

Jan 29, 2021
.....and by people I mean my very own family members: My dad, mum and my brother.

Its because of my parent's narcissistic, manipulative and gas lighting behavior that made me grow up into someone who is insecure, with no self esteem and lacks a self identity. And my brother, who is elder to me, was also someone who had control issues and played a major role in the reason for me breaking up with my ex. And the funniest part is none of these people have any regrets or remorse for how they turned me into a useless piece of crap. That's how egoistic my blood relations are.

Even then, now? I am the only one who is struggling with life. My brother, has a well established life, financially stable, married the girl he loved and a great job. My parents too have a good life (whatever that is), but me? I am here struggling with my depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

How can anyone believe in Karma if this is what the world looks like! For someone who always believed in justice and being fair, life thought me that is not the case.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
I understand your pain, ive got a fucked up family, absent drunk father, gaslighting narcassistic mother, asshole brothers, distance family also sucks. Stay strong and try and block out those losers, they aren't real family!
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm sorry you are suffering. People can be so cruel and are capable of causing us so much pain. I do not believe there is such a thing as karma as this world is very unfair. I wish you well.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?
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Jan 29, 2021
I understand your pain, ive got a fucked up family, absent drunk father, gaslighting narcassistic mother, asshole brothers, distance family also sucks. Stay strong and try and block out those losers, they aren't real family!
I'm so sorry to hear that. It's not fair that we are thrown into a garbage and the world expects us to turn into ruby.
What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?
lol... thanks, that made me giggle!
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Aug 4, 2021
If I have learned anything in life it is that it isn't fair not fair at all some people are born dumb enough and rich or lucky enough to go through life with breeze without having any problem while others suffers it's all just random stuff. there's not any kind of order or karma at work here those are fictional made up terms which have nothing to do with reality.
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Apr 2, 2019
I stopped believing in karma decades ago. The idea of it brought some comfort and feelings of satisfaction that certain people would be brought to justice (somehow) but instead all I've seen is them prosper and thrive and if they do struggle, it's not for THAT long nor is it 'bad' enough to teach them anything. This life and this world are just chaotic events, random luck/bad luck, and survival of the fittest (or most underhanded, or well-connected, or richest, or have some other advantage). For some, life is just thoroughly SHIT. :(
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Apr 28, 2020
We are animals, ruled by the nature which selects the opportunists, treacherous and actually, smart.

Justice, Honor, Love, Duty, Mercy and Hope are only words to name things that we do not understand, and the ones who follows them, are few these days.

We might prevail, in the books.
Life is just not for the just.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
It's understandable to feel this way but we're only hurting ourselves
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Jan 17, 2021
What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?
Demon fusion... complete!

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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Are you having any negative thoughts?
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Apr 12, 2021
I really feel like I could have written this post because it's extremely similar to my own life. At least I don't feel alone in this, though I would obviously prefer that neither of us had to struggle with these problems. The low self-esteem thing is really bad too because it's next to impossible to find work without either telling outright lies or genuinely believing that you're worth something, and I can't make myself do either. Connections might help but a toxic family ruins the opportunity to do that too. But what really sucks is having a sibling that's more successful than you, to the point where anybody you complain about the problem to says "you must be lying, look at your brother, he's doing fine, you must just be making excuses or something."

That's a "nice" thought but it doesn't change the fact that I have no life skills or any way to survive by myself, and have been unemployed for a year and a half now. I'll be one hundred percent honest. People probably blame you for where you are in life. But if it's your fault then there should have been something you could have conceivably done to fix the problem. And I can't think of a single thing I could have done that would realistically help, asides from killing myself earlier, before the pandemic happened and made it so that I'm never home alone. Being home alone makes it extremely difficult to CTB but I still ironically think it's easier than finding a job that pays a living wage for a person in my position. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I know your pain.
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Jan 29, 2021
Are you having any negative thoughts?
20210816 175839

But that aside, I couldn't agree more with the above gif. Was once very close to ctb when my final attempt to talk to someone (my best friend), bought me some more time to think this through. But I don't suppose it is going to hold me much longer.

The realization of how I was living in a facade that my parents put forth for me, my recent break up, and the fact that my depression is crippling me from doing any day-to-day work, ugh.... I only started relying on alcohol from the begining of this year to subdue the pain but was relatively in smaller amount. Day before yesterday, I went over my limits and thought it might end for the better good. unfortunately for me, I only ended up retching and puking all night. Now my throat aches like shite and I'm still here!

Why the hell am I still whining like a little kid, I don't know, but thanks for hearing me out you guys !
"you must be lying, look at your brother, he's doing fine, you must just be making excuses or something."
This...! This is exactly what happens every single time!

I mean, what are we? Scapegoats? So what if my brother had the options to choose his path? I was never left with any choice. All I was doing was carrying out the plans and path that they had in their mind for me. This makes me nothing more than that host from WestWorld. Which is why I liked that show so much, not for the AI uprising, but I saw it through the eyes of someone who was enslaved to the desires of ones own family.

I'm sorry you had to go through the suffering growing up but it makes me a bit comforting to talk to someone who for once understands from my perspective, rather than finding every opportunity to blame me for who I became, and I am hoping perhaps you would feel the same too.
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Apr 12, 2021
I'm sorry you had to go through the suffering growing up but it makes me a bit comforting to talk to someone who for once understands from my perspective, rather than finding every opportunity to blame me for who I became, and I am hoping perhaps you would feel the same too.

Yeah, it is pretty discouraging to be blamed for your problems by friends and family, but I don't personally blame them. They're using the "just world" fallacy which states that unsolvably bad problems can only happen to bad people. The thing is, none of their suggestions have worked. I've tried looking for work and going to networking conferences when I was in university, and they never helped. I actually received the dubious honour of being the first person ever in my university program to not receive a single interview from any of the employers in this annual national job fair I had spent over $1000 of my savings from my part time job just to get a proper suit, airplane tickets, and hotel bookings. I blame it on the fact that I don't have a good personality and very little job experience but I think it's obvious that never being allowed to do anything outside of the house besides going to school and doing school-mandated extracurriculars made a pretty big dent on both of those things. And I wasn't "allowed" to drive or even allowed to so much as take a walk in our 0-crime neighbourhood because "inevitably, something bad would happen to you." They even controlled what jobs I was allowed to take and barred me from working for wherever they didn't approve of. And since I couldn't drive, they chose to live in an area with no public transport, and they had control over where I lived, I had no ability to ignore them. They even made sure I made a bad impression on my last (only real) employer by demanding I make a two-week resignation and then not letting me go to work for those last several days.

And yes, they blame me for all of it, they being my family. "We were just doing what was best for you." Many people are probably against you because your family has bought you things in the past, but if you had no say in whether they did it or not, then there's no need to be grateful for it. They're not "really" doing what's best for you, they're doing what's best to maintain their control over you. Which is immediately observable the moment you start asking them to have basic respects for the personal choices you make for your body, and also observable when you make a decision they didn't want you to make.

I was actually scammed by a friend, she offered, well, forced me, really, to live at her home instead of with my parents, which I was ok with. She lied about letting me live rent free with her for a couple of months while I looked for work. I had $2000 in savings in my account but i didn't know it was a joint account with my parents. They stole all of my money and spent the week I was out using my brother to send hateful messages saying I'm a monster for hurting my parents' feelings… it's really not your fault no matter what anybody says. People like us never had a real chance. They do anything to make us their slaves and the tools available to pull us out of those situations aren't good enough. Nobody takes abuse seriously if it isn't sexual or physically violent in nature. Nobody believes you. Except the people who lived with you long enough to observe it. My friend's mom ended up trying to charge me rent and I couldn't pay for it because all my savings were stolen from me. I had to move back with them in the end. They (parents) even lied to me when I took the cat with me when I moved out. I was afraid they would inflict physical violence on him because I would see my father physically abuse the cat when he was really angry, throw the cat against a concrete wall or shove her head under a sink, turning on the water at full blast as he gripped her neck.

My close friends at school knew about all of this, but they couldn't really do anything to help. The trauma from that week I spent at my friend's house turned her into a permanently unemployed social recluse who can't speak to anybody anymore, or even leave the house. She can't even talk to me anymore. My other friends blamed it on me in the end for not having a spine, one said I should have gone to therapy. I did, but my parents had full control over which therapists I was allowed to "see", who would try to frame their therapy to make me at fault and try to make me more ok with how I was treated at home. I don't believe in psychologists or psychiatry anymore. I know they help other people but they've only ever hurt me. I just want the pain to stop. But the only way out I can see is death.

Anyways, I'm sorry, I got carried away there, but, if any of what I said resonated with you, then it's not your fault in the slightest. It's next to impossible to escape when people have a tight iron financial grip on you and society doesn't give you the tools to allow you to fight back against it. It hurts so much having to feel all this pain, be shaped by all these terrible experiences, and not even receive respect as an autonomous human being anymore by society at large for saying "I've tried my best to function by your rules, but none of the help you offer is helping me. I just want to peacefully resign so I don't have to live an undignified existence as a chewtoy for my parents for the rest of their life, then become homeless until I die exposed to the elements. Please at least let me leave on my own terms." But no matter how respectful you are, people want you to suffer indefinitely through "therapy" until "something" works… but at that point, is it just a placebo? People always say "it gets better", maybe it was less the therapy and more that they helped themselves if that amount time passed.

I think the reason I'm so adamant about wanting to kill myself rather than become a part of normal society is because I don't want to reward the society that hurt me for so long and ignored my problems with my lifelong labor. I was recommended a shelter for abused youths but I haven't contacted them because I'm afraid they'll just hurl more abuse at me for not being "abused enough" because I wasn't "beaten" or "assaulted". (My therapist told me that just being slugged in the stomach once by my father or just being groped in the crotch once wasn't enough to be considered abuse, just incidents… I don't know whether I believe that but I think I struggle to get by on sympathy in general in my experience. I really don't know what to do, now that my father caught me tying a noose while he went on a much shorter than expected walk and now I'm never alone… I don't know. I really don't think it's your or my fault though.
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Your Imaginary Friend
Aug 13, 2021
I can empathize with a lot of this but please bear with me as I share some unasked for advice, seeking out vengeance or something is not going to make you feel better.
I never liked my father, to this day I have no interest in expending what little energy I have to talk about him. All I can say is that he's dead now and I've never felt a shred of grief, but it didn't make me feel better either. He couldn't be further from me than he is now and yet I wasn't free until I stopped thinking about him and moved on in my own way.

That's some obnoxiously vague advice, I know. It's hard for me to explain how someone can move on in their own individual situation. I just know that fostering hatred does more damage to you than it does to those you hate, as much as you might wish it were the other way around.
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Jan 21, 2020
I've come to learn all of my hopes of Karma are false... it's just wishful thinking. All the people who have contributed to my Hell are smug assholes living their best lives, and here's me, constantly suffering and suicidal. Bad things just keep on coming.
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Jan 29, 2021
Yeah, it is pretty discouraging to be blamed for your problems by friends and family, but I don't personally blame them. They're using the "just world" fallacy which states that unsolvably bad problems can only happen to bad people. The thing is, none of their suggestions have worked. I've tried looking for work and going to networking conferences when I was in university, and they never helped. I actually received the dubious honour of being the first person ever in my university program to not receive a single interview from any of the employers in this annual national job fair I had spent over $1000 of my savings from my part time job just to get a proper suit, airplane tickets, and hotel bookings. I blame it on the fact that I don't have a good personality and very little job experience but I think it's obvious that never being allowed to do anything outside of the house besides going to school and doing school-mandated extracurriculars made a pretty big dent on both of those things. And I wasn't "allowed" to drive or even allowed to so much as take a walk in our 0-crime neighbourhood because "inevitably, something bad would happen to you." They even controlled what jobs I was allowed to take and barred me from working for wherever they didn't approve of. And since I couldn't drive, they chose to live in an area with no public transport, and they had control over where I lived, I had no ability to ignore them. They even made sure I made a bad impression on my last (only real) employer by demanding I make a two-week resignation and then not letting me go to work for those last several days.

And yes, they blame me for all of it, they being my family. "We were just doing what was best for you." Many people are probably against you because your family has bought you things in the past, but if you had no say in whether they did it or not, then there's no need to be grateful for it. They're not "really" doing what's best for you, they're doing what's best to maintain their control over you. Which is immediately observable the moment you start asking them to have basic respects for the personal choices you make for your body, and also observable when you make a decision they didn't want you to make.

I was actually scammed by a friend, she offered, well, forced me, really, to live at her home instead of with my parents, which I was ok with. She lied about letting me live rent free with her for a couple of months while I looked for work. I had $2000 in savings in my account but i didn't know it was a joint account with my parents. They stole all of my money and spent the week I was out using my brother to send hateful messages saying I'm a monster for hurting my parents' feelings… it's really not your fault no matter what anybody says. People like us never had a real chance. They do anything to make us their slaves and the tools available to pull us out of those situations aren't good enough. Nobody takes abuse seriously if it isn't sexual or physically violent in nature. Nobody believes you. Except the people who lived with you long enough to observe it. My friend's mom ended up trying to charge me rent and I couldn't pay for it because all my savings were stolen from me. I had to move back with them in the end. They (parents) even lied to me when I took the cat with me when I moved out. I was afraid they would inflict physical violence on him because I would see my father physically abuse the cat when he was really angry, throw the cat against a concrete wall or shove her head under a sink, turning on the water at full blast as he gripped her neck.

My close friends at school knew about all of this, but they couldn't really do anything to help. The trauma from that week I spent at my friend's house turned her into a permanently unemployed social recluse who can't speak to anybody anymore, or even leave the house. She can't even talk to me anymore. My other friends blamed it on me in the end for not having a spine, one said I should have gone to therapy. I did, but my parents had full control over which therapists I was allowed to "see", who would try to frame their therapy to make me at fault and try to make me more ok with how I was treated at home. I don't believe in psychologists or psychiatry anymore. I know they help other people but they've only ever hurt me. I just want the pain to stop. But the only way out I can see is death.

Anyways, I'm sorry, I got carried away there, but, if any of what I said resonated with you, then it's not your fault in the slightest. It's next to impossible to escape when people have a tight iron financial grip on you and society doesn't give you the tools to allow you to fight back against it. It hurts so much having to feel all this pain, be shaped by all these terrible experiences, and not even receive respect as an autonomous human being anymore by society at large for saying "I've tried my best to function by your rules, but none of the help you offer is helping me. I just want to peacefully resign so I don't have to live an undignified existence as a chewtoy for my parents for the rest of their life, then become homeless until I die exposed to the elements. Please at least let me leave on my own terms." But no matter how respectful you are, people want you to suffer indefinitely through "therapy" until "something" works… but at that point, is it just a placebo? People always say "it gets better", maybe it was less the therapy and more that they helped themselves if that amount time passed.

I think the reason I'm so adamant about wanting to kill myself rather than become a part of normal society is because I don't want to reward the society that hurt me for so long and ignored my problems with my lifelong labor. I was recommended a shelter for abused youths but I haven't contacted them because I'm afraid they'll just hurl more abuse at me for not being "abused enough" because I wasn't "beaten" or "assaulted". (My therapist told me that just being slugged in the stomach once by my father or just being groped in the crotch once wasn't enough to be considered abuse, just incidents… I don't know whether I believe that but I think I struggle to get by on sympathy in general in my experience. I really don't know what to do, now that my father caught me tying a noose while he went on a much shorter than expected walk and now I'm never alone… I don't know. I really don't think it's your or my fault though.

Man... Your words feels as if its being read off of my mind book. For a long time I was under the impression it probably is my fault. I mean think about it, anytime I have a quarrel with any of my family members, most of the time I am a lone fighter and all odds are in their favor. And if there is one golden rule that my parents taught me, it's that where the majority lies, that is where the right ought to be as well ! I mean can you imagine that?

Its only after a couple months back I came to the realization that its not just me, and that we are being mentally reprogrammed for their benefit, telling us what is right and what is wrong and I'm fairly certain in your case as well, you might have come to that position where you realized the same.

Also, if I may ask, have you thought of moving out and cutting ties with your family? Not that I did not understand your job concern, but desperate situation calls for desperate measures right? And reading through your narrative, if I had an opportunity I would have done something to get you out of there, but then again SS is the only medium of convo for us people. So I was hoping and wondering, where there could be any chance you could break free from it?
I can empathize with a lot of this but please bear with me as I share some unasked for advice, seeking out vengeance or something is not going to make you feel better.
I never liked my father, to this day I have no interest in expending what little energy I have to talk about him. All I can say is that he's dead now and I've never felt a shred of grief, but it didn't make me feel better either. He couldn't be further from me than he is now and yet I wasn't free until I stopped thinking about him and moved on in my own way.

That's some obnoxiously vague advice, I know. It's hard for me to explain how someone can move on in their own individual situation. I just know that fostering hatred does more damage to you than it does to those you hate, as much as you might wish it were the other way around.
Thanks for the kind words but I suppose you are right. Perhaps I am too drawn into cutting ties with them that I do not see a plausible sunshine in the near future when it comes to me and my family.
I can sense the relationship that you had with your dad, but still, I'm sorry for your loss!
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Apr 12, 2021
Also, if I may ask, have you thought of moving out and cutting ties with your family? Not that I did not understand your job concern, but desperate situation calls for desperate measures right? And reading through your narrative, if I had an opportunity I would have done something to get you out of there, but then again SS is the only medium of convo for us people. So I was hoping and wondering, where there could be any chance you could break free from it?
I think that the sentiment of wanting to get me out of my situation is very nice of you and I'm grateful for it. Many others who knew me felt the same way, that's how I got busted out the first time. But that week was so traumatic that I don't want to try it again without a definitive plan. I blocked my parents to try to cut ties with them but they still used my brother, and the police, to get to me. They had threatened to charge me with theft you see. I had taken my belongings with me when I moved out, but they argued that since my belongings were purchased with their money that I had stolen everything I had from them, including my clothes. My ex offered to let me move in with their parents, but we lived in different countries and I didn't have a visa to go move there, or a job, so it wasn't possible. Now I'm alone, and I don't have any friends that live in my local area anymore, since I was locked up since the start of the pandemic. My only hopes are to either somehow find a job that pays enough to move out in my area that has extremely high cost of housing, or CTB. CTB looks easier and honestly I would probably end up doing it even if I succeeded in doing the former. I've simply had enough of existence and I don't want to put up with it anymore. I would already be dead if it weren't for that terrible timing, which I still kick myself for. I finally had my noose set up and was about to kick the chair under me after countless other attempts with different methods, but I had to get interrupted. Hopefully I'll find a way out soon but I don't have much hope…
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Jan 29, 2021
I think that the sentiment of wanting to get me out of my situation is very nice of you and I'm grateful for it. Many others who knew me felt the same way, that's how I got busted out the first time. But that week was so traumatic that I don't want to try it again without a definitive plan. I blocked my parents to try to cut ties with them but they still used my brother, and the police, to get to me. They had threatened to charge me with theft you see. I had taken my belongings with me when I moved out, but they argued that since my belongings were purchased with their money that I had stolen everything I had from them, including my clothes. My ex offered to let me move in with their parents, but we lived in different countries and I didn't have a visa to go move there, or a job, so it wasn't possible. Now I'm alone, and I don't have any friends that live in my local area anymore, since I was locked up since the start of the pandemic. My only hopes are to either somehow find a job that pays enough to move out in my area that has extremely high cost of housing, or CTB. CTB looks easier and honestly I would probably end up doing it even if I succeeded in doing the former. I've simply had enough of existence and I don't want to put up with it anymore. I would already be dead if it weren't for that terrible timing, which I still kick myself for. I finally had my noose set up and was about to kick the chair under me after countless other attempts with different methods, but I had to get interrupted. Hopefully I'll find a way out soon but I don't have much hope…
Mate... Reading from your experience so far, I am realizing that you have suffered more trauma than myself, both mentally and emotionally. Anytime you like, feel free to drop me a pm and we can plot something devious (lol, just kidding). We can have a chat anytime you'd like, if you feel like or something. :)

I wish well for you!
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