I feel like running away at times, just disappearing and ending my life in a similar way. The train station is a few minutes from my apartment, sometimes I think of getting a ticket to as far away as I can get.
The reality of my situation is, I'm likely going to CTB here in my apartment. The lease is up as of September 1st, so I've got 2 months left here and my options after that aren't so great. Move back in with my father, who can't wrap his head around why I have "problems" and waste away there, or end up in the state psych hospital which I imagine is atrocious.
My time is rapidly approaching. I just want this to be over already. I see my therapist on Monday and psych on Tuesday, depending on the outcome of my psych appt (if he wants to put me inpatient for more ECT or med changes), I'm likely to CTB this coming week.