
Feb 28, 2020
There is nothing I hate more than my psychiatry visits once a month. I've been glad with COVID that this has been video calls, other than I have to see my face on the video, which has been destroyed due to disease and I can't stand seeing that.

I really can't take psyc meds due to my physical illness, because I have no saliva or tears and psyc meds are very drying. I take benzos to sleep but that's it.

The psyc insists that I have severe anxiety and depression, as well as severe somatic preoccupation with my disease symptoms. Sure, I'm depressed that I lost my entire life and can't function at all because my of my physical symptoms. Sure, the kind of discomfort that no saliva or tears or body moisture gives you produces a level of anxiety, as does losing your job and having no way to pay your bills. Psyc meds can't do anything to bring my health and life back.

He wanted me on Prozac this last time (10th Med or so), and I didn't take it. I'm off all the other awful shit they had me on and I feel better - and none of it got me out of bed or took my awful pain away anyway. It's very frustrating they they don't understand that I. Can't. Take. These. Meds. I'm in bed with severe SJÖGRENS, you morons.

I'm also pissed and venting because I needed a letter for Pegasos stating that I am mentally capable of making medical decisions. He wrote that he is treating me for anxiety, depression and psychosomatic preoccupation with my disease symptoms and that he is in support of any aggressive treatment for my Sjögrens disease. Goddamnit!!!!
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Cant say much except that I understand you. I wish I could hug you really tight
Fuck doctors
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Feb 29, 2020
My psychiatrist was awful - then I submitted a complaint about my care and suddenly she is amazing - can't do enough for me
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Oct 14, 2019
Gosh, relatable. I hate my ex psychiatrist too. Why do they think that meds can solve not biological problems? Like sadness from constant stress?
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
Makes sense. If the root of the problem is in the shitty life, no amount of meds can resolve it.
I think my psychiatrist is starting to dislike me because I ask for a prescription and end up not taking it or quitting every time.
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Apr 25, 2020
I hate having to see them at all. I just get dragged there every few months or so if I get bad. I'm actually scared of them, in case I get put in hpspital, which never works out well.


Apr 23, 2020
There is nothing I hate more than my psychiatry visits once a month. I've been glad with COVID that this has been video calls, other than I have to see my face on the video, which has been destroyed due to disease and I can't stand seeing that.

I really can't take psyc meds due to my physical illness, because I have no saliva or tears and psyc meds are very drying. I take benzos to sleep but that's it.

The psyc insists that I have severe anxiety and depression, as well as severe somatic preoccupation with my disease symptoms. Sure, I'm depressed that I lost my entire life and can't function at all because my of my physical symptoms. Sure, the kind of discomfort that no saliva or tears or body moisture gives you produces a level of anxiety, as does losing your job and having no way to pay your bills. Psyc meds can't do anything to bring my health and life back.

He wanted me on Prozac this last time (10th Med or so), and I didn't take it. I'm off all the other awful shit they had me on and I feel better - and none of it got me out of bed or took my awful pain away anyway. It's very frustrating they they don't understand that I. Can't. Take. These. Meds. I'm in bed with severe SJÖGRENS, you morons.

I'm also pissed and venting because I needed a letter for Pegasos stating that I am mentally capable of making medical decisions. He wrote that he is treating me for anxiety, depression and psychosomatic preoccupation with my disease symptoms and that he is in support of any aggressive treatment for my Sjögrens disease. Goddamnit!!!!

Should've fired him before he could do that. Stop going.


Mar 24, 2020
I fucking hate my psychiatrist. He forces me to take medication lest I "relapse" and be locked up again in a hospital, which is pure torture. Because of the meds, I can't do what I love the most, which is to smoke drugs.


Feb 28, 2020
I fucking hate my psychiatrist. He forces me to take medication lest I "relapse" and be locked up again in a hospital, which is pure torture. Because of the meds, I can't do what I love the most, which is to smoke drugs.
Your Avatar!♥️


Apr 23, 2020
I fucking hate my psychiatrist. He forces me to take medication lest I "relapse" and be locked up again in a hospital, which is pure torture. Because of the meds, I can't do what I love the most, which is to smoke drugs.

Again, get rid of him. Stop going. Move and don't tell them your new address, move to another state even, whatever you need to do.
mental illness is a social construct invented by these same people who get to diagnose it. It's all bullshit. This whole society is bullshit.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
I hate Jesus...wait... did I....do you get what I'm trying to say here? Lololol/ROFL/roflcopter

Too much to drink.


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Sorry about that. These fucktards enjoy having power over people.

somatic preoccupation

Maybe he has a somatic preoccupation of having his head up his ass? You could suggest diagnosing him with it.

I second whoever said fire him. And if he mistreated you or provided a bad service, write a bad review on the major websites. He is a service provider, don't be afraid to remind him of that from time to time. He works for you, he is your advisor, not an overseer or probation officer.
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Feb 28, 2020
Sorry about that. These fucktards enjoy having power over people.

somatic preoccupation

Maybe he has a somatic preoccupation of having his head up his ass? You could suggest diagnosing him with it.

I second whoever said fire him. And if he mistreated you or provided a bad service, write a bad review on the major websites. He is a service provider, don't be afraid to remind him of that from time to time. He works for you, he is your advisor, not an overseer or probation officer.
I was so pissed about that : somatic preoccupation. I went after him for that, and asked him if someone kept hitting him in the face with a shovel, would he consider himself preoccupied with that?
I need him for my benzos. Fucking asshole. And the thing that really gets me is : I have a lot in common with this guy as far as his level of nervous energy - he is a runner, and needs that level physical activity to stay grounded. I did, too. He just has a lot of habits and tendencies that I used to have when I was healthy. I have seen a level look from him that tells me - if he were in my shoes, he would be dead.

He even caught himself saying once "You just have to decide if you can live like this" ...and then backed up and said "I mean how you can live like this..."

He KNOWS and still won't/can't acknowledge the reality. It's such an awful fact that there is no acceptable way in most society to accept a certain level of suffering as too much. Acknowledge that and have a plan that makes sense (euthanasia).
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I'm sorry for your bad experience. It's totally relatable.

My psych issues came mostly from serious lack of sleep and undiagnosed and untreated physical illness.
My psych however, dismisses the physical illness because 'We don't deal with that here, we a re Mental Health Services.'
He doesn't see that physical health and loss of job and home have a psych impact that can't be brushed aside with medication. You fix what's causing the depression and anxiety, not make it worse in the long term by needless prescription.
I also can't take psych medication due to bowel issues, but he won't listen to that, or the fact that the side effects would add to my stress. No, he's always ready with the prescription pad. Why? Because that's what we do, he says. So the reason you over prescribe is because...that's what you do? Seriously, the man is a fool.
He also can't answer basic questions. I ask a simple question and he spends ten minutes not answering it. I ask it again and he spends another ten minutes not answering it in another way. Should be a politician.
Evasive, disingenuous, dismissive... :hmph:
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Love the shovel comeback!

Pegasos already approved you, though. What changed?
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Feb 28, 2020
Pegasos already approved you, though. What changed?
Well, they "approved" me to the point where they were asking me what dates I wanted, etc. Then COVID happened. With Pegasos, it's interesting because it is one email address and there are different people that respond. And once someone new comes on, you don't seem to hear from the other person you used to talk to. So first I had a woman I talked to for awhile, uploaded my info, then a guy talked to me about what dates I was considering, then a different guy told me it would be "all approved by Monday", 2 weeks went by...COVID hit...and a new person emailed me stating something like "what would help us get you in as soon as the borders open is a letter from a psychiatrist stating that you are mentally capable of making any and all medical decisions". Kind of asking for it after the fact. Which I said sure, no problem because my psyc said "sure no problem".
Then I get that horseshit letter.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Well, they "approved" me to the point where they were asking me what dates I wanted, etc. Then COVID happened. With Pegasos, it's interesting because it is one email address and there are different people that respond. And once someone new comes on, you don't seem to hear from the other person you used to talk to. So first I had a woman I talked to for awhile, uploaded my info, then a guy talked to be about what dates I was considering, then a different guy told me it would be "all approved by Monday", 2 weeks went by...COVID hit...and a new person emailed me stating something like "what would help us get you in as soon as the borders open is a letter from a psychiatrist stating that you are mentally capable of making any and all medical decisions". Kind of asking for it after the fact. Which I said sure, no problem because my psyc said "sure no problem".
Then I get that horseshit letter.
Can you go to a different psychiatrist and lie to him about the intent for the confirmation? Can you say you need it to buy a dog or get a flying license or just refuse to answer what you intend to use it for?
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Feb 28, 2020
Well, they "approved" me to the point where they were asking me what dates I wanted, etc. Then COVID happened. With Pegasos, it's interesting because it is one email address and there are different people that respond. And once someone new comes on, you don't seem to hear from the other person you used to talk to. So first I had a woman I talked to for awhile, uploaded my info, then a guy talked to be about what dates I was considering, then a different guy told me it would be "all approved by Monday", 2 weeks went by...COVID hit...and a new person emailed me stating something like "what would help us get you in as soon as the borders open is a letter from a psychiatrist stating that you are mentally capable of making any and all medical decisions". Kind of asking for it after the fact. Which I said sure, no problem because my psyc said "sure no problem".
Then I get that horseshit letter.
But they have been very responsive about my trying to sync my date with someone else, and gave all signs that it was just a matter of picking a date, and then COVID. They did imply to me that they have more than one physician that approves these and prescribed the lethal dose and it would be easier if they have that letter; otherwise they have to ask another doctor. That is my sense.
Can you go to a different psychiatrist and lie to him about the intent for the confirmation? Can you say you need it to buy a dog or get a flying license or just refuse to answer what you intend to use it for?
I told my psyc it was for stem cell treatment. I can ask my primary care doctor - problem is they are all in the same electronic chart system and he will see my request from the psyc, etc.
But they have been very responsive about my trying to sync my date with someone else, and gave all signs that it was just a matter of picking a date, and then COVID. They did imply to me that they have more than one physician that approves these and prescribed the lethal dose and it would be easier if they have that letter; otherwise they have to ask another doctor. That is my sense.

I told my psyc it was for stem cell treatment. I can ask my primary care doctor - problem is they are all in the same electronic chart system and he will see my request from the psyc, etc.
This is what they said last:

Have you ever been in contact with a psychotherapist, or neurologist, or psychiatrist, that you could trust to write a brief assessment for you, stating that you are mentally fully capable to make any medical decision ? This would help greatly to get you in immediately when the gates at the airports have opened once more.
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Feb 21, 2020
Every psychiatrist I see has always made assumptions about anything and everything. They always downplay my suffering and are then surprised when I become frustrated or lash out. I feel you though, I don't think people realise how much their actions or words have an impact, especially coming from professionals.
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Dec 15, 2018
Well, they "approved" me to the point where they were asking me what dates I wanted, etc.
Was the "approval" based on medical records you sent them? Just curious what they required. It's sounding like they may have an easier process than dignitas and the others. I probably would never be able to do this but I am intrigued. (I have a chronic physical illness that has destroyed my quality life and I'm nearing the end of my rope).

Also props to you for being brave in all this. I would be so anxious to tell the stem cell lie and ask for these letters.

Also, so sorry you got dismissed by your psychiatrist like that. I've definitely gotten the same. I wish they knew how hard I have worked to distract myself from my physical sensations, pretend it's not happening... but guess, what, it doesn't work, and as your symptoms get worse you reach the point where you can't distract yourself, you can't pretend, you can't just battle through. And they make you feel like it's your fault.


Feb 28, 2020
Was the "approval" based on medical records you sent them? Just curious what they required. It's sounding like they may have an easier process than dignitas and the others. I probably would never be able to do this but I am intrigued. (I have a chronic physical illness that has destroyed my quality life and I'm nearing the end of my rope).

Also props to you for being brave in all this. I would be so anxious to tell the stem cell lie and ask for these letters.

Also, so sorry you got dismissed by your psychiatrist like that. I've definitely gotten the same. I wish they knew how hard I have worked to distract myself from my physical sensations, pretend it's not happening... but guess, what, it doesn't work, and as your symptoms get worse you reach the point where you can't distract yourself, you can't pretend, you can't just battle through. And they make you feel like it's your fault.

Thank you!

Yes, I thought that I was approved on physical ailments alone because I have a really terrible, incurable disease. Looks like they have it approved to the point of asking for the script and - because I am 41, going without family support (I do have boyfriend support but I think they prefer your family to be on board), and have children - somewhere along the line this came up.

I think I screwed myself with the stem cell story. I did not read carefully enough and what Pegasos suggested that I do. They suggested that I ask for a letter just to have on hand and travel due to my illness. The purpose of the letter would be in case I ended up in the hospital while I was traveling, I would have paper saying that I was mentally capable of making medical decisions. That may have been an easier, more generalized letter to get. Instead, I said I wanted to have a stem cell procedure so I got some letter stating that he is in full support of me aggressively treating my Sjogren's syndrome which gets me nowhere.

Pegasos is much easier than Dignitas. Same price same country I would not deal with Dignitas, only Pegasos. Additionally, Pegasos offers euthanasia with an IV. It is much faster and you don't have to drink anything. Some people prefer that. You can drink it too but there are both optina
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Dec 15, 2018
Thank you!

Yes, I thought that I was approved on physical ailments alone because I have a really terrible, incurable disease. Looks like they have it approved to the point of asking for the script and - because I am 41, going without family support (I do have boyfriend support but I think they prefer your family to be on board), and have children - somewhere along the line this came up.

I think I screwed myself with the stem cell story. I did not read carefully enough and what Pegasus suggested that I do. They suggested that I ask for a letter just to have on hand and travel due to my illness. The purpose of the letter would be in case I ended up in the hospital while I was traveling, I would have paper saying that I was mentally capable of making medical decisions. That may have been an easier, more generalized letter to get. Instead, I said I wanted to have a stem cell procedure so I got some letter stating that he is in full support of me aggressively treating my Sjogren's syndrome which gets me nowhere.

Pegasos is much easier than dignities. Same price same country I would not deal with Dignitas, only Pegasos. Additionally, Pegasos offers euthanasia with an IV. It is much faster and you don't have to drink anything. Some people prefer that. You can drink it too but there are both optina
Don't feel bad-- hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you could ask for a travel letter from your primary care. Even if he is aware of the stem cell letter (which he may not be careful enough to actually look at in your records), he may just think of them as unrelated and be willing to help you.

So I take it you must have gotten pegasos your records without your doctors knowing who the records were going to? Did you just collect the records and then mail them yourself?


Feb 28, 2020
Don't feel bad-- hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you could ask for a travel letter from your primary care. Even if he is aware of the stem cell letter (which he may not be careful enough to actually look at in your records), he may just think of them as unrelated and be willing to help you.

So I take it you must have gotten pegasos your records without your doctors knowing who the records were going to? Did you just collect the records and then mail them yourself?
Exactly right. They don't ask for too much, either.
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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
My larst psychiatrist i ended up smacking him one i was sent they by my doctor as i had a go at them for cutting down my medication with out disgusting with me first. So she told the psychiatrist i had anger problems so i try to tell him it not offend i get like that it was just the way the doctors whent about that up set me thats all and i dont need to chat to a psychiatrist . But the Psychiatrist told me i got a lot of hidden anger and he going to try and get me to express my anger. Well at first i managed to keep under control and i told him its not a good idea as i can just snap and lash out . He said that's good i need to let go of my anger it will make feel better but i new this is not going to end well . He just keep on and on just keep pushing and pushing he could it was getting to me . Next thing i new was i had him pind to the wall my hand round his throat his nose was broken and bleeding think he lost a tooth as well. O and he was slowly turning blue as i was slowly strangling him i just managed to stop my self from killing him. And to this day i never ever going to forget the look on his mix of shock and fear and blind panic. When he recovered which was a couple of days he told what happened he sead he was having a go at getting me angry he sead i just had blank look on my face. And he sead next thing he new i had jumped up i hit him hard busting his nose then hit him again and nock out his tooth smack him few more times the i picked him up by the throat and started to strangle him. And he sead all in that time he sead it was like looking at a complete animal as if i was a different person and as soon it was over he sead i was back . It was like they were to complete two different persons in one body that what he told me and he sead best thing he could do for me was keep my anger under control by using medication and other things and try not let it out ever again . The other thing he did not call the police as it would made things a lot worse so that wad my one time with a psychiatrist LOL :D

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