I thought I'll share my experience. But these are just my thoughts, it might be irrelevant

So for me, I was never ever loved by anyone. Never. Not by parents, not by relatives, not by my sibling, not by anyone. I've spent my whole life without being loved. As a sensitive, deeply fragile and empathetic human, I crave some kind of love and connection.
So when I first fell in love and it seemed like he loves me back, it was like drug to me. Literally, just like drug. It fucks up your brain chemistry, you feel like you are in ecstasy. At least I've felt like that.
So when he decided to abandon me, and completely removed himself from my life, I was left there like an addict without any drug. There was no way I could ever get my hands on this drug again. It disappeared, it's nowhere to be found. My perfect love, all the attention and care I got from him was gone.
Suddenly I was a 6 years old little girl again who couldn't understand why her mother is not talking to her for weeks and why is she not hugging her back, why her father is yelling again, threatening to destroy her favourite toys and plushies.
I went back to this state. I am just a child. I am worthless. Mom is angry at me, so I don't deserve to be loved, I deserve to be beaten. I am not a boy, so I don't deserve my dad's love either. The other kids looking at me with disgust, because I have psoriasis. I am disgusting, I spread diseases. I deserve bad things, but not love. I am nothing, just bad.
When you finally get love from someone, it's like Christmas morning. It's like biting into a piece of delicious food after a 6 hour long hike. It's like finally feeling the taste of water in your mouth when it's burning hot outside. It's awesome. Maaan, this guy loves me. He looks at me and he tells me how beautiful I am. I never heard in my entire life before that I am beautiful. Woooow! He talks a lot about how he wants to marry me and dance with me every night until we grow old together. He's promising me that he will be by my side on my hardest days. He reminds me every day how amazing and beautiful I am. Hm, I wonder... Maybe I'm not that ugly, worthless and bad after all...? I feel amazing!
One random tuesday he stops loving you. He is a completely different person. Who is this? What happened? What's going on?
But you never get answers. He is cold. He says "You are actually very ugly and disgusting and I think you should kill yourself if you really want to."
You die inside. The world goes quiet, all you can hear is your own heartbeat. No, he did not just say this. That's impossible.
Then he blocks and deletes you from social media and from his life.
Yesterday I was loved, he just told me how he can't wait to marry me.
Today I am told to kill myself.
I was loved for a little bit. It was the best feeling ever. Now nobody loves me anymore. I truly am disgusting, ugly, and I deserve the worst death possible.
I am a little child again. Mom doesn't love me, dad doesn't love me. I have no friends, nobody wants to play with me. My boyfriend thinks I am ugly, disgusting and he wants me to die. I have no reason to live anymore.
It would've been better to NEVER experience love, because now it's a million times worse.
Unfortunately this is how much a relationship can mean to me. Not because of romance, flirting, sexual bs, none of that. Just love, I just want pure love and I can't have it anymore.
I'm confused, am I pretty or ugly? What is going on?
Nothing matters. If I can't have his love, then there is no reason for me to breathe anymore.
I am sorry, as i've said maybe this is totally irrelevant. I apologize. It felt good to vent a tiny bit.