

Jul 25, 2024
If you look like a murderer, then you become one through societal pressure. It's not always that simple, but sometimes it is.

I often got bullied in school for looking like this.

I did not choose to be born with these aesthetic traits.

I think people call this a "dark triad" face.

People judge one's character too much based on their appearances.

And it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I'm lifting weights to become stronger, to defend myself mostly.

And even bought a pepper spray and knife because people naturally feel scared around me, which makes me scared of them too.

Throughout most of life, I feel like I got roped into a villain's role just because I happened to be born with this face.

I would wear sunglasses or something, but that would only make me look more suspicious, and that can't hide the rest of my face.

But inside I'm soft.

I used to cry in school

And people would feel creeped out, "is he faking it or something?"

it looks out of character for someone with my face to cry
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
It sounds like you are possibly being left out of the group. You shouldn't necessarily make any threatening or violent moves towards the bullies, but tell a teacher directly that you are being bullied and otherwise try to avoid them. It's a shame that some students don't let others be and focus on their own things, it would be good for you to study and be with other people. There's nothing wrong with you, it's normal to be gloomy or angry if you're teased too much.


memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
ok two things i wanna say

first of which is that it sucks whenever people judge us based on our appearances. regardless of how you look a decent human will take the time to talk to you before they make these judgements. it's awful that you've been treated this way by others and judged for something completely out of your control.

secondly, and i hope this does not come off as invalidating, but there are "aggressive" features that are very attractive, prominent brow bone, raised nose bridge, deep set eyes, etc. what you might see as "villainous" someone else might see as confident and dominant. could be totally off base here but aren't more aggressive features what those looksmaxxing folk are after?

i hope one day you learn to embrace your features but i get how overwhelming it must feel being judged for something out of your control and i'm sorry you've had to deal with that since school age.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
I'm so sorry you were judged like that, do you live somewhere where dark brown eyes are uncommon?
I've always found dark brown eyes incredibly attractive, all the men I've ever loved had dark brown eyes, one of them almost black. I find them very deep and intriguing, kind.

I don't know how old you are but I've always found that that kind of judgment happens during school life. I was judged for being very pale. They would call me vampire and disgusting. When I was out of school, never faced that kind of judgement again, adults simply don't care usually.

I know that it is so hard but please don't dislike your features, dark brown eyes are so beautiful and a more serious face can be so enchanting, especially when the person is soft inside. That is my personal stereotype I think, serious men that are sensitive and kind inside. It's very revolting and stupid that kids/teens are so cruel, and I know that saying that once you're older it gets better doesn't help when you're currently young and are having to deal with these things every day. I wish I could help you more.

Just wanted to let you know that there's nothing wrong with your eyes or your face, even if people find it intimidating. There's a lot of people like me that find those characteristics beautiful and very attractive. I hope you can find people that see the beauty in you.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I have dark brown eyes too. They're T20 with a black ring around them. I think it's called a limbal ring. I've always wanted lighter eyes, like gold, amber or hazel
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