

Dec 14, 2023
In less than 2 months I would turn exactly 70 years old. I am severely disabled and dealing with a lot of pain with no adequate medical care. Harder and harder to live on just social security check. In fact it's impossible. So I gotta die regardless. On hunger strike now. Hoping to take it to the end. Maybe I should find a faster way. Idk. I just know that I can't do 70s with my disabilities in inhumane America. If I could just find a sure fast way. Drugs too unreliable and I am a poor candidate to try to ctb that way. I know of a parking garage that's 13 floors but I am not sure that I wouldn't survive a fall from that height. And if I survive, I would have multiple broken bones and injuries. I don't fear death. I fear failed attempt. I don't know what to do really. Continue to not eat but haven't gone dry yet. Need to be dry by July so it goes faster but nobody can really say how long.
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Jul 30, 2020
In less than 2 months I would turn exactly 70 years old. I am severely disabled and dealing with a lot of pain with no adequate medical care. Harder and harder to live on just social security check. In fact it's impossible. So I gotta die regardless. On hunger strike now. Hoping to take it to the end. Maybe I should find a faster way. Idk. I just know that I can't do 70s with my disabilities in inhumane America. If I could just find a sure fast way. Drugs too unreliable and I am a poor candidate to try to ctb that way. I know of a parking garage that's 13 floors but I am not sure that I wouldn't survive a fall from that height. And if I survive, I would have multiple broken bones and injuries. I don't fear death. I fear failed attempt. I don't know what to do really. Continue to not eat but haven't gone dry yet. Need to be dry by July so it goes faster but nobody can really say how long.
I understand. I wouldn't want to be my age and disabled even though I live in a country where medical car is much better than in America. Fortunately, I'm still in reasonable health.
Fasting is a certain way to die, provided that you can continue it to the end. The danger will come when you have become too weak to help yourself, because then you will not be strong enough to resist anyone who might want to "save" you. You need to plan it so that nobody thinks of coming round to "save" you, even if they haven't seen you for a while.
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Apr 15, 2022
My concern, too. I'm also in the states. I'm not 70, but my concern is growing older with no support. I haven't anyone, no family, no friends. My biggest concern is something really bad happens, like heart attack or stroke, which confines me to a nursing home with no way out of that hell. I'm still a dozen years away from 70, but anything can happen at anytime for anybody. I need to get out while I'm still able to. I'm not willing to take the gamble that good health will stick around as I age. I know it does for some, but they are the exception.

OP I hope you can get things sorted out regarding what you want/need to do.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
Anything over 8 stories is basically guaranteed to be 100% fatal but the landing surface is of extreme importance. Think about hard concrete vs fresh snow vs grass vs giant metal spikes. However, I would like for you to ponder this story for a bit: In the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a 34 year old structural engineer named Pasquale Buzzelli was working on the 64th floor when the plane impacted floors 93/99 of the north tower. Pasquale was in the process of evacuating the building and made it down to the 22nd floor when the tower collapsed on top of him. Somehow, this guy managed to survive nearly 180ft of free fall in a building that was falling all around him. There is also at least one other account of such a thing happening that day. Personally, I couldn't possibly consider CTB from falling because it has too much of a delay.

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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Anything over 8 stories is basically guaranteed to be 100% fatal but the landing surface is of extreme importance. Think about hard concrete vs fresh snow vs grass vs giant metal spikes. However, I would like for you to ponder this story for a bit: In the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a 34 year old structural engineer named Pasquale Buzzelli was working on the 64th floor when the plane impacted floors 93/99 of the north tower. Pasquale was in the process of evacuating the building and made it down to the 22nd floor when the tower collapsed on top of him. Somehow, this guy managed to survive nearly 180ft of free fall in a building that was falling all around him. There is also at least one other account of such a thing happening that day. Personally, I couldn't possibly consider CTB from falling because it has too much of a delay.

Thnk th/ physcs of hs fll wld hve bn diffrnt frm th/ standrd 'fallng on2 statc surfce' tho
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Dec 14, 2023
I understand. I wouldn't want to be my age and disable,d even though I live in a country where medical car is much better than in America. Fortunately, I'm still in reasonable health.
Fasting is a certain way to die, provided that you can continue it to the end. The danger will come when you have become too weak to help yourself, because then you will not be strong enough to resist anyone who might want to "save" you. You need to plan it so that nobody thinks of coming round to "save" you, even if they haven't seen you for a while.
Are you in Canada? I thought you were somewhere in the United States.
I tried b4 and they do commit overt human rights violations and do the mental health bullshit. Happened a handful of times on previous hunger strikes. Every time except 1 they let me out right away or within 2 days at most. Only 1 took it to 72 hour limit and in USA they need courts approval to keep u longer so it went to court. Court was buying everything I was selling and ordered my immediate release. But most of em know it's a clear human rights violation and let you go b4 it hits 72 hour limit. They get away with it cuz it's almost impossible to find an attorney to go after em. It's far from the only human rights violation they commit. They do it all day every day. I wish their were lawyers to go after em. I hate they do it with impunity and arrogance and feel like they are above the law.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
When it comes to jumping there is no 100% guaranteed fatal way but free fall from a sufficient hight with nothing in between to break your fall and a hard landing surface make it close to 100%.

"The most important factor in suicide by jumping is height. Stone2 states that jumping from 150 feet (46 metres) or higher on land, and 250 feet (76 metres) or more on water, is 95% to 98% fatal. 150 feet/46 metres, equates to roughly 10 to 15 stories in a building, depending on the height of one story. 250 feet is the height of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco."

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Dec 14, 2023
Yeah it's that 3-5 percent I would be unlucky enough to survive and have multiple injuries and wheeled into psych ward on top of it. Not many survived Golden gate bridge. I think only 1 confirmed. But they know the fall alone didn't kill all of em. If u survive the fall you're out in the middle of an icy, shark infested bay. It's also why not many successful escapes from Alcatraz
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Jul 30, 2020
Are you in Canada? I thought you were somewhere in the United States.
I tried b4 and they do commit overt human rights violations and do the mental health bullshit. Happened a handful of times on previous hunger strikes. Every time except 1 they let me out right away or within 2 days at most. Only 1 took it to 72 hour limit and in USA they need courts approval to keep u longer so it went to court. Court was buying everything I was selling and ordered my immediate release. But most of em know it's a clear human rights violation and let you go b4 it hits 72 hour limit. They get away with it cuz it's almost impossible to find an attorney to go after em. It's far from the only human rights violation they commit. They do it all day every day. I wish their were lawyers to go after em. I hate they do it with impunity and arrogance and feel like they are above the law.
I don't want to state my location, as doing so might compromise my privacy. I have lived in many different countries, including the USA, but at present I'm not in the USA.
Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
Thnk th/ physcs of hs fll wld hve bn diffrnt frm th/ standrd 'fallng on2 statc surfce' tho
Yeah I know it's not the same as jumping onto concrete but I was trying to illustrate the point that falling is a real gamble. The guy in the 9/11 story didn't walk away totally uninjured either; he broke his foot in the fall.


Dec 14, 2023
I don't want to state my location, as doing so might compromise my privacy. I have lived in many different countries, including the USA, but at present I'm not in the USA.
I get it. You said a country with better health care system than USA so that narrows it down to every other nation on the planet.
I've only ever lived in the United States and only time I wasn't here was just a couple days in Mexico
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Mar 15, 2019
This is why the system fails. I believe after someone reaches a certain age, let's use 70 in this example

There should be an option to opt out of life. Why still forced to stay alive, if there is no interest to?

Since at that point, is mainly just waiting around, as health begin to decline, with different medical needs

Is it because the government sees this as a way to make money? By charging for different services and needs?

Its crazy how every single human is guaranteed to die, but the government just won't let us die easily no matter what. Is it to enslave us? To earn money from our tax?

Anyways, all the best to your situation


Dec 14, 2023
This is why the system fails. I believe after someone reaches a certain age, let's use 70 in this example

There should be an option to opt out of life. Why still forced to stay alive, if there is no interest to?

Since at that point, is mainly just waiting around, as health begin to decline, with different medical needs

Is it because the government sees this as a way to make money? By charging for different services and needs?

Its crazy how every single human is guaranteed to die, but the government just won't let us die easily no matter what. Is it to enslave us? To earn money from our tax?

Anyways, all the best to your situation
Government is so many different entities in America. With federal, state, county and municipal layers. To the federal government i am a liability. They're paying me social security check minus what they take back for Medicare. Other than that they make no more money off me. Other layers benefit from what I pay in sales taxes when I spend the social security money. That social security check is not a gift. It's not charity. It's based on what I and my employers paid into the system when I was part of America's labor force. Point is that overall I am a theoretical liability to government as a whole. Make no mistake about it. Government wants me dead. It's no secret that my generation is taxing and overloading the system. They want all of us dead. It's tricky for them because they never want to admit that's the truth and no politician is gonna have, "Kill Grandma and Grandpa" for a campaign slogan. People who are dying on the streets all over the country aren't there by chance or choice. If the all powerful US government didn't want things that way, they wouldn't be that way. They pretend that it's a nearly impossible problem to solve when it's actually cerebrally very simple. Not enough affordable housing? Just fucking build it. A bright 3 year old could figure it out. But if there was plenty of low cost housing built, real estate values would plummet and that wouldn't sit well with the rich people who really are the ones calling all the shots.
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