cosmic event will take them out. If you are able to do all those things you want to do, the day death comes will still be an unwelcome and horrific confrontation--maybe even more so as it is there to render all your accomplishments and joy nothing but a sick joke, as opposed to many of us here that are hoping it saves us from our failures and misery.
The 80 year old on the death bed is just as helpless and uncomfortable. The only advantage they have over the youngster is TELLING themselves they had a long, fulfilled life. Which is a technique, providing some kind of anxiolysis. Who actually determines that life was great? Only them. It may have been cleaning toilets as a peasant for 80 years with severe back pain, while all heir peers may have been experiencing a nonstop bacchanalia in that timeframe. They may have been cheated without even knowing it. FOMO they didn't even know about. But they are lucky to confront the end and come to terms with it thanks to their own experiences and internal narrative. If you really feel death is inevitable, just know that you did everything you could. That you really explored your options and tried. That's as best as we can do. That and keeping in mind the brain and mind can be modified with drugs. I hate to mention that since drugs put you in the position you are in, but me, being the coward I am, will rely on anti-anxiety meds and opioids and alcohol to face that final moment, and trick myself into being just as smugly satisfied with my shit time on earth as the accomplished elderly one on a death bed surrounded by loved ones.