
Jun 22, 2021
Hello r/SanctionedSuicide I have been a long time lurker ever since Reddit days. This is probably my first time posting a topic. Strangely enough this is not about SS discussion, but I want to get some interpretation on my dream/nightmare. This is the only place in the entirety of the internet where I feel like people are not going to judge me for this kind of topic. With that out of the way here is my dream sequences 30 mins ago.

I vividly remember it was almost sunset, the sky above me was yellow and on the far distance the colors faded to orange and I can see the sun brightly without any clouds covering it. As I was admiring the weather, suddenly there was this exchange of dialogue that I can hear in both my ears. I looked left and right there was no one around me, but when I finally turned towards my back I can now pin point where the conversation is coming from.

Approximately 20 meters away from me are 2 individuals whom I have never met before in real life. And from what I assume an argument or scolding was taking place.

I know they are complete strangers to me but curious old me started walking towards them. As I got closer, the man doing the scolding was a Fat individual, not obese but he's on his way there. He had shoulder length hair, and he was wearing a black tank top matching a black shorts.

As I got closer and closer the person being scolded to my surprise was a friend of mine in this dream. But in real life I have no idea who he was. As I was walking towards them almost 5 meters away. This friend of mine finally noticed me. And oddly enough the way he looked at me was very "true" in a sense that I had a hunch on what he wants me to do and what I also want to do.

Without hesitation I immediately got behind the Fat man's back and I choked him with my forearm. I was exerting to much force that I can tell that my face was turning red. In those moments as I was choking the Fat man he was telling me one single line "You have no rights in doing this!". Having an idea of what he meant that I have no right in killing him cold blood. But still I didn't stop.

Almost 50 seconds was up and I can tell he was losing his consciousness. My friend who was the silent observer during this whole scene suddenly walked up to me and said "10 more seconds and he should be dead". Hearing those words come out from his mouth made me apply more force on my forearm making the sure the Fat man doesn't see the light of day after this.

A minute passed, and a Fat man's corpse is lying in front of me and my "friend".

We looked at each other...

Again having this telepathic connection we knew what we had to do. We need to hide the body or better yet get rid of it in its existence. My "friend" immediately run towards his car that suddenly appeared like it was there from the beginning. And just like how the old stories go, we put the body in the trunk. Having to decide where to dump the Fat man's corpse. We ended up in a decision to throw him into the ocean and let the sharks feed on him.

Moments passed and we arrived at the nearest beach in my dream, luckily enough there was no other people around. A few good minutes of carrying the Fat man's corpse to shore we finally did it. As the water was slowly carrying the Fat man towards the vast ocean, A Deer suddenly appear out of nowhere. It Didn't even took any cautious behavior as you would expect from such animal, he run straight for the Fat man's corpse. He carried the Fat man's corpse back to shore whit his mouth biting on the black tank top. To our surprise what happened afterwards.

The dear started nibbling on the corpse, and bit by bit we noticed he took out a chunk from it. My "friend" and I looked again at each for the last time. And yet again we knew what both of us were thinking.

From what I can tell this is what is going on in our minds in that moment. "If this Deer can eat meat, maybe his entire herd that he belongs to also does the same."

With this I am confident enough that you guys can figure out the rest.

And yes the Deer was our Shark.
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Jul 2, 2018
Welcome to you:)

I remember hearing / reading once that the people you dream about, and the actions they take, actually represent different aspects of yourself. I used to write down / interpret dreams when I was young, but now, in adulthood, I rarely remember what I dream about. As far as I understand, dreams are a way for the brain to process all the impressions we get during the waking state. A way to clear the brain.
Lots of loveS

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