
New Member
Jun 16, 2024
For the longest time now, and especially now that I'm actively seeking to CTB, I've always wondered what my life would've been like if things were different. What if I knew my mom would keep a stranglehold over my finances for years, what if I actually listened to my dad that my mom was just using all this money for "bills" for herself, what if I treated my ex better and things didn't go up in flames the way they did, what if I actually took care of myself instead of letting my perfectly good body go to waste, what if I knew everyone singing my praises only did so out of respect of my accomplishment and not my actual person, what if I actually chose a career that made money instead of one that I hoped would give me both monetary wellbeing and fulfillment, what if I was actually social with more people instead of clinging onto people who are actively getting tired of accommodating all of my struggles?

I think all I wanted out of life was the life that so many people around me have. I don't go outside because of money. I've always been poor. Things were meant to change with this job, but after almost a year of unemployment I'm just back to retail again. My mom still asking for more and more money that I simply don't have. Yet, for someone who says they cant pay rent, or bills, or even afford food; she sure does look nice with the new bag and shoes she bought despite the fact that she too never leaves the apartment.

I really feel as though instead of just sitting on these issues since 2016, I shouldve put my foot down immediatly. I shouldv'e said something anything really. But instead I chose to ignore it and just let things be, now I find myself regretting years upon years upon years of this same cycle continuing over and over and over again. I am not perfect, I know that everyone has their own demons, but man do I wish I could be literally anyone else right now or at the very least a better me. Someone whose actually successful, someone who can be like everyone else. Instead I'm just me, a 26 year old with rotting teeth cause I haven't been able to afford a dentist in years. My dad's side has all but given up on me even after coming clean about what's happening with my mom. Who could blame them? I chose her over them years ago. But is it really fair to judge a person on a decision they made when they were a child? How could I have ever known the repercussions. All I even remember is everyone screaming around and at me...

All I want out of my death, is a 2nd chance. I want to be the best me possible. Give me the reset, I can make it work, and at the very least tis time it'll actually be my choice. This isn't my goodbye just yet, but I know it'll only take one more push, I'm already ordering a rope in the coming week so the option will always be here for me. I've already tried to jump into a train once, I already have a permanent scar on my arm, I know I won't be afraid to do this.
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Reactions: fleetingnight, M48 Patton, Saturn_ and 4 others


May 11, 2024
Wow, this hit. I made poor choices too that I shouldn't have had to make at a young age and am suffering immensely from it. Immensely suffering because of a mother who loves herself above all else. And like you, I would be happy to just be normal and have a normal life, and would do anything for a redo. Smh. Maybe we can pretend that ctb will do that for us. Either way, I hope our suffering ends soon.
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Reactions: M48 Patton and ToMoveOn


Jan 1, 2024
If reincarnation is real then you may get to


Mar 17, 2024
Not me: my objection is with this reality, I absolutely do not wish to experience this place again.

Maybe you will get your second chance, who knows?
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Reactions: fleetingnight, permanently tired, ToMoveOn and 1 other person


Apr 2, 2024
totally agree with you. a second chance, with BETTER mind health. like... better conditions you know? because if it's the exact same thing... well.... mmhm... uuuh... I really don't know.
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Apr 14, 2024
It gets much better. You'll be in a very happy and beautiful place and be your true self without all the money troubles, physical problems and endless suffering in this world. You can stay there as long as you want or possibly choose another lifetime if you wish. Earth is the ultimate learning experience but some days I think I've had enough. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
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M48 Patton

Jun 2, 2024
Wow, this hit. I made poor choices too that I shouldn't have had to make at a young age and am suffering immensely from it. Immensely suffering because of a mother who loves herself above all else. And like you, I would be happy to just be normal and have a normal life, and would do anything for a redo. Smh. Maybe we can pretend that ctb will do that for us. Either way, I hope our suffering ends soon.
Same XD


Jun 5, 2024
I'm not sure how I would feel about starting over again here. There are a lot of fundamental things about how this world works that bother me.

Yet, I think perhaps it would be different if I was equipped with entirely different circumstances that are almost certainly unachievable in my current life. So maybe I'd go for it.

Many sympathies to your struggles, it's hard to survive out here.

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