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Jul 29, 2021
and enslave you in awful shit in a shithole and hellhole and keep you alive against your will

this universe is terrible there is no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pointless indifference

we can just make shit up, do that, and pretend as though it has meaning and value. That's what we all do, consciously or unconsciously. We create some sort of purpose for our lives and pretend as though it has value. We're pretty good at it, except for those who aren't, and sadly they tend to end up either drunk, drugged, or dead.

Terrible suffering is also normal. But it is … terrible. It's caused by human depravity, psychopathy, sociopathy, greed, indifference, cruelty. It's caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, avalanches, floods, drought. It's caused by famine, disease, epidemics, pandemics. It's caused by nations at war, societal collapse, dictators, despots. It's caused by religious passions, political passions, extremists, irrational justifications, blind ignorance, fear, anger, bad laws, bad lawmakers. It's caused by capitalism, communism, socialism.

So why do we suffer so? The world is full of people making decisions, and some of those decisions are evil, and cause evil and suffering. Natural disasters affect the poor far more than the rich, because the rich are sheltered and indifferent to the suffering of the poor.

And ultimately, we're all gonna die. Some will die young, poor, and tragically, others old, rich, comfortable, and in their sleep. Some will suffer when they die, some will not. There is no age that is protected from death, no race, no level of economic success, though the rich will suffer less, the poor, more, almost always.

It is a fallen world full of broken people who take tours onto the edges of active volcanoes because they feel rich and invulnerable, or who build their homes in floodplains or on the slopes of volcanoes because they are forced by economies or prejudices to do so.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
There is also something liberating in facts you said. I feel intensity of my emotions dimnished over the years now that I know everything is meaningless.

Like even people that dislike me will die one day and no one will remember me or them or what we liked or disliked.

I took life too seriously before. Sure, physical discomfort sucks but my emotions were all over the place and I found situations and other people super important in relation to me. Nothing is.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I just see existence as a horrific and unnecessary mistake that is better off erased. It's tragic how anyone has to suffer so senselessly in this torturous and futile process of waiting around to die, I will always see it as preferable to not exist but of course only never existing is true perfection.
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I return to the raiding shadows of death.
Sep 9, 2023
The more you think about existence the more insane you'll discover it actually is. The truly lucky ones are the ones who have already missed their chance to be born. They get to be in the peace of non-existence for eternity, without having to be deprived or suffer at all.
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Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
It's all predicated on a circular purpose: meeting needs/solving problems that life itself created, while always risking tremendous suffering in the name of this chase that ultimately goes nowhere, and that will still head towards the grave. It's a loop of create the mess, fix the mess, over and over and over again, ad infinitum. Now, there is value in staying alive so that you can fix, or help in fixing, the suffering of other people, but that requires the will, determination, skill (even if only debating skill, in the case of antinatalism), and possibly the resources to be able to achieve that goal. These being standards that not everyone can realistically meet, and even then, it's not an obligation, just something that would be desirable, and nice of you to do.

But for all other people, life is what I said above. It's like throwing a baby in the ocean so that it can enjoy being saved from drowning. Staying alive is obviously a personal decision, and it's fine. but on a rational level, there's ultimately nothing productive or noble about fixing messes your existence created, especially if it's for the sake of getting some worthless "bravery card" for struggling to fulfilll a circular purpose, and chase some useless cheese you were made addicted to.

Not having the right to die because assholes and/or imbeciles see value in all that and think everyone should think the same is cruel, and it's a disgusting form of slavery.
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