
Taking a break from the website.
Nov 18, 2023
I feel like there are a lot of people here who see no purpose or meaning to life. Who don't really think there's any value to be had. Who find life boring or uninteresting. But I don't feel like that at all.

I see plenty of purpose and meaning in life. Plenty of value to it. I think the world is often beautiful and fascinating. There are even things I still enjoy or make me smile or be happy to be alive sometimes.

So philosophically, I find plenty of meaning and purpose and beauty in the world and in life.

For me it's just the pain that's the problem. An endless and all consuming pain which is with me all the time. Which hurts so much that only death can release me. That and the hopelessness about how I fucked up my own life. But that's about me and my choices, not rooted in my beliefs about the world.

Not sure if Off Topic was the best place for this. But since my disagreements are philosophical in nature I thought it might be.
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May 19, 2018
I feel the exact same way as the first half of that, but the pain isn't the problem for me. My problem isn't solvable, because it has to do with the happenstance of life and being unable to have a meaningful one due to bad luck-- so it isn't based on self-hatred or self-blame or anything like that. But I definitely relate to never feeling bored. Ever. Nothing about this world is boring to me, it's deeply bizarre and tragic, but not boring.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
So philosophically, I find plenty of meaning and purpose and beauty in the world and in life.
That's true! But what if you cannot enjoy it bc of personal circumstances / external circumstances? I mean nature is beautiful and there many things that have not yet been discovered but what if you cannot enjoy nature bc you live in a concrete desert (=city) and you cannot travel to such beautiful places that are still "untouched". We humans have the ability to enjoy things and to think about a meaning of things and all that. We don't know how animals feel about it in their environment - we can't ask them.

As for myself I can say I neither have a purpose nor meaning in my life at the moment except rotting at home.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
You are free to do so but I don't find beauty in cruelty of nature. To have a nervous system is to be at risk of immense pain and agony. Every moment there is someone suffering in this world.

I can be at peace personally even in my condition but only through tolerance of my own struggles. I am not 'happy' but I tolerate pain better and see myself as an experiment to observe.

I don't think it is bad to love life and find it beautiful btw, I just disagree. At best it is neutral.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
There are also many things in life I enjoy, or used to enjoy on a deeper level before I was so deep down the hole of chronic fatigue. I did a degree that was really interesting and I love learning, especially languages and scientific topics, problem solving, etc. Without the burden of chronic illnesses and disability I would be on track for a very rewarding career. When I have energy and am in a good mood, I love socialising.

There are things I also really enjoy about life and appreciate that are just out of reach now due to the hand I've been dealt. And I think that's the cruelest thing for many people here. That there was something which made them happy in life which was yanked away due to circumstances outside of their control like poor health, or grief, or bad economic conditions.
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Jul 15, 2022
I do not deny that there are good things in life but it is complicated when ctb invades you.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
I think this might be related to "blue pill and read pill" question in The Matrix. Life can be meaningful if it is successful or hopeful. But some people are less fortunately. They face various difficulties, and are forced to ask "what is the meaning of life?" Then the deeper one digs, the more life seems meaningless.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think it's legitimate to feel either. Maybe there isn't a fixed, solid meaning to life but it seems unfair to tell people what they should and shouldn't enjoy, should and shouldn't find meaning in. That's up to them- surely? It's down to things like preferences and opportunities.

I guess there is a moral side to it. The whole- 'How can you be happy when there is so much suffering inherent in our world?' I guess to actually be happy or content, we have to compartmentalise quite a bit to ignore all the horrible stuff going on and how we are a part of that.

Maybe that's wrong if you are just selfishly enjoying life at the expense and detriment of other living beings. Which I suppose- depressingly, most of us are. Still- it's a kind of honey trap in a way. We also know that if we kill ourselves, it will cause pain to our loved ones.

Personally, I don't have a problem with people trying to make the best of things. I also expect that people who are more involved with life possibly make more of a positive difference to the world than we do. How many of us are activists? I doubt many people here have the energy for all that. We're happy to complain but, what do we actually do to change things? Probably nothing in many cases because all we really want is to escape!
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kmsing while caramelldansen plays
May 29, 2023
i think many people do recognise that life is beautiful and etc. it's just kind of complicated. when desire to ctb strikes you, you will eventually start ignoring the beauty of life. what's the use of stunning nature or joyful events when you can't feel happiness, when everything surrounding you is misery and pain? what's the point of recognising that these things exist if your life lacks them and there is nothing for you?
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Oct 15, 2023
Life is boring, meaningless and without value… hmm… who does that remind me of? 🤔
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Life is boring, meaningless and without value… hmm… who does that remind me of? 🤔
I'm "a nihilist going through an unrelinquished hell" Sorry I stole your title @Seered Doom 😅
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Time to catch the bus
Mar 4, 2024
I still think that because life is meaningless, it has meaning. If nothing matters, then it all matters. The little interactions we have with eachother. Trying to change the world for the better.

As for enjoying things in life, yea. I still do. Making connections with people. Learning new things. Having someone genuinly care/worry about you. Being with someone you care about. Falling in love. Hedonism to a certain extent. The good is good, but the bad/pain is really bad.

Im not sure if my depression is a chemical thing, or just a result of looking through the veil. I broke my rose tinted glasses at a very early age. Maybe it's my thoughts, maybe it's my brain. Who knows?
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
I guess I'm just in the boat of "Life only has meaning to the beholder. Live and let live as long as you don't do harm. Lets work together for everyone." kinda person. I don't want to tell people how to live their life as long as they aren't hurting anyone just as I expect it from myself. It really frustrates me that life is anything but being good to one another and reasonable when I can envision it being so easy. It also doesn't help that people who have harmed other in egregious ways so it's just the snake eating its head. So if life HAS to be this way, I just want to be left alone and respected, just as I give everyone that much. Too bad people love to fuck with others.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I still think that because life is meaningless, it has meaning. If nothing matters, then it all matters.
Wdym? This doesn't make any sense to me. You're basically saying a contradictory statement


If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
I don't always agree with people on this website either. It's inevitable I think. There are all kinds of suicidal people out there. We all come from different walks of life. When tons and tons of people all meet up on one website, eventually someone is going to feel different or even alienated from others. That's how I feel like my life is wherever I go. Always feeling different from the group, even if I share a commonality with people in said group.


Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I don't see an inherent meaning to life, I think everyone assigns life its own meaning. I have my own purposes and meanings and now they eventually all tie back to suicide, before they didn't. I do still see fun things in life, I have games I enjoy and ppl I like talking to, however in the end the bad outweighs the good and I would like to die.
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Oct 8, 2023
I don't think there's an objective meaning to life. I like to float around on what the meaning of life is. rn I'm a bit stuck in nihilism due to some stuff that's occurred over the past few days and from seeing posts from this forum. I don't think there needs to be a big meaning of life, but rather a purpose to one's own life. If you want to have fun, do it. If you want to be there for your family, then you should be. If you don't want to do anything at all, screw it, do nothing all the time. We should be able to do what we want and nobody should force us into anything. That being said, people should be free to express their beliefs on what they think the meaning of life is and what people should do. It's up to you if you want to participate and/or agree with their notions.

You could argue that I'm wrong and that purpose and meaning are the same. I am not sure how I'd be able to counter-argue that claim.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
To each their own I guess but I personally believe that life has no purpose or meaning. Or at least my life doesn't. Ever since I was born, there wasn't ever anything that I wanted to do in life. Not a single thing. So of course it's just natural for somebody like me to not see any meaning to life when I never wanted to experience it to begin with
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Time to catch the bus
Mar 4, 2024
Wdym? This doesn't make any sense to me. You're basically saying a contradictory statement
If nothing inherently matters more than anything else, than anything *can* matter.

Ultimately I think nihilism is too often used as something to affirm people's depression and despair. This is because its all too easy to fall into the thinking of if nothing matters, what's the point? I think what most people often overlook is the fact that this gives everyone the ultimate freedom. Meaning can be assigned to whatever you want. If something matters to you, then it does matter, even if it doesn't to the universe.

I also think nihilism can benefit from a bit of agnosticism. Just like ants can't fathom human consciousness, we could be witnessing, or taking part in, the meaning of life/the universe without realizing its staring us in the face.
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Aug 8, 2023
Samesies. Even in my despair, while I haven't managed to have a good day in a while, every now and then I have a moment that's truly beautiful.

I want to.. want to live. I want to get to have a good life.. but the pain and the struggle just keep getting worse. For now, I'm still holding out though.. for now...


Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
I feel like there are a lot of people here who see no purpose or meaning to life. Who don't really think there's any value to be had. Who find life boring or uninteresting. But I don't feel like that at all.
Same. The world is pretty ass, but there is tons of meaning in doing it better. But I'm more insane, because I also believe in free will. 😆


Sep 26, 2023
I agree there are good things in life, good people.

But my issue is the bad now outweighs that good and the bad has taken those things from me, but I know some people just never experience those things in the first place, and that's why they think life is pointless and the bad things are out of their control, so they can't change it and that's exactly me right now and I feel so helpless that I think death is the only thing that can change these things.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Mar 12, 2024
I feel like there are a lot of people here who see no meaning to life
I used to see a lot of meaning and purpose in life. But then she appeared in my life and destroyed it along with all of my dreams. Nowadays the only meaning of life I see is to get drunk as many women as I can and fill them with my juice to the brim. One day that will go as well and then I'll have to resort to a messy end cuz the quiet and non-messy ways are strictly controlled everywhere.

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