

Jul 3, 2023
Almost anyone I think I can trust seems to be a piece of shit. I work in the telecommunications field. I work in IT, but as the company is small, I try to help in other positions. This is my first job ever, and it sucks that my first mentor threw me under the bus and almost got me fired.

I got this job around nine months ago. It's my first ever. I'm also terrified to fuck up cause I'm the only one on the IT team, so anything that happens to our system would instantly be my fault. Thankfully nothing bad ever happened aside from the fact that I would finish my work fast and since my job is 7 - 5 I have plenty of time to kill so I try in other fields my "mentor" would be in charge of certs such as osha certs, rigging certs etrc... as time passed I notice he was dropping more and more of his work on me and then dissapearing from the office while leaving me with all his work at first I just assume he was taking the extra time he got from me helping to go to our job sites and checking up on the crews in my eyes he was someone I really looked up to and would follow blindly I should have noticed earlier, but every time I would try to bring up the topic of where he went he would say he went out to train more of our guys or check up on job sites flowwoed by a barrage of compliments which i hate to admit but compliments are my weakness so i would just forget it. as time passed i would find myself not just helping but practically doing his job from submitting exam test score to keeping up with all our employees certs while also doing my position alone for no extra pay not so long i goit an emailtalking about how some of the test scores we submitted had identical writing and answers which obv shouldn't be the case there ask me for answers so i just fwd them to my mentor at the time , he then proceeded to get aggressive with them (safety lms) which he really shouldn't have i saw the emails we got a bit of a warning so i just ingored the drama after that my vp was having problems with my mentor because he had lie to our vp and we found out he was staying at his house while i did his job it sucked to find out about that because i used to talk to him all the time and he would tell me about how he was still working and his pay was lower than what he deserves and after that still decided to throw me under the bus as the email containing what i thought was a small penalties was actually affecting us hard since it was his side of the job and our vp was onto him he didn't approach me as if he was mad at me for not doing his job my vp still didn't know about the penalti we had received but once he found out my vp confronted him and he decided to say that it was my fault that we got penalised to this day I'm so glad my boss didn't just believe him and told me what he said that same day i went and collected all the evidence i could find and fwd it to my boss(vp) and now my mentor is getting fired but i feel like shit because of it i don't want anyone to get fired because of me i just wanted to defend myself none of this would have happened if i wasn't such an easy target to manipulate idk what to do now i feel like a piece of shit because i got him fired but i also feel like shit that my first "friend" manipulated me all this time to get free work .


Feel free to contact me <3
Aug 29, 2023
it sucks when we are trapped with bad people over and over in a cycle, i of all people can understand. i hope you know you have done nothing wrong and it is not you fault for trusting or holding out hope. im sure your amazing and its their loss for taking adavantage of you. i hope one day you feel either at peace or better i wish you much love. talk to me if you ever need anything <3


Nov 2, 2021
I've worked with bullies before. Just get off on causing as much stress and annoyance as possible, bad managers who want to do little as possible and cares nothing for stagg welfare.nkt addressing bullying or issues of misconduct, anytime for a quiet life.baounds like you were lucky to have understand boss who took your evidence and made a sound judgement on the evidence presented instead of trying to brush it under the carpet, which was the norm when I worked. Don't feel bad. If anything it'll harden you up. You will learn from it and adapt and not be.took advantage of again or so easily - but time will teach you to harden up


Far better rest I go to than I have ever known.
Aug 24, 2023
As the above have said, it's great your VP was thorough and looked more into this. Not even a little bit your fault your manager is getting fired. He did wrong and got the results of that.

There are some humans you can trust and some you can't. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes, especially if the person pretends to be nice to you to get you on their side. Sounds like you are a hard worker and will go far if you can surround yourself with people who are similar and want you to succeed.

The above link talks about signs when people are being manipulative. Might be good to skim through, and just know there are better people out there than your manager who will support your hard working mentality rather than exploit you.

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