
Apr 21, 2024
It won't be possible for them to experience temporary mental torture like despair, hopelessness and agony so how about they do something like sit in a wheelchair for one day?

With their arms and legs tied down so they can't move at all, similar to how they keep some brain damaged suicide survivors alive against their will, and be pushed around by another pro-lifer who also has to change them and feed them because they're unable to do anything.

They can't argue that they shouldn't because they'd never attempt suicide to end up like that, but you can become brain damaged by accident like a car crash and also deliberately by someone assaulting you.

It's really upsetting that Euthanasia isn't immediately offered to someone that's attempt failed and they're forced to live despite trying to get out of it because of the rules of a stupid society.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
Maybe do some research on the euthanasia debates going on around the world and take a particular look at the disabled activists speaking out against it. Personally I'm in favour of it but I'm opposed to people treating disability itself as a reason to die. Billions of people use wheelchairs without ever once considering suicide. You seem to be suggesting that the world's disabled population should - what? Be put to death because of their disability? That's ringing a bell... Eugenics, I think it's called. Big in western Europe in the 1930s..............

Forgive me if I'm oversimplifying your post but I raise my eyebrows when disabled activists here in the UK speak out against Assisted Dying Bills. Now I see their point. That's exactly what they say people will say about them. That their lives aren't worth living because of mobility aids and brain injuries and pain.

If you want euthanasia, talk about yourself. Don't presume to speak for others, especially when they themselves live their lives and do not want to miss a single moment!
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Apr 21, 2024
Maybe do some research on the euthanasia debates going on around the world and take a particular look at the disabled activists speaking out against it. Personally I'm in favour of it but I'm opposed to people treating disability itself as a reason to die. Billions of people use wheelchairs without ever once considering suicide. You seem to be suggesting that the world's disabled population should - what? Be put to death because of their disability? That's ringing a bell... Eugenics, I think it's called. Big in western Europe in the 1930s..............

Forgive me if I'm oversimplifying your post but I raise my eyebrows when disabled activists here in the UK speak out against Assisted Dying Bills. Now I see their point. That's exactly what they say people will say about them. That their lives aren't worth living because of mobility aids and brain injuries and pain.

If you want euthanasia, talk about yourself. Don't presume to speak for others, especially when they themselves live their lives and do not want to miss a single moment!
I'm talking about suicide survivors that are paralyzed because of a failed attempt, some of them can't even speak anymore so can't voice they want still want to die.

There's a story about a guy that survived and his mother would ask him if he still wanted to die and he'd signal yes and she wouldn't do anything about it.

Maybe I should have made my post clearer but I think anyone who's life has been made considerably worse should be offered it not forced it, but I was referencing some are that way because they're suicidal after suffering an accident and couldn't access Euthanasia so had to travel overseas.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm not so sure. I think plenty of people with extremely difficult lives are still pro life. I don't think it's entirely about someone's circumstances. If they still see enough value in life- perhaps they have an amazing support network, perhaps they have a passion still for hobbies or a cause in life, they may still see the value in it.

Plus, who gets to decide? For now and for the foreseeable future, it's doctors. They need to decide amongst themselves that someone's life quality is so poor and with so little chance of improving that- it may indeed be best for them to go. The mental/ emotional health side of things certainly seems to be way behind physical illness. I definitely agree with that.

Really though, I don't like these decisions being made by doctors at all but, I don't see that changing any time soon.

Not only because they possibly don't experience life as suicidal people do but because they will refer to people who have 'recovered' or, were grateful that their suicide attempt failed. Really- what do we expect when we go to people who have taken an oath to try and preserve life to be that keen on letting us die?

That's why I think it should be a separate group of professionals that assess people. Not doctors. Not promortalists either! People who are trained to assess competency- of course but who can also properly guage on how certain a person is that they want to die. Whether they are at all open to trying new things to try to live. And if they are- they should know who to refer them to. That's my dream but I'm sure it won't come true in my lifetime. I suspect I'm going to have to do a bodge job if I want out.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's so evil how people are denied the option to painlessly cease existing even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can be tormented in this existence so futile, cruel and meaningless, I'd always see peaceful death as preferable to suffering in this existence, to have the ability to exist truly is the most hellish abomination. It disturbs me how one is capable of feeling such immense agony, it terrifies me how one can suffer so unbearably yet not die.

Pro-lifers are absolutley sadistic, horrible people, it's insane to be anti-suicide, the option to die painlessly with no risks needs to be there at all times as it's the one escape from the torturous and harmful burden of existing as a human. In my case I never would have chosen to exist, I don't want to suffer in any way, rather all I wish for is to be unaware for all eternity, it's absolutely horrific how trying to die can go wrong and lead to way worse torment.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
I'm talking about suicide survivors that are paralyzed because of a failed attempt, some of them can't even speak anymore so can't voice they want still want to die.

There's a story about a guy that survived and his mother would ask him if he still wanted to die and he'd signal yes and she wouldn't do anything about it.

Maybe I should have made my post clearer but I think anyone who's life has been made considerably worse should be offered it not forced it, but I was referencing some are that way because they're suicidal after suffering an accident and couldn't access Euthanasia so had to travel overseas.
Be that as it may, there's still no proof to back up the title, and your final paragraph is significantly different to your first paragraph so I'm confused as to what point you're actually trying to make. The first paragraph does make a lot of sense.
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Jun 2, 2024
There's a story about a guy that survived and his mother would ask him if he still wanted to die and he'd signal yes and she wouldn't do anything about it.
That's one story. What you're describing is incredibly rare. So rare that when it does happen, you'll immediatly hear about it in the daily mail.

Keeping someone alive in that state costs several thousand euros a week; no greedy insurance company would be willing to pay that kind of money, unless there were significant chances of recovery.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I think the title isn't matching with the couple of points of the post that don't seem to align either? Anyways in regards to one of the point you made, prolifers aren't prolifers because they don't know what suffering is, they don't have a picture perfect life either. There are numerous amounts of people that are suffering unimaginably, so much more than a particular suicidal person. The point is through all that suffering they still see the beauty in existence. Whatever problems they face, their mind doesn't immediately go to dying and how nice it would be to just cease to exist. They welcome it, for some reason. Death terrifies them so much more than their suffering. Tbh, I could never understand how someone in such a condition would wanna keep living but it's the same way a prolifer could never understand why I would choose to opt out of my life.
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Aug 28, 2023
I disagree that they haven't suffered, they just still have hope somehow or are very religious.
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Jan 1, 2024
They have still suffered they just see a purpose in their suffering and believe sky daddy wants them to live no matter what
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Apr 11, 2024
In the extreme case of paralysis, then yes but I think this forum really struggles with the reality that society isn't and can't force us to stay alive and that euthanasia for the average, mobile suicidal person isn't something we're owed. We (again excluding the tiny percentage of fully paralyzed people) have the ability to kill ourselves and I feel that shifting the blame on society for us still being here is a coping mechanism for our own inaction or failure.
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