

Trying to Find Forever peace.
Jun 17, 2024
It's truly horrible, I am FtM and I hate having to wear binders I wish i just had a flat chest :') My voice also just not manly enough I hate speaking to people online thanks to it and in real life. It hurts so much knowing i'll never fully be a man and people will always hate me for just existing. I get scared telling new people that I'm trans as I never know how they will react to it, Just feels like im trapped and there is truly nothing I can do.

Anyways I just wanted to let that out.
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We ball to the grave
Apr 27, 2024
Don't be, it's who you are it's who you want to be. You shouldn't feel shitty for just existing, I really am sorry you feel that way about yourself. Trans folks are pretty solid and I wish more people were accepting of them.
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Jul 7, 2024
It's silly to say, but: don't! You are a fine human being as you are. If you'll allow me a quote from someone better than me: "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."
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just a guy trying to find peace
Aug 4, 2024
hey man, i get what you're going through - i'm on the same boat. i know others saying stuff as "it gets better" is basically bs to us but… it kind of does. at some point you come to terms with the fact that not everything in your life aligns in the ways it should, but you can work on it. i don't know how old are you or on what stage of transition are you currently in, but believe me, at some point you start fully feeling like the man you are. even if you think your body says otherwise. you can get on HRT, get surgeries, train your voice etc. it takes toll on your mental health for sure, but one day you will catch yourself thinking that it got easier to deal with it.
the worst thing you can do is start denying your identity. this is YOUR life, not somebody else's. only you will get to live through it, so don't even try repressing yourself for the sake of people around you.
you are a real man, you have always been and will forever be. i like to think of myself as a "self-made man" lol, and that by being trans alone i learned way more about being a human than any cis man will ever be able to comprehend. take it easy bro and take care of yourself. remember there are people to whom you can always reach out, we are a community - we help eachother
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death come kind. lay no curse on me.
Jun 29, 2024
I know what you mean by 'fully be a man'. Yeah hi, mtf here.
But the only thing it takes for you to fully be a man is to say that you are.
You have no reason to listen to anyone telling you otherwise and I'm sorry you're probably forced to hear such things one way or the other.
I hope you also have people in your life who treat you normally.
People who would hate you for existing are not worth a second of your time or even just one of your braincells firing but assholes are very vocal, sadly.
Y'know be yourself, live your life, fuck the haters and stuff.
Seriously tho, I know it's fucking hard but giving up would only prove them right. If it takes spite to keep on going, be the most spiteful motherfucker you can be.
I believe in you king:heart:
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
I'm sorry that you were born the wrong gender~ :( It truly sucks~ >_< I, too, feel as tho nothing will ever fix it~ :( It's all just chasing after false hope of trying to look more and appear more like how you act~ :( ofc, taking testosterone will definitely help you to pass some day~ :) but until then, it's going to suck~ >_< and plus, idk about you, but I know that unless something major happens, I'll still have lingering doubts even then~ :( especially due to my rather cruel parents~ :/ are yours nicer? :)
but on the other road, awaits constant misery as you have to pretend to be something you're not for the rest of your life~ :( It's terrible! :(((
I feel as tho gender dysphoria is a curse through which happiness is made impossible~ :( I wish you the best and pray for you~ :) And myself~ :( The world is too cruel to treat us like this~ :(
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Official Written Apology for Being a Buzzkill
Apr 15, 2024
I'm sorry that you were born the wrong gender~ :( It truly sucks~ >_< I, too, feel as tho nothing will ever fix it~ :( It's all just chasing after false hope of trying to look more and appear more like how you act~ :( ofc, taking testosterone will definitely help you to pass some day~ :) but until then, it's going to suck~ >_< and plus, idk about you, but I know that unless something major happens, I'll still have lingering doubts even then~ :( especially due to my rather cruel parents~ :/ are yours nicer? :)
but on the other road, awaits constant misery as you have to pretend to be something you're not for the rest of your life~ :( It's terrible! :(((
I feel as tho gender dysphoria is a curse through which happiness is made impossible~ :( I wish you the best and pray for you~ :) And myself~ :( The world is too cruel to treat us like this~ :(
I hope the world treats you as good as the next good person cause you seem very kind.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
I hope the world treats you as good as the next good person cause you seem very kind.
thank you~ :) It's really nice of you to say that to me~ :) I just wish it did! :(
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Sep 12, 2024
I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It seems like no one in the world understands us and that no amount "it gets better" or "just be yourself" change how it feels, it's not something you just get rid of by talking to a friend. In my case I can't transition. I can't access hormones or surgery and I've allready been through puberty so blockers are useless. My last hope is reincarnation exists.
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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
agreed, i am mtf personally but being trans is just a living hell. i will never be able to be happy in my body, every dwy i am reminded i was born in the wrong one and i hate it, no amount of surgery can make me happy with it. even if i got a completely cis female body that wont take away the fact i never got to have a female childhood
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