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Legion brainrot <3
Apr 18, 2024
This is like the 3rd or 4th time that I've been made to feel like shit just because my friends don't know how to get a fucking room. The three of us sometimes play video games together, and things SHOULD be fine and dandy, but they aren't. The two of them (a boy and a girl,) are CONSTANTLY FUCKING FAWNING OVER EACH OTHER. They'll shamelessly do this in a voice call with other people present. Telling each other "I love you" and saying cheesy pick-up lines. Hell, at one point the guy outright said he wanted to kiss her, and everyone else went dead silent. I admit that I'm clueless as to what the grounds are for a normal, platonic friendship, but I have an inkling that this isn't exactly the "norm."

I'm not against people having favorites. It's a normal thing that's bound to happen at some point in the friendship. But I have a problem with people who make everyone else feel like garbage just because you aren't THEIR personal favorite. The guy constantly goes out of his way to point out the fact that I'm not his "best friend," and the girl eats that shit up like it's candy. I never befriended these people with the intention of finding a best friend. I just wanted to have a group of people to play with so I wouldn't be alone anymore.

The girl ALWAYS comes to the guy's defense, no matter the situation. Sometimes we all like to poke fun at each other—nothing personal—but lately I've started to fall back on doing this. I can't seem to get a single joke in without the girl rushing to coddle and kiss the guy's ass. He's called me ugly and annoying, and she was dead silent, but when I said he talked too much, she didn't hesitate to open up her fucking mouth. I'm insecure about my appearance and the way people might perceive me, so this just made me so fucking bitter. It took all my self-control to not lash out and spit venom like I usually do.

A part of me feels like I'm being overdramatic and bitchy, because none of my other friends seem to mind when they do this, but I just can't stand it anymore. I'd rather be alone at this point because at least I won't have to constantly bite my tongue and second-guess my place in people's lives.
  • Hugs
  • Aww..
Reactions: sugarb, ChronicPainExistent and lonely&trapped.


Jun 14, 2024
Good friends would never un-jokingly call you ugly and annoying, even if you were. Fuck those guys, you can do better either by yourself or with a different group. Wish you well


Sep 21, 2023
I used to be in this kind of situation, but it's a personal issue. 3 people in a party, 2 people laugh, crack jokes, discuss issues and stuff, and of course the other one is me, We are all straight males (I think), and those two were friends for years (I too, but not as early as the other 2).

I wouldn't say three-wheeling, but as time went on, I began to focus more on the negative stuff they said about me, even though they and I knew it was just a joke and we had always been talking to each other like this.

I play with them using a fake identity because I was under 18 when I met them, and gamers in my country don't really like young gamers.

I really played into the whole fake identity thing; I will only login (or appear online) when the set time my fake self gets home from work; I will tell them I can't stay up too late because of "work." And also because of the fake identity, my insecurity just grows and grows. Eventually, I just stopped playing with them; I intentionally distanced myself from them, like my PSN account hasn't been online for over a year, even though I still play games from time to time, just because I didn't want them to know: I still have my PlayStation.


Apr 5, 2020
Third wheeling is one of the worst experiences. If you hate it nearly as much as I do, then avoid those two at all costs. Being alone is better than being a third wheel.

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