

Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I am 24 years old and I feel mentally as if I were still an immature child/adolescent. Does anyone else have this?
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I don't feel I am and I couldn't care less I don't want to grow old
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Aug 31, 2018
I'm the worst 20yo when it comes to maturity
A lot of the time I'm so silly~ so I try to act way more serious/mature here
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Sep 19, 2018
Sometimes I feel as though I have the emotional maturity of a teenager even though I am 35. Maybe I do who knows. Who is to say what true maturity is unless you are throwing adult temper tantrums or engaging in fecel smearing.

I don't personally feel like a "man" because I never had a job, on SSI, and have my aunt as my payee. If I really have too I can be very mature under pressure or when I am speaking philosophy. I somehow expect everyone to do everything for me even though I wish things wasn't this way.

Intellectually I believe that I am incredibly mature. I can hold my own in a conversation and speak very passionately and soundly about what I believe in.

Diagnoseses such as depression, anxiety, CPTD, and BPD is not a marker for immaturity in my opinion. Each individual brain is very complex. It's hard to honestly put a number on it.

There has been times were I took charge and lead everything. There were times were everyone had to do everything for me. Nobody should have to do the latter.
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