I really recommend you to seek for help.
Prescribed drugs can help you a lot with what you are passing through life. So, you need to make a appointment with a psychiatrist.
If you are lucky, you are going to find drugs that can really help with what you described.
As a 45yo, take this as a life advice, there is still time for you, to recover, find someone, be happy but it will requires you to try.
When you realize you are too old to make your dreams come true, it's very sad and paintful, i'm not talking about being a millionare, for me what just having a person, a woman that i really loved and having a familly. It's not self-pitty... sometimes things dont go the way you want.
You're still so new and young, I really hope you can pass through this and carry on with your life.
@LukaParrot I have gone through so much male rejection all throughout my life I now believe there is no man out there who will ever love me.
The man I am currently in love with he rejected me in the most cruel way ever and it hurts so much still.
I will never meet anyone better than him that is the most painful.
Over the summer holidays this man and I began bonding more already we knew each other in the beginning of the year. One day I asked him to go with me to have coffee and told him I liked him. He agrees to go with me and 1 day before we were scheduled to have coffee he decides to reject me.
He gave me a half a page long text message reply on why he is rejecting me and telling me the reasons why I am not good enough for him. It's was painful to read.
He was close everything I ever wanted in a guy. He had many qualities i find attractive in men which are an interesting life with travel and adventure, funny, intelligent, can have long conversations with about things related to travel and politics, sweet, looks after his siblings and just someone fun to be around.
I have tried to bond with the guys at university but there is no connection and the conversation never flows. The guys here don't click with me and I don't click with them. All that makes me miss him even more. Evening time the guy and I used to talk all night when he rejected me i missed all that, evenings now are just painful.
He was close to everything I ever wanted in a man. I am more drawn to personalities.
Parrot living on drugs is just treating the symptoms not the cause.
Bloody hell if I had a nickel for how many times I heard that..
@FireFox I'm sorry for what you're going through. You could probably find professional help, someone to talk to, it works for some. If you can't or if for whatever reason you need to talk to someone then I'm available every now and then.
@Bruce Professional help is not available to be me I have tried in the past. In the UK the problem with mental health services are when you go to your local doctor and ask for help for mental health issues you DONT GET SEEN IMMEDIATELY.
How long you wait for help depends where you live. Averrage waiting times for mental health is more than 7 months that's if you can get on the list . My area its 10 months and now longer due to covid backlog. The NHS even has criteria of deciding who gets treatment since there is not enough services. People get denied access to services because they are not either ill enough or too ill to qualify for treatment.
Private healthcare options I have looked into is very expensive yes. Counselling and therapy in the UK the rates are £50 - £100 per session
therapy is NOT avaliable to me