
Sep 3, 2018
We all want answers and solutions to what we're all going through. We come to places like this site hoping for something, anything that could actually help. But sometimes for some people such as myself you realize there's truly nothing that can help. Sometimes for me personally I feel the only true answer to all my problems is suicide cause only then will the problems finally stop. I then ask myself constantly why is death the only true solution? Why is there nothing we can do while alive? I try to find answers elsewhere, but I struggle to find anything that can truly end the pain of living while being alive or at the very least give good enough answers as to why suffering exists at all. It all feels like a pointless sisyphus charade where we're all seeking something that doesn't really exist. I ask why does life even exist to begin with if the only true solution to all this pointless suffering is death? Why couldn't it all just stay as nonexistence forever? If there was nothing before we were born and if there's nothing after we're all dead, then why exist at all to begin with? Every painful thing we all go through is ultimately for nothing. We are given no reason or why we exist, no answers to our problems, and all we get is silence. Nothing or no one is coming to give us a satisfiable answer or solution to all this suffering. Even though I want to die so fucking bad, sometimes I hate that death is the only true answer. At least then I'll stop asking why.
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Oct 1, 2018
There is nothing.
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Nov 5, 2022
I understand. I sometimes think about the fact that we are non-existent before life and then again after it, which sort of makes me feel like non-existence is more fitting to be called the default state assuming it lasts an indefinite amount of time or something like that. I don't know, maybe it's a half baked idea but it's something that this post reminded me of.

I feel like if one doesn't believe in god or some kind of spiritual concept, it sort of comes down to what value you personally assign to your life and what you feel to be meaningful. It can definitely change over time. I suspect that for some of us, it can be hard to see meaning in anything if we're constantly miserable whether we believe there is a justifying purpose/meaning or not.

Anyway, I don't know if that's interesting, relevant, or helpful in anyway but I just figured I'd reply with some random thoughts. I'm really sorry you're struggling.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
I then ask myself constantly why is death the only true solution? Why is there nothing we can do while alive?
I used to struggle with this question an awful lot. To some degree, I still do. For me, I realize that I live in a social context. I'm within a situation that I didn't create. This was all old when I came to be in it. The human had evolved to be what it is long before I came to embody and give a consciousness to one of its forms. I had no choice nor control over coming to this life. The rules, laws, rituals, and customs (spoken and unspoken) were already in place. The social systems and the controllers of them were already in place. The human had already organized itself in the ways that it wished to deal with itself. I have no control over any of this. Therefore, I can't worry about it. I tried to fit within all of it. I tried to find my place within it. I've learned that I don't have a place within it. My energy/soul/whatever I am... is not natural to this construct. I'm a change agent. I'm alien in some way. I'm different. This reality tends to reject ANYTHING different from what it has created. This is expressed through its creatures.

So, for me to try and find meaning in it is futile and tiresome. My energy is better served expressing myself the best way I can, and then honing the nerve to exit this reality. Since blood and suffering are the currency that this life demands, leaving this reality will cost a huge toll of those things. I think that this reality WANTS to make sense and have a meaning. However, to the sane soul, it doesn't. I will never have a meaning. I don't say that from a nihilist perspective (I honestly think very low of nihilism), but from my own understanding and experience. This life seems to have spirit of wanting to matter, because ultimately it doesn't matter. If that makes sense. The more I tried to find a meaning for my life, the less actual meaning I found. I've finally rationalized this in my mind by just believing my own experiences. That stopped me from asking 'why' so much. I still catch myself asking on occasion. However, within my soul, I understand that this has no meaning.
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Apr 15, 2022
There is nothing. There is something. Who really knows? Some people do try and and find solutions to correct their situation while they're still alive. For one reason or another, others can't find the solutions to their problems while some can.
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Dec 15, 2021
Who knows, the only thing i know is that death has become like a purpose, i know somehow its the way, it's something you have to do to level up
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think in many ways- our ability to think and contemplate our existence is our biggest downfall. I guess I can see why it gave us an evolutionary edge to begin with but I think many of us just get bogged down with it.

I guess I see it two ways- either there is a God- in which case- there is something responsible for all this- so- it seems reasonable to then ask why it has been designed like this- with so much suffering. If there isn't a God though- if it's all just chance- then- there doesn't really need to be a reason why- it's just stuff that happens.

I think our problem as humans is- we analyse all the time. Put it this way- the mind is just a tool. It wants to figure stuff out. We can use it usefully to set it on doing tasks, learning new things, solving problems that have answers. So many big questions in life don't have answers though. There may not actually be a reason behind any of this. It could all just be chance. We could all have evolved from a series of mistakes that gave us an edge and became predominant.

If there isn't a concrete answer and we can't settle on a particular belief- why do we torment ourselves asking the same questions over and over? I wonder if it is to do with our culture... we are taught to introspect all the time. Plus- because we are able to reason and find stuff out and I guess- because we have such an acute sense of our superiority in the world- we feel like we are owed answers. What if we're not though? What if there aren't answers- or- what if there is a bigger spiritual plan but we either don't have the brain power to grasp it- or- it's part of the 'plan' for us not to know?

I don't know really. I think a lot depends on whether you believe in a creator of this world- because that does seem to signify an intention for it to be like this. I think it's one of the reasons I'm more in the atheist camp now- if there is a God- I don't see how they're not a sadist. It's actually more comfortable for me to believe there's nothing. That this has just all come about by chance.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Of course death is the only true answer as we are destined for nowhere but to not exist anyway with everything finally forgotten about. Life is just an insignifcant cycle of meaningless and unnecessary suffering that is just an unfortunate consequence of evolution, and of course the only reason why humans question this as they were burdened with the ability to be aware.

But it's true that life should never exist in the first place, it's the true tragedy how there is something instead of nothing, nothingness is ideal and it's perfection to me to be completely unaware of this world. Life in itself is the true problem that only can be solved by death, as death is the complete absence of everything, all that we are doing as humans is just waiting around to die with only suffering, decay and loss being inevitable for us. At least to me it's always preferable to not exist, existence is just a unnecessary harm.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Although I know that free will does not exist in the universe, can you imagine that outside of it, before we were 'loaded' into the world, we had decided how we wanted our life to be?

The idea I've been tossing around lately is that we're just machines that collect data that is constantly mined and analyzed within a predetermined life experience. Once the body dies we are loaded into another body, so the only purpose we would have would be to "live" until we were no longer useful and were discarded in a landfill beyond the void.

But if the life we live had been chosen beforehand by us,... maybe we are just students taking an exam we don't know the questions for and we have to learn as we go.


Tot i que sé que no existeix el lliure albir dins l'univers, us imagineu que fora d'aquest, abans de ser 'carregats' al món, haguessim decidit com voliem que fos la nostra vida?

La idea a la qual li dono voltes últimament és que només sóm màquines que recollim dades que són extretes i analitzades constantment dins una experiència de vida predeterminada. Un cop el cos es mor ens carreguen en un altre cos, així que l'únic propósit que tindríem sería "viure" fins que no fossim útils i ens desballestessin en un abocador més enllà del buit.

Però si la vida que vivim l'haguessim escollit previament nosaltres,... potser només sóm estudiants fent un exàmen del qual no sabem les preguntes i hem d'aprendre sobre la marxa.
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Dec 15, 2021
can you imagine that outside of it, before we were 'loaded' into the world, we had decided how we wanted our life to be?
I don't think this is the case for the users here but often look around and see patterns in both lucky and very unlucky people. Who knows.
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