

Dec 14, 2023
I think it might be possible to prove that SS actually prevents more suicide than 988 and the entire worldwide mental health entities combined. I actually believe it does. 988 and the mental health racket in USA actually encourages and promotes suicide while pretending to want to prevent it. It's all just a very clever but immoral scam. Here people can talk honestly about how they feel without fear of stigma or being committed to a horrible psych hospital. There is nothing at all negative about this site. 988 is just a scam but the average person doesn't know that and it's hard to convince them of that. They don't want to believe it. If 2morrow suicide ceased to exist , then 988 would dry up and blow away and also cease to exist. In economics it's called perverse incentive and this principle is prevalent all over capitalism especially in healthcare. Doctors and hospitals make more money from unhealthy people and almost nothing from healthy people. I had a neurologist years ago tell me she resigned from a hospital because they were corrupt. I asked her to explain how so. She said she was chastised for giving and prescribing treatments and medications that would help people and ordered to stop doing that and was told to purposely not give people anything that would help them and intentionally prescribe drugs and treatments that she knew would absolutely do them no good at all. They told her "we need them to keep coming back so we can keep making money off of them" . Much love to Dr Stephanie (her 1st name) for having the integrity that most in healthcare do not. But a great example of how the principle of perverse incentive works. I am not anti-capitalist but some things (all human necessities) should be removed from capitalism. In USA all doctors take the "Oath of Hippocrates" Hippocrates is the ancient Greek credited with inventing the practice of medicine. In the original translation from ancient Greek the oath contained the phrase "without fee or stipulation". In other words Hippocrates in his infinite wisdom was saying "this ain't gonna work as a capitalist venture" . The American Medical Association many years ago edited out this phrase and I say they really don't take the Oath of Hippocrates but the oath of hypocrisy. But now I'm rambling off topic kinda. Which is I really don't want this site banned, shut down, censored or in any way fucked with. And I honestly believe this forum prevents more suicide than all the mental health establishment ever does or will.
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Jul 30, 2020
I'm sure SaSu prevents a large number of suicides, but I'm also sure that getting accurate numbers will be almost impossible. It would be almost impossible for the various suicide helplines too.


Dec 14, 2023
I'm sure SaSu prevents a large number of suicides, but I'm also sure that getting accurate numbers will be almost impossible. It would be almost impossible for the various suicide helplines too.
But if you critically think about what the effect of each side does. Which is more likely to make you feel better? Coming here when you're really depressed or being locked in psych ward? Not even a close call. When I told you some (if not all) this shit is intentional this is a great example. If they really don't want you to ctb, then why do they try so hard to get you to take SSRIs and tricyclic anti-depressant that list suicide as a main side effect? Here you can express how you really feel and the worst that's gonna happen is someone may post something disagreeing with you. But most here try to be emotionally supportive. Keep in mind the mental health racket would lose a ton of revenue that they are getting now if the suicide rate dropped to near zero. I know all this shit is intentional, malicious and evil and I will convince you of that cuz I already know you're smart.
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Jul 30, 2020
But if you critically think about what the effect of each side does. Which is more likely to make you feel better? Coming here when you're really depressed or being locked in psych ward? Not even a close call. When I told you some (if not all) this shit is intentional this is a great example. If they really don't want you to ctb, then why do they try so hard to get you to take SSRIs and tricyclic anti-depressant that list suicide as a main side effect? Here you can express how you really feel and the worst that's gonna happen is someone may post something disagreeing with you. But most here try to be emotionally supportive. Keep in mind the mental health racket would lose a ton of revenue that they are getting now if the suicide rate dropped to near zero. I know all this shit is intentional, malicious and evil and I will convince you of that cuz I already know you're smart.
I agree 100%. But my point was that turning it into actual numbers would be very difficult. How could you do it?


Dec 14, 2023
You absolutely couldn't. You could never get an accurate number from the psych racket about anything. And there's no way to prove that someone who doesn't ctb would have otherwise absolutely. But they could take a poll of people like us and ask us which likely to make you feel better and which more likely to reinforce your feelings of wanting to ctb. But they never ask us about anything that matters.


Apr 22, 2024
I think SASU would be perceived much better by the outside world if it would not be dominated by anti-natalist, pro-death cult leaders and cult followers that want humanity not to exist, think that parents are committing a horrible disgusting sin by having kids, and it is perfectly OK for a kid, a minor to CTB and they should, and no Recovery section should exist on this site. I think these people are the minority here but a minority with the loudest voice, the highest post count, the highest engagement. Even if the vast majority of people do not agree with them here, if someone just views this site from the outside, it will appear that these people are dominating the platform due to their cult like behaviour, crazy amounts of post and very energetic engagement with the platform. And imagine a regular Joe hearing this, kids should die by suicide, parents should not have kids, humanity should go extinct on the planet, and being born is the biggest tragedy. Furthermore all humans go extinct regardless whether they enjoy life or not because these people already decided that life not worth living, not just for them, but for every human that exists on the planet. I am sorry but nobody should be deciding who should be living or dying. They decide for humanity. I mean this is even sicker than Hitler and Hitler was quite sick. While they say they are pro-choice, wishing to terminate all human life on Earth is not pro-choice as it is the exact opposite of freedom. It is dictatorship. This is the irony. They want their own freedom but they don't want freedom for others because they decided that YOUR life sucks and shitty even before meeting you or knowing you. So yes, any normal person first coming to this site and exposed to this agressive loud minority will surely not see the usefulness of the site, as these people overpower the site with ridiculously high post count.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Anecdotally, I gave up on recovery for years and only started thinking about trying again after joining SS and reading recovery forum. Most mental health resources are so sugarcoated that I felt too far gone already. Right before joining SS, my cry for help on social media got my account deleted instead of any support at all. (All I posted was "I'm considering suicide")

And if I hadn't joined this site and learned about the risks, I might've jumped off a building too short to end me and really hurt myself. Though, I think the people who hate this site would rather me get severely injured, maybe permanently, than make a decision for myself.


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
It won't be banned or censored, that's just media hype. In the digital age there is very little governments can so.

There is not anything on here that you can't just find in Wikipedia or something anyway.
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